Dirent fields

It is sometimes convenient to indicate which parts of an svn_dirent_t object you are actually interested in, so that calculating and sending the data corresponding to the other fields can be avoided. More...


#define SVN_DIRENT_KIND   0x00001
 An indication that you are interested in the kind field.
#define SVN_DIRENT_SIZE   0x00002
 An indication that you are interested in the size field.
#define SVN_DIRENT_HAS_PROPS   0x00004
 An indication that you are interested in the has_props field.
#define SVN_DIRENT_CREATED_REV   0x00008
 An indication that you are interested in the created_rev field.
#define SVN_DIRENT_TIME   0x00010
 An indication that you are interested in the time field.
#define SVN_DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR   0x00020
 An indication that you are interested in the last_author field.
#define SVN_DIRENT_ALL   ~((apr_uint32_t ) 0)
 A combination of all the dirent fields.

Detailed Description

It is sometimes convenient to indicate which parts of an svn_dirent_t object you are actually interested in, so that calculating and sending the data corresponding to the other fields can be avoided.

These values can be used for that purpose.