
Python API

Python layers wrap the C++ layers to provide simpler construction APIs.

Example usages:

from singa import layer
from singa import tensor
from singa import device

layer.engine = 'cudnn'  # to use cudnn layers
dev = device.create_cuda_gpu()

# create a convolution layer
conv = layer.Conv2D('conv', 32, 3, 1, pad=1, input_sample_shape=(3, 32, 32))
conv.to_device(dev)  # move the layer data onto a CudaGPU device
x = tensor.Tensor((3, 32, 32), dev)
x.uniform(-1, 1)
y = conv.foward(True, x)

dy = tensor.Tensor()
# dp is a list of tensors for parameter gradients
dx, dp = conv.backward(kTrain, dy)
singa.layer.engine = 'cudnn'

engine is the prefix of layer identifier.

The value could be one of [‘cudnn’, ‘singacpp’, ‘singacuda’, ‘singacl’], for layers implemented using the cudnn library, Cpp, Cuda and OpenCL respectively. For example, CudnnConvolution layer is identified by ‘cudnn_convolution’; ‘singacpp_convolution’ is for Convolution layer; Some layers’ implementation use only Tensor functions, thererfore they are transparent to the underlying devices. For threse layers, they would have multiple identifiers, e.g., singacpp_dropout, singacuda_dropout and singacl_dropout are all for the Dropout layer. In addition, it has an extra identifier ‘singa’, i.e. ‘singa_dropout’ also stands for the Dropout layer.

engine is case insensitive. Each python layer would create the correct specific layer using the engine attribute.

class singa.layer.Layer(name, conf=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Base Python layer class.

Typically, the life cycle of a layer instance includes:
  1. construct layer without input_sample_shapes, goto 2; construct layer with input_sample_shapes, goto 3;
  2. call setup to create the parameters and setup other meta fields
  3. call forward or access layer members
  4. call backward and get parameters for update
Parameters:name (str) – layer name

Call the C++ setup function to create params and set some meta data.

Parameters:in_shapes – if the layer accepts a single input Tensor, in_shapes is a single tuple specifying the inpute Tensor shape; if the layer accepts multiple input Tensor (e.g., the concatenation layer), in_shapes is a tuple of tuples, each for one input Tensor

Create a singa layer based on caffe layer configuration.


Called after setup to get the shape of the output sample(s).

Returns:a tuple for a single output Tensor or a list of tuples if this layer has multiple outputs
Returns:a list of strings, one for the name of one parameter Tensor

Return param value tensors.

Parameter tensors are not stored as layer members because cpp Tensor could be moved onto diff devices due to the change of layer device, which would result in inconsistency.

Returns:a list of tensors, one for each paramter
forward(flag, x)

Forward propagate through this layer.

  • flag – True (kTrain) for training (kEval); False for evaluating; other values for furture use.
  • x (Tensor or list<Tensor>) – an input tensor if the layer is connected from a single layer; a list of tensors if the layer is connected from multiple layers.

a tensor if the layer is connected to a single layer; a list of tensors if the layer is connected to multiple layers;

backward(flag, dy)

Backward propagate gradients through this layer.

  • flag (int) – for future use.
  • dy (Tensor or list<Tensor>) – the gradient tensor(s) y w.r.t the objective loss

<dx, <dp1, dp2..>>, dx is a (set of) tensor(s) for the gradient of x , dpi is the gradient of the i-th parameter


Move layer state tensors onto the given device.

Parameters:device – swig converted device, created using singa.device
class singa.layer.Dummy(name, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

A dummy layer that does nothing but just forwards/backwards the data (the input/output is a single tensor).

forward(flag, x)

Return the input x

backward(falg, dy)

Return dy, []

class singa.layer.Conv2D(name, nb_kernels, kernel=3, stride=1, border_mode='same', cudnn_prefer='fatest', data_format='NCHW', use_bias=True, W_specs=None, b_specs=None, pad=None, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Construct a layer for 2D convolution.

  • nb_kernels (int) – num of the channels (kernels) of the input Tensor
  • kernel – an integer or a pair of integers for kernel height and width
  • stride – an integer or a pair of integers for stride height and width
  • border_mode (string) – padding mode, case in-sensitive, ‘valid’ -> padding is 0 for height and width ‘same’ -> padding is half of the kernel (floor), the kernel must be odd number.
  • cudnn_prefer (string) – the preferred algorithm for cudnn convolution which could be ‘fatest’, ‘autotune’, ‘limited_workspace’ and ‘no_workspace’
  • data_format (string) – either ‘NCHW’ or ‘NHWC’
  • use_bias (bool) – True or False
  • pad – an integer or a pair of integers for padding height and width
  • W_specs (dict) – used to specify the weight matrix specs, fields include, ‘name’ for parameter name ‘lr_mult’ for learning rate multiplier ‘decay_mult’ for weight decay multiplier ‘init’ for init method, which could be ‘gaussian’, ‘uniform’, ‘xavier’ and ‘’ ‘std’, ‘mean’, ‘high’, ‘low’ for corresponding init methods TODO(wangwei) ‘clamp’ for gradient constraint, value is scalar ‘regularizer’ for regularization, currently support ‘l2’
  • b_specs (dict) – hyper-parameters for bias vector, similar as W_specs
  • name (string) – layer name.
  • input_sample_shape – 3d tuple for the shape of the input Tensor without the batchsize, e.g., (channel, height, width) or (height, width, channel)
class singa.layer.Conv1D(name, nb_kernels, kernel=3, stride=1, border_mode='same', cudnn_prefer='fatest', use_bias=True, W_specs={'init': 'Xavier'}, b_specs={'init': 'Constant', 'value': 0}, pad=None, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Conv2D

Construct a layer for 1D convolution.

Most of the args are the same as those for Conv2D except the kernel, stride, pad, which is a scalar instead of a tuple. input_sample_shape is a tuple with a single value for the input feature length

class singa.layer.Pooling2D(name, mode, kernel=3, stride=2, border_mode='same', pad=None, data_format='NCHW', input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

2D pooling layer providing max/avg pooling.

All args are the same as those for Conv2D, except the following one

Parameters:mode – pooling type, model_pb2.PoolingConf.MAX or model_pb2.PoolingConf.AVE
class singa.layer.MaxPooling2D(name, kernel=3, stride=2, border_mode='same', pad=None, data_format='NCHW', input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Pooling2D

class singa.layer.AvgPooling2D(name, kernel=3, stride=2, border_mode='same', pad=None, data_format='NCHW', input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Pooling2D

class singa.layer.MaxPooling1D(name, kernel=3, stride=2, border_mode='same', pad=None, data_format='NCHW', input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.MaxPooling2D

class singa.layer.AvgPooling1D(name, kernel=3, stride=2, border_mode='same', pad=None, data_format='NCHW', input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.AvgPooling2D

class singa.layer.BatchNormalization(name, momentum=0.9, beta_specs=None, gamma_specs=None, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer


  • momentum (float) – for running average mean and variance.
  • beta_specs (dict) – dictionary includes the fields for the beta param: ‘name’ for parameter name ‘lr_mult’ for learning rate multiplier ‘decay_mult’ for weight decay multiplier ‘init’ for init method, which could be ‘gaussian’, ‘uniform’, ‘xavier’ and ‘’ ‘std’, ‘mean’, ‘high’, ‘low’ for corresponding init methods ‘clamp’ for gradient constraint, value is scalar ‘regularizer’ for regularization, currently support ‘l2’
  • gamma_specs (dict) – similar to beta_specs, but for the gamma param.
  • name (string) – layer name
  • input_sample_shape (tuple) – with at least one integer
class singa.layer.LRN(name, size=5, alpha=1, beta=0.75, mode='cross_channel', k=1, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Local response normalization.

  • size (int) – # of channels to be crossed normalization.
  • mode (string) – ‘cross_channel’
  • input_sample_shape (tuple) – 3d tuple, (channel, height, width)
class singa.layer.Dense(name, num_output, use_bias=True, W_specs=None, b_specs=None, W_transpose=False, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Apply linear/affine transformation, also called inner-product or fully connected layer.

  • num_output (int) – output feature length.
  • use_bias (bool) – add a bias vector or not to the transformed feature
  • W_specs (dict) – specs for the weight matrix ‘name’ for parameter name ‘lr_mult’ for learning rate multiplier ‘decay_mult’ for weight decay multiplier ‘init’ for init method, which could be ‘gaussian’, ‘uniform’, ‘xavier’ and ‘’ ‘std’, ‘mean’, ‘high’, ‘low’ for corresponding init methods ‘clamp’ for gradient constraint, value is scalar ‘regularizer’ for regularization, currently support ‘l2’
  • b_specs (dict) – specs for the bias vector, same fields as W_specs.
  • W_transpose (bool) – if true, output=x*W.T+b;
  • input_sample_shape (tuple) – input feature length
class singa.layer.Dropout(name, p=0.5, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Droput layer.

  • p (float) – probability for dropping out the element, i.e., set to 0
  • name (string) – layer name
class singa.layer.Activation(name, mode='relu', input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Activation layers.

  • name (string) – layer name
  • mode (string) – ‘relu’, ‘sigmoid’, or ‘tanh’
  • input_sample_shape (tuple) – shape of a single sample
class singa.layer.Softmax(name, axis=1, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Apply softmax.

  • axis (int) – reshape the input as a matrix with the dimension [0,axis) as the row, the [axis, -1) as the column.
  • input_sample_shape (tuple) – shape of a single sample
class singa.layer.Flatten(name, axis=1, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Reshape the input tensor into a matrix.

  • axis (int) – reshape the input as a matrix with the dimension [0,axis) as the row, the [axis, -1) as the column.
  • input_sample_shape (tuple) – shape for a single sample
class singa.layer.Merge(name, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Sum all input tensors.

Parameters:input_sample_shape – sample shape of the input. The sample shape of all inputs should be the same.
forward(flag, inputs)

Merge all input tensors by summation.

TODO(wangwei) do element-wise merge operations, e.g., avg, count :param flag: not used. :param inputs: a list of tensors

Returns:A single tensor as the sum of all input tensors
backward(flag, grad)

Replicate the grad for each input source layer.

Parameters:grad (Tensor) –
Returns:A list of replicated grad, one per source layer
class singa.layer.Split(name, num_output, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Replicate the input tensor.

  • num_output (int) – number of output tensors to generate.
  • input_sample_shape – includes a single integer for the input sample feature size.
forward(flag, input)

Replicate the input tensor into mutiple tensors.

  • flag – not used
  • input – a single input tensor

a list a output tensor (each one is a copy of the input)

backward(flag, grads)

Sum all grad tensors to generate a single output tensor.

Parameters:grads (list of Tensor) –
Returns:a single tensor as the sum of all grads
class singa.layer.Concat(name, axis, input_sample_shapes=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Concatenate tensors vertically (axis = 0) or horizontally (axis = 1).

Currently, only support tensors with 2 dimensions.

  • axis (int) – 0 for concat row; 1 for concat columns;
  • input_sample_shapes – a list of sample shape tuples, one per input tensor
forward(flag, inputs)

Concatenate all input tensors.

  • flag – same as Layer::forward()
  • input – a list of tensors

a single concatenated tensor

backward(flag, dy)

Backward propagate gradients through this layer.

  • flag – same as Layer::backward()
  • dy (Tensor) – the gradient tensors of y w.r.t objective loss

<dx, []>, dx is a list tensors for the gradient of the inputs; [] is an empty list.

class singa.layer.Slice(name, axis, slice_point, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Slice the input tensor into multiple sub-tensors vertially (axis=0) or horizontally (axis=1).

  • axis (int) – 0 for slice rows; 1 for slice columns;
  • slice_point (list) – positions along the axis to do slice; there are n-1 points for n sub-tensors;
  • input_sample_shape – input tensor sample shape
forward(flag, x)

Slice the input tensor on the given axis.

  • flag – same as Layer::forward()
  • x – a single input tensor

a list a output tensor

backward(flag, grads)

Concate all grad tensors to generate a single output tensor

  • flag – same as Layer::backward()
  • grads – a list of tensors, one for the gradient of one sliced tensor

a single tensor for the gradient of the original user, and an empty list.

class singa.layer.RNN(name, hidden_size, rnn_mode='lstm', dropout=0.0, num_stacks=1, input_mode='linear', bidirectional=False, param_specs=None, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.Layer

Recurrent layer with 4 types of units, namely lstm, gru, tanh and relu.

  • hidden_size – hidden feature size, the same for all stacks of layers.
  • rnn_mode – decides the rnn unit, which could be one of ‘lstm’, ‘gru’, ‘tanh’ and ‘relu’, refer to cudnn manual for each mode.
  • num_stacks – num of stacks of rnn layers. It is different to the unrolling seqence length.
  • input_mode – ‘linear’ convert the input feature x by by a linear transformation to get a feature vector of size hidden_size; ‘skip’ does nothing but requires the input feature size equals hidden_size
  • bidirection – True for bidirectional RNN
  • param_specs – config for initializing the RNN parameters.
  • input_sample_shape – includes a single integer for the input sample feature size.
forward(flag, inputs)

Forward inputs through the RNN.

  • flag – True(kTrain) for training; False(kEval) for evaluation; others values for future use.
  • <x1, x2,...xn, hx, cx>, where xi is the input tensor for the (inputs,) – i-th position, its shape is (batch_size, input_feature_length); the batch_size of xi must >= that of xi+1; hx is the initial hidden state of shape (num_stacks * bidirection?2:1, batch_size, hidden_size). cx is the initial cell state tensor of the same shape as hy. cx is valid for only lstm. For other RNNs there is no cx. Both hx and cx could be dummy tensors without shape and data.

<y1, y2, ... yn, hy, cy>, where yi is the output tensor for the i-th position, its shape is (batch_size, hidden_size * bidirection?2:1). hy is the final hidden state tensor. cx is the final cell state tensor. cx is only used for lstm.

backward(flag, grad)

Backward gradients through the RNN.

  • for future use. (flag,) –
  • <dy1, dy2,...dyn, dhy, dcy>, where dyi is the gradient for the (grad,) –
  • output, its shape is (batch_size, hidden_size*bidirection?2 (i-th) – 1); dhy is the gradient for the final hidden state, its shape is (num_stacks * bidirection?2:1, batch_size, hidden_size). dcy is the gradient for the final cell state. cx is valid only for lstm. For other RNNs there is no cx. Both dhy and dcy could be dummy tensors without shape and data.

<dx1, dx2, ... dxn, dhx, dcx>, where dxi is the gradient tensor for the i-th input, its shape is (batch_size, input_feature_length). dhx is the gradient for the initial hidden state. dcx is the gradient for the initial cell state, which is valid only for lstm.

class singa.layer.LSTM(name, hidden_size, dropout=0.0, num_stacks=1, input_mode='linear', bidirectional=False, param_specs=None, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.RNN

class singa.layer.GRU(name, hidden_size, dropout=0.0, num_stacks=1, input_mode='linear', bidirectional=False, param_specs=None, input_sample_shape=None)

Bases: singa.layer.RNN


Return a list of strings which include the identifiers (tags) of all supported layers