FeedForward Net

Nerual net class for constructing the nets using layers and providing access functions for net info, e.g., parameters.

Example usages:

from singa import net as ffnet
from singa import metric
from singa import loss
from singa import layer
from singa import device

# create net and add layers
net = ffnet.FeedForwardNet(loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropy(), metric.Accuracy())
net.add(layer.Conv2D('conv1', 32, 5, 1, input_sample_shape=(3,32,32,)))
net.add(layer.MaxPooling2D('pool1', 3, 2))
net.add(layer.Dense('dense', 10))

# init parameters
for p in net.param_values():
    if len(p.shape) == 0:
        p.gaussian(0, 0.01)

# move net onto gpu
dev = device.create_cuda_gpu()

# training (skipped)

# do prediction after training
x = tensor.Tensor((2, 3, 32, 32), dev)
x.uniform(-1, 1)
y = net.predict(x)
print tensor.to_numpy(y)
class singa.net.FeedForwardNet(loss=None, metric=None)

Bases: object


Move the net onto the given device, including all parameters and intermediate data.

add(lyr, src=None)

Append a layer into the layer list.

This function will get the sample shape from the src layers to setup the newly added layer. For the first layer, it is setup outside. The calling function should ensure the correctness of the layer order. If src is None, the last layer is the src layer. If there are multiple src layers, the src is a list of the src layers.

  • lyr (Layer) – the layer to be added
  • src (Layer) – the source layer of lyr

Return a list of tensors for all parameters


Return a list of ParamSpec for all parameters


Return a list for the names of all params

train(x, y)

Run BP for one iteration.

Currently only support nets with a single output layer, and a single loss objective and metric. TODO(wangwei) consider multiple loss objectives and metrics.

  • x – input data, a single input Tensor or a dict: layer name -> Tensor
  • y – label data, a single input Tensor.

gradients of parameters and the loss and metric values.

evaluate(x, y)

Evaluate the loss and metric of the given data.

Currently only support nets with a single output layer, and a single loss objective and metric. TODO(wangwei) consider multiple loss objectives and metrics.

  • x – input data, a single input Tensor or a dict: layer name -> Tensor
  • y – label data, a single input Tensor.

Forward the input data through each layer to get the values of the output layers.

Currently only support nets with a single output layer

Parameters:x – input data, a single input Tensor or a dict: layer name -> Tensor
Returns:a single output tensor as the prediction result.
topo_sort(layers, src_of_layer)

Topology sort of layers.

It would try to preserve the orders of the input layers.

  • layers – a list of layers; the layers from the output of the same layer (e.g., slice layer) should be added by users in correct order; This function would not change their order.
  • src_of_layer – a dictionary: src layer name -> a list of src layers

A list of ordered layer

forward(flag, x, output=[])

Forward the input(s) through every layer.

If a layer has inputs from other layers and from x, the data from x is ordered before the data from other layers, e.g., if layer 1 -> layer 2, and x[‘layer 2’] has data, then the input of layer 2 is flatten([x[‘layer 2’], output of layer 1])

  • flag – True for training; False for evaluation; could also be model_pb2.kTrain or model_pb2.kEval, or other values for future use.
  • x – a single SINGA tensor or a dictionary: layer name-> singa tensor
  • output (list) – a list of layer names whose output would be returned in addition to the default output

if there is only one output layer, return its output tensor(s); else return a dictionary: layer name -> output tensor(s)


Run back-propagation after forward-propagation.

Returns:a list of gradient tensor for all parameters
save(f, buffer_size=10, use_pickle=False)

Save model parameters using io/snapshot.

  • f – file name
  • buffer_size – size (MB) of the IO, default setting is 10MB; Please make sure it is larger than any single parameter object.
  • use_pickle (Boolean) – if true, it would use pickle for dumping; otherwise, it would use protobuf for serialization, which uses less space.
load(f, buffer_size=10, use_pickle=False)

Load model parameters using io/snapshot.

Please refer to the argument description in save().