Interface Startup

All Superinterfaces:
ManagedLifecycle, Nameable, SynapseArtifact
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStartup, SimpleQuartz

public interface Startup
extends ManagedLifecycle, Nameable, SynapseArtifact

This startup interface will be instantiated to create startup tasks.

Method Summary
 String getFileName()
          Returns the name of the file where this startup is defined
 QName getTagQName()
          This will return the configuration tag QName of the implemented startup
 void setFileName(String fileName)
          Set the name of the file name where this startup is defined
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.synapse.ManagedLifecycle
destroy, init
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.synapse.Nameable
getName, setName
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.synapse.SynapseArtifact
getDescription, setDescription

Method Detail


QName getTagQName()
This will return the configuration tag QName of the implemented startup

QName representing the configuration element for the startup


String getFileName()
Returns the name of the file where this startup is defined

a file name as a string or null


void setFileName(String fileName)
Set the name of the file name where this startup is defined

fileName - the name of the file as a string

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