Class ActionMessages

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ActionMessages
extends java.lang.Object

A class that encapsulates messages. Messages can be either global or they are specific to a particular bean property.

Each individual message is described by an ActionMessage object, which contains a message key (to be looked up in an appropriate message resources database), and up to four placeholder arguments used for parametric substitution in the resulting message.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE - It is assumed that these objects are created and manipulated only within the context of a single thread. Therefore, no synchronization is required for access to internal collections.

Struts 1.1
$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/08/22 08:14:18 $
David Geary, Craig R. McClanahan, David Winterfeldt, David Graham
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected  class ActionMessages.ActionMessageItem
          This class is used to store a set of messages associated with a property/key and the position it was initially added to list.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String GLOBAL_MESSAGE
          The "property name" marker to use for global messages, as opposed to those related to a specific property.
protected  int iCount
          The current number of the property/key being added.
protected  java.util.HashMap messages
          The accumulated set of ActionMessage objects (represented as an ArrayList) for each property, keyed by property name.
Constructor Summary
          Create an empty ActionMessages object.
ActionMessages(ActionMessages messages)
          Create an ActionMessages object initialized with the given messages.
Method Summary
 void add(ActionMessages messages)
          Adds the messages from the given ActionMessages object to this set of messages.
 void add(java.lang.String property, ActionMessage message)
          Add a message to the set of messages for the specified property.
 void clear()
          Clear all messages recorded by this object.
 boolean empty()
          Deprecated. Use isEmpty instead.
 java.util.Iterator get()
          Return the set of all recorded messages, without distinction by which property the messages are associated with.
 java.util.Iterator get(java.lang.String property)
          Return the set of messages related to a specific property.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Return true if there are no messages recorded in this collection, or false otherwise.
 java.util.Iterator properties()
          Return the set of property names for which at least one message has been recorded.
 int size()
          Return the number of messages recorded for all properties (including global messages).
 int size(java.lang.String property)
          Return the number of messages associated with the specified property.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String GLOBAL_MESSAGE
The "property name" marker to use for global messages, as opposed to those related to a specific property.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected java.util.HashMap messages
The accumulated set of ActionMessage objects (represented as an ArrayList) for each property, keyed by property name.


protected int iCount
The current number of the property/key being added. This is used to maintain the order messages are added.

Constructor Detail


public ActionMessages()
Create an empty ActionMessages object.


public ActionMessages(ActionMessages messages)
Create an ActionMessages object initialized with the given messages.

messages - The messages to be initially added to this object. This parameter can be null.
Struts 1.1
Method Detail


public void add(java.lang.String property,
                ActionMessage message)
Add a message to the set of messages for the specified property. An order of the property/key is maintained based on the initial addition of the property/key.

property - Property name (or ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE)
message - The message to be added


public void add(ActionMessages messages)
Adds the messages from the given ActionMessages object to this set of messages. The messages are added in the order they are returned from the properties() method. If a message's property is already in the current ActionMessages object it is added to the end of the list for that property. If a message's property is not in the current list it is added to the end of the properties.

messages - The ActionMessages object to be added. This parameter can be null.
Struts 1.1


public void clear()
Clear all messages recorded by this object.


public boolean empty()
Deprecated. Use isEmpty instead.

Return true if there are no messages recorded in this collection, or false otherwise.


public boolean isEmpty()
Return true if there are no messages recorded in this collection, or false otherwise.

Struts 1.1


public java.util.Iterator get()
Return the set of all recorded messages, without distinction by which property the messages are associated with. If there are no messages recorded, an empty enumeration is returned.


public java.util.Iterator get(java.lang.String property)
Return the set of messages related to a specific property. If there are no such messages, an empty enumeration is returned.

property - Property name (or ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE)


public java.util.Iterator properties()
Return the set of property names for which at least one message has been recorded. If there are no messages, an empty Iterator is returned. If you have recorded global messages, the String value of ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE will be one of the returned property names.


public int size()
Return the number of messages recorded for all properties (including global messages). NOTE - it is more efficient to call empty() if all you care about is whether or not there are any messages at all.


public int size(java.lang.String property)
Return the number of messages associated with the specified property.

property - Property name (or ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE)

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