Class PropertyHelper

  extended by org.apache.synapse.config.xml.PropertyHelper

public class PropertyHelper
extends Object

This class will be used as a Helper class to get the properties loaded while building the Synapse Configuration from the XML

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean isStaticProperty(OMElement property)
          This method will check the given OMElement represent either a static property or not
static void setInstanceProperty(String name, Object val, Object obj)
          Find and invoke the setter method with the name of form setXXX passing in the value given on the POJO object
static void setStaticProperty(OMElement property, Object o)
          This method will set the static property discribed in the OMElement to the specified object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PropertyHelper()
Method Detail


public static void setInstanceProperty(String name,
                                       Object val,
                                       Object obj)
Find and invoke the setter method with the name of form setXXX passing in the value given on the POJO object

name - name of the setter field
val - value to be set
obj - POJO instance


public static void setStaticProperty(OMElement property,
                                     Object o)
This method will set the static property discribed in the OMElement to the specified object. This Object should have the setter method for the specified property name

property - - OMElement specifying the property to be built in to the object
o - - Object to which the specified property will be set.


public static boolean isStaticProperty(OMElement property)
This method will check the given OMElement represent either a static property or not

property - - OMElement to be checked for the static property
boolean true if the elemet represents a static property element false otherwise

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