
For each SGD iteration, every worker calls the TrainOneBatch function to compute gradients of parameters associated with local layers (i.e., layers dispatched to it). SINGA has implemented two algorithms for the TrainOneBatch function. Users select the corresponding algorithm for their model in the configuration.

Basic user guide


BP algorithm is used for computing gradients of feed-forward models, e.g., CNN and MLP, and RNN models in SINGA.

# in job.conf
alg: kBP

To use the BP algorithm for the TrainOneBatch function, users just simply configure the alg field with kBP. If a neural net contains user-defined layers, these layers must be implemented properly be to consistent with the implementation of the BP algorithm in SINGA (see below).

Contrastive Divergence

CD algorithm is used for computing gradients of energy models like RBM.

# job.conf
alg: kCD
cd_conf {
  cd_k: 2

To use the CD algorithm for the TrainOneBatch function, users just configure the alg field to kCD. Uses can also configure the Gibbs sampling steps in the CD algorthm through the cd_k field. By default, it is set to 1.

Advanced user guide

Implementation of BP

The BP algorithm is implemented in SINGA following the below pseudo code,

BPTrainOnebatch(step, net) {
  // forward propagate
  foreach layer in net.local_layers() {
    if IsBridgeDstLayer(layer)
      recv data from the src layer (i.e., BridgeSrcLayer)
    foreach param in layer.params()
      Collect(param) // recv response from servers for last update


    if IsBridgeSrcLayer(layer)
      send layer.data_ to dst layer
  // backward propagate
  foreach layer in reverse(net.local_layers) {
    if IsBridgeSrcLayer(layer)
      recv gradient from the dst layer (i.e., BridgeDstLayer)
      recv response from servers for last update

    foreach param in layer.params()
      Update(step, param) // send param.grad_ to servers

    if IsBridgeDstLayer(layer)
      send layer.grad_ to src layer

It forwards features through all local layers (can be checked by layer partition ID and worker ID) and backwards gradients in the reverse order. BridgeSrcLayer (resp. BridgeDstLayer) will be blocked until the feature (resp. gradient) from the source (resp. destination) layer comes. Parameter gradients are sent to servers via Update function. Updated parameters are collected via Collect function, which will be blocked until the parameter is updated. Param objects have versions, which can be used to check whether the Param objects have been updated or not.

Since RNN models are unrolled into feed-forward models, users need to implement the forward propagation in the recurrent layer’s ComputeFeature function, and implement the backward propagation in the recurrent layer’s ComputeGradient function. As a result, the whole TrainOneBatch runs back-propagation through time (BPTT) algorithm.

Implementation of CD

The CD algorithm is implemented in SINGA following the below pseudo code,

CDTrainOneBatch(step, net) {
  # positive phase
  foreach layer in net.local_layers()
    if IsBridgeDstLayer(layer)
      recv positive phase data from the src layer (i.e., BridgeSrcLayer)
    foreach param in layer.params()
      Collect(param)  // recv response from servers for last update
    if IsBridgeSrcLayer(layer)
      send positive phase data to dst layer

  # negative phase
  foreach gibbs in [0...layer_proto_.cd_k]
    foreach layer in net.local_layers()
      if IsBridgeDstLayer(layer)
        recv negative phase data from the src layer (i.e., BridgeSrcLayer)
      if IsBridgeSrcLayer(layer)
        send negative phase data to dst layer

  foreach layer in net.local_layers()
    foreach param in layer.params

Parameter gradients are computed after the positive phase and negative phase.

Implementing a new algorithm

SINGA implements BP and CD by creating two subclasses of the Worker class: BPWorker‘s TrainOneBatch function implements the BP algorithm; CDWorker‘s TrainOneBatch function implements the CD algorithm. To implement a new algorithm for the TrainOneBatch function, users need to create a new subclass of the Worker, e.g.,

class FooWorker : public Worker {
  void TrainOneBatch(int step, shared_ptr<NeuralNet> net, Metric* perf) override;
  void TestOneBatch(int step, Phase phase, shared_ptr<NeuralNet> net, Metric* perf) override;

The FooWorker must implement the above two functions for training one mini-batch and testing one mini-batch. The perf argument is for collecting training or testing performance, e.g., the objective loss or accuracy. It is passed to the ComputeFeature function of each layer.

Users can define some fields for users to configure

# in user.proto
message FooWorkerProto {
  optional int32 b = 1;

extend JobProto {
  optional FooWorkerProto foo_conf = 101;

# in job.proto
JobProto {
  extension 101..max;

It is similar as adding configuration fields for a new layer.

To use FooWorker, users need to register it in the and configure the alg and foo_conf fields,

# in
const int kFoo = 3; // worker ID, must be different to that of CDWorker and BPWorker

# in job.conf
alg: 3
[foo_conf] {
  b = 4;