Struts Validator
 Validation Framework for Struts
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The Validation Framework is now based on the Commons Validator ( Everything should work as it previously had with Struts. It can perform basic validations to check if a field is required, matches a regular expression, email, credit card, and server side type checking and date validation. Different validation rules can be defined for different locales. The framework has basic support for user defined constants which can be used in some field attributes. The validation routines are modifiable in the validation.xml file so custom validation routines can be created and added to the framework.

There is an optional config-rules parameter that the ValdidatorServlet can take. This allows you to store your validator rules (validator definitions) in a separate file. The standard file is available in the dist directory and is named validator-rules.xml.

Feedback on bugs and suggestions are welcome.

Update 1/14/2002

  • Upgraded to use Commons Validator (
  • Packages changed to fall under org.apache.struts.validator.
  • Documentation updated
  • Custom JSP Tags except for JavascriptValidatorTag have been removed.
  • GenericAction class and JDBC example have been removed.
  • Added config-rules parameter to the ValidatorServlet so validation rules could be stored in a separate xml file. The config parameter file can still contain rules. The file specified by config-rules will be loaded first so the file specified by config can define or override any validator elements necessary.

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