Interface PlugIn

All Known Implementing Classes:
ModuleConfigVerifier, TilesPlugin, ValidatorPlugIn

public interface PlugIn

A PlugIn is a configuration wrapper for a module-specific resource or service that needs to be notified about application startup and application shutdown events (corresponding to when the container calls init() and destroy() on the corresponding ActionServlet instance). PlugIn Actions can be configured in the struts-config.xml file, without the need to subclass ActionServlet simply to perform application lifecycle activities.

Implementations of this interface must supply a zero-argument constructor for use by ActionServlet. Configuration can be accomplished by providing standard JavaBeans property setter methods, which will all have been called before the init() method is invoked.

Struts 1.1
$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/08/22 08:14:18 $
Craig R. McClanahan

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Receive notification that our owning module is being shut down.
 void init(ActionServlet servlet, ModuleConfig config)
          Receive notification that the specified module is being started up.

Method Detail


public void destroy()

Receive notification that our owning module is being shut down.


public void init(ActionServlet servlet,
                 ModuleConfig config)
          throws javax.servlet.ServletException

Receive notification that the specified module is being started up.

servlet - ActionServlet that is managing all the modules in this web application
config - ModuleConfig for the module with which this plug-in is associated
javax.servlet.ServletException - if this PlugIn cannot be successfully initialized

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