Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.struts.util
org.apache.struts.action The action package is the core of the struts framework, providing the "Controller" aspect of a MVC model. 
org.apache.struts.actions The actions package provides special adapters between the incoming HTTP request and the corresponding business logic. 
org.apache.struts.config The "config" package contains configuration objects that correspond to elements that may be specified in the struts-config.xml module configuration file. 
org.apache.struts.taglib.bean The "struts-bean" tag library contains JSP custom tags useful in defining new beans (in any desired scope) from a variety of possible sources, as well as a tag to render a particular bean (or bean property) to the output response. 
org.apache.struts.taglib.html The "struts-html" tag library contains JSP custom tags useful in creating dynamic HTML user interfaces, including input forms. 
org.apache.struts.taglib.logic The "struts-logic" tag library contains tags that are useful in managing conditional generation of output text, looping over object collections for repetitive generation of output text, and application flow management. 
org.apache.struts.util The Utilities package provides a variety of families of classes, to solve problems that are commonly encountered in building web applications. 
org.apache.struts.validator The validator package provides a series of classes to validate ActionForm type of input. 

Classes in org.apache.struts.util used by org.apache.struts.action
          General purpose abstract class that describes an API for retrieving Locale-sensitive messages from underlying resource locations of an unspecified design, and optionally utilizing the MessageFormat class to produce internationalized messages with parametric replacement.
          TokenProcessor is responsible for handling all token related functionality.

Classes in org.apache.struts.util used by org.apache.struts.actions
          General purpose abstract class that describes an API for retrieving Locale-sensitive messages from underlying resource locations of an unspecified design, and optionally utilizing the MessageFormat class to produce internationalized messages with parametric replacement.

Classes in org.apache.struts.util used by org.apache.struts.config
          General purpose abstract class that describes an API for retrieving Locale-sensitive messages from underlying resource locations of an unspecified design, and optionally utilizing the MessageFormat class to produce internationalized messages with parametric replacement.

Classes in org.apache.struts.util used by org.apache.struts.taglib.bean
          General purpose abstract class that describes an API for retrieving Locale-sensitive messages from underlying resource locations of an unspecified design, and optionally utilizing the MessageFormat class to produce internationalized messages with parametric replacement.

Classes in org.apache.struts.util used by org.apache.struts.taglib.html
          General purpose abstract class that describes an API for retrieving Locale-sensitive messages from underlying resource locations of an unspecified design, and optionally utilizing the MessageFormat class to produce internationalized messages with parametric replacement.

Classes in org.apache.struts.util used by org.apache.struts.taglib.logic
          General purpose abstract class that describes an API for retrieving Locale-sensitive messages from underlying resource locations of an unspecified design, and optionally utilizing the MessageFormat class to produce internationalized messages with parametric replacement.

Classes in org.apache.struts.util used by org.apache.struts.util
          General purpose abstract class that describes an API for retrieving Locale-sensitive messages from underlying resource locations of an unspecified design, and optionally utilizing the MessageFormat class to produce internationalized messages with parametric replacement.
          Factory for MessageResources instances.
          Used for specialized exception handling.
          TokenProcessor is responsible for handling all token related functionality.

Classes in org.apache.struts.util used by org.apache.struts.validator
          General purpose abstract class that describes an API for retrieving Locale-sensitive messages from underlying resource locations of an unspecified design, and optionally utilizing the MessageFormat class to produce internationalized messages with parametric replacement.

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