Uses of Interface

Packages that use StartupFactory
org.apache.synapse.config.xml Factories and serializers for XML based configuration. 

Uses of StartupFactory in org.apache.synapse.config.xml

Methods in org.apache.synapse.config.xml that return types with arguments of type StartupFactory
 Map<QName,Class<? extends StartupFactory>> StartupFinder.getFactoryMap()

Uses of StartupFactory in org.apache.synapse.startup.quartz

Classes in org.apache.synapse.startup.quartz that implement StartupFactory
 class SimpleQuartzFactory
          <task class="" name="string"> <description>description in text</description> <property name="stringProp" value="String"/> <property name="xmlProp"> <somexml>config</somexml> </property> <trigger ([[count="10"]? interval="1000"] | [cron="0 * 1 * * ?"] | [once=(true | false)])/> </task>

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