Class MiscellaneousUtil

  extended by org.apache.synapse.securevault.commons.MiscellaneousUtil

public class MiscellaneousUtil
extends Object

TODO - This is a copy of class in synapse commons

Method Summary
static byte[] asBytes(InputStream in)
static String getProperty(Properties properties, String name, String defaultValue)
          Helper method to get the value of the property from a given property bag
<T> T
getProperty(Properties properties, String name, T defaultValue, Class<? extends T> type)
          Helper method to get the value of the property from a given property bag This method will return a value with the type equal to the type given by the Class type parameter.
static Properties loadProperties(String filePath)
          Loads the properties from a given property file path
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static String getProperty(Properties properties,
                                 String name,
                                 String defaultValue)
Helper method to get the value of the property from a given property bag

properties - The property collection
name - The name of the property
defaultValue - The default value for the property
The value of the property if it is found , otherwise , default value


public static <T> T getProperty(Properties properties,
                                String name,
                                T defaultValue,
                                Class<? extends T> type)
Helper method to get the value of the property from a given property bag This method will return a value with the type equal to the type given by the Class type parameter. Therefore, The user of this method can ensure that he is get what he request

properties - Properties bag
name - Name of the property
defaultValue - Default value
type - Expected Type using Class
Value corresponding to the given property name


public static Properties loadProperties(String filePath)
Loads the properties from a given property file path

filePath - Path of the property file
Properties loaded from given file


public static byte[] asBytes(InputStream in)

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