Package pyspark :: Package mllib :: Module random :: Class RandomRDDs
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Class RandomRDDs

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Generator methods for creating RDDs comprised of i.i.d samples from some distribution.

Static Methods
uniformRDD(sc, size, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Generates an RDD comprised of i.i.d.
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normalRDD(sc, size, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Generates an RDD comprised of i.i.d.
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poissonRDD(sc, mean, size, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Generates an RDD comprised of i.i.d.
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uniformVectorRDD(sc, numRows, numCols, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Generates an RDD comprised of vectors containing i.i.d.
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normalVectorRDD(sc, numRows, numCols, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Generates an RDD comprised of vectors containing i.i.d.
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poissonVectorRDD(sc, mean, numRows, numCols, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Generates an RDD comprised of vectors containing i.i.d.
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Method Details

uniformRDD(sc, size, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Static Method

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Generates an RDD comprised of i.i.d. samples from the uniform distribution U(0.0, 1.0).

To transform the distribution in the generated RDD from U(0.0, 1.0) to U(a, b), use RandomRDDs.uniformRDD(sc, n, p, seed) .map(lambda v: a + (b - a) * v)

>>> x = RandomRDDs.uniformRDD(sc, 100).collect()
>>> len(x)
>>> max(x) <= 1.0 and min(x) >= 0.0
>>> RandomRDDs.uniformRDD(sc, 100, 4).getNumPartitions()
>>> parts = RandomRDDs.uniformRDD(sc, 100, seed=4).getNumPartitions()
>>> parts == sc.defaultParallelism

normalRDD(sc, size, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Static Method

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Generates an RDD comprised of i.i.d. samples from the standard normal distribution.

To transform the distribution in the generated RDD from standard normal to some other normal N(mean, sigma^2), use RandomRDDs.normal(sc, n, p, seed) .map(lambda v: mean + sigma * v)

>>> x = RandomRDDs.normalRDD(sc, 1000, seed=1L)
>>> stats = x.stats()
>>> stats.count()
>>> abs(stats.mean() - 0.0) < 0.1
>>> abs(stats.stdev() - 1.0) < 0.1

poissonRDD(sc, mean, size, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Static Method

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Generates an RDD comprised of i.i.d. samples from the Poisson distribution with the input mean.

>>> mean = 100.0
>>> x = RandomRDDs.poissonRDD(sc, mean, 1000, seed=1L)
>>> stats = x.stats()
>>> stats.count()
>>> abs(stats.mean() - mean) < 0.5
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> abs(stats.stdev() - sqrt(mean)) < 0.5

uniformVectorRDD(sc, numRows, numCols, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Static Method

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Generates an RDD comprised of vectors containing i.i.d. samples drawn from the uniform distribution U(0.0, 1.0).

>>> import numpy as np
>>> mat = np.matrix(RandomRDDs.uniformVectorRDD(sc, 10, 10).collect())
>>> mat.shape
(10, 10)
>>> mat.max() <= 1.0 and mat.min() >= 0.0
>>> RandomRDDs.uniformVectorRDD(sc, 10, 10, 4).getNumPartitions()

normalVectorRDD(sc, numRows, numCols, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Static Method

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Generates an RDD comprised of vectors containing i.i.d. samples drawn from the standard normal distribution.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> mat = np.matrix(RandomRDDs.normalVectorRDD(sc, 100, 100, seed=1L).collect())
>>> mat.shape
(100, 100)
>>> abs(mat.mean() - 0.0) < 0.1
>>> abs(mat.std() - 1.0) < 0.1

poissonVectorRDD(sc, mean, numRows, numCols, numPartitions=None, seed=None)
Static Method

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Generates an RDD comprised of vectors containing i.i.d. samples drawn from the Poisson distribution with the input mean.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> mean = 100.0
>>> rdd = RandomRDDs.poissonVectorRDD(sc, mean, 100, 100, seed=1L)
>>> mat = np.mat(rdd.collect())
>>> mat.shape
(100, 100)
>>> abs(mat.mean() - mean) < 0.5
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> abs(mat.std() - sqrt(mean)) < 0.5