Interface Endpoint

All Superinterfaces:
ManagedLifecycle, Nameable, SynapseArtifact
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEndpoint, AddressEndpoint, DefaultEndpoint, DynamicLoadbalanceEndpoint, FailoverEndpoint, IndirectEndpoint, LoadbalanceEndpoint, RecipientListEndpoint, ResolvingEndpoint, SALoadbalanceEndpoint, TemplateEndpoint, WSDLEndpoint

public interface Endpoint
extends ManagedLifecycle, SynapseArtifact, Nameable

Endpoint defines the behavior common to all Synapse endpoints. Synapse endpoints should be able to send the given Synapse message context, rather than just providing the information for sending the message. The task a particular endpoint does in its send(...) method is specific to the endpoint. For example a loadbalance endpoint may choose another endpoint using its load balance policy and call its send(...) method while an address endpoint (leaf level) may send the message to an actual endpoint url. Endpoints may contain zero or more endpoints in them and build up a hierarchical structure of endpoints.

Method Summary
 List<Endpoint> getChildren()
          Get the children of this endpoint
 EndpointContext getContext()
          Get the EndpointContext that has the run-time state of this endpoint
 String getErrorHandler()
          Get the MessageStore name associated with the Endpoint
 String getFileName()
          Get the filename from which this endpoint is loaded, null if it is an anonymous endpoint
 EndpointView getMetricsMBean()
          Get a reference to the metrics MBean for this endpoint
 boolean isInitialized()
          Has this Endpoint initialized?
 void onChildEndpointFail(Endpoint endpoint, MessageContext synMessageContext)
          Endpoints that contain other endpoints should implement this method.
 void onSuccess()
          An event notification whenever endpoint invocation is successful Can be used to clear a timeout status etc
 boolean readyToSend()
          Returns true to indicate that the endpoint is ready to service requests
 void send(MessageContext synMessageContext)
          Sends the message context according to an endpoint specific behavior.
 void setErrorHandler(String onFaultMessageStore)
          Set the Message Store name associated with the Endpoint
 void setFileName(String fileName)
          Set the filename from which the endpoint is loaded
 void setParentEndpoint(Endpoint parentEndpoint)
          Sets the parent endpoint for the current endpoint.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.synapse.ManagedLifecycle
destroy, init
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.synapse.SynapseArtifact
getDescription, setDescription
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.synapse.Nameable
getName, setName

Method Detail


void send(MessageContext synMessageContext)
Sends the message context according to an endpoint specific behavior.

synMessageContext - MessageContext to be sent.


void onChildEndpointFail(Endpoint endpoint,
                         MessageContext synMessageContext)
Endpoints that contain other endpoints should implement this method. It will be called if a child endpoint causes an exception. Action to be taken on such failure is up to the implementation. But it is good practice to first try addressing the issue. If it can't be addressed propagate the exception to parent endpoint by calling parent endpoint's onChildEndpointFail(...) method.

endpoint - The child endpoint which caused the exception.
synMessageContext - MessageContext that was used in the failed attempt.


void setParentEndpoint(Endpoint parentEndpoint)
Sets the parent endpoint for the current endpoint.

parentEndpoint - parent endpoint containing this endpoint. It should handle the onChildEndpointFail(...) callback.


void onSuccess()
An event notification whenever endpoint invocation is successful Can be used to clear a timeout status etc


boolean readyToSend()
Returns true to indicate that the endpoint is ready to service requests

true if endpoint is ready to service requests


boolean isInitialized()
Has this Endpoint initialized?

true if the endpoint is initialized


EndpointContext getContext()
Get the EndpointContext that has the run-time state of this endpoint

the runtime context


List<Endpoint> getChildren()
Get the children of this endpoint

the child endpoints


EndpointView getMetricsMBean()
Get a reference to the metrics MBean for this endpoint

EndpointView instance


String getFileName()
Get the filename from which this endpoint is loaded, null if it is an anonymous endpoint

String file name


void setFileName(String fileName)
Set the filename from which the endpoint is loaded

fileName - from which the endpoint is loaded


String getErrorHandler()
Get the MessageStore name associated with the Endpoint

String message store name


void setErrorHandler(String onFaultMessageStore)
Set the Message Store name associated with the Endpoint

onFaultMessageStore, - name of the message store

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