MLP Example

Multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a subclass of feed-forward neural networks. A MLP typically consists of multiple directly connected layers, with each layer fully connected to the next one. In this example, we will use SINGA to train a simple MLP model proposed by Ciresan for classifying handwritten digits from the MNIST dataset.

Running instructions

Please refer to the installation page for instructions on building SINGA, and the quick start for instructions on starting zookeeper.

We have provided scripts for preparing the training and test dataset in examples/cifar10/.

# in examples/mnist
$ cp Makefile.example Makefile
$ make download
$ make create

Training on CPU

After the datasets are prepared, we start the training by

./bin/ -conf examples/mnist/job.conf

After it is started, you should see output like

Record job information to /tmp/singa-log/job-info/job-1-20150817-055231
Executing : ./singa -conf /xxx/incubator-singa/examples/mnist/job.conf -singa_conf /xxx/incubator-singa/conf/singa.conf -singa_job 1
E0817 07:15:09.211885 34073] proc #0 -> (pid = 34073)
E0817 07:15:14.972231 34114] Server (group = 0, id = 0) start
E0817 07:15:14.972520 34115] Worker (group = 0, id = 0) start
E0817 07:15:24.462602 34073] Test step-0, loss : 2.341021, accuracy : 0.109100
E0817 07:15:47.341076 34073] Train step-0, loss : 2.357269, accuracy : 0.099000
E0817 07:16:07.173364 34073] Train step-10, loss : 2.222740, accuracy : 0.201800
E0817 07:16:26.714855 34073] Train step-20, loss : 2.091030, accuracy : 0.327200
E0817 07:16:46.590946 34073] Train step-30, loss : 1.969412, accuracy : 0.442100
E0817 07:17:06.207080 34073] Train step-40, loss : 1.865466, accuracy : 0.514800
E0817 07:17:25.890033 34073] Train step-50, loss : 1.773849, accuracy : 0.569100
E0817 07:17:51.208935 34073] Test step-60, loss : 1.613709, accuracy : 0.662100
E0817 07:17:53.176766 34073] Train step-60, loss : 1.659150, accuracy : 0.652600
E0817 07:18:12.783370 34073] Train step-70, loss : 1.574024, accuracy : 0.666000
E0817 07:18:32.904942 34073] Train step-80, loss : 1.529380, accuracy : 0.670500
E0817 07:18:52.608111 34073] Train step-90, loss : 1.443911, accuracy : 0.703500
E0817 07:19:12.168465 34073] Train step-100, loss : 1.387759, accuracy : 0.721000
E0817 07:19:31.855865 34073] Train step-110, loss : 1.335246, accuracy : 0.736500
E0817 07:19:57.327133 34073] Test step-120, loss : 1.216652, accuracy : 0.769900

After the training of some steps (depends on the setting) or the job is finished, SINGA will checkpoint the model parameters.

Training on GPU

To train this example model on GPU, just add a field in the configuration file for the GPU device,

# job.conf
gpu: 0

Training using Python script

The python helpers come with SINGA 0.2 make it easy to configure the job. For example the job.conf is replaced with a simple python script which has about 30 lines of code following the Keras API.

./bin/ -exec tool/python/examples/


To train a model in SINGA, you need to prepare the datasets, and a job configuration which specifies the neural net structure, training algorithm (BP or CD), SGD update algorithm (e.g. Adagrad), number of training/test steps, etc.

Data preparation

Before using SINGA, you need to write a program to pre-process the dataset you use to a format that SINGA can read. Please refer to the Data Preparation to get details about preparing this MNIST dataset.

Neural net

Figure 1 - Net structure of the MLP example.

Figure 1 shows the structure of the simple MLP model, which is constructed following Ciresan’s paper. The dashed circle contains two layers which represent one feature transformation stage. There are 6 such stages in total. They sizes of the InnerProductLayers in these circles decrease from 2500->2000->1500->1000->500->10.

Next we follow the guide in neural net page and layer page to write the neural net configuration.

  • We configure an input layer to read the training/testing records from a disk file.

      layer {
          name: "data"
          type: kRecordInput
          store_conf {
            backend: "kvfile"
            path: "examples/mnist/train_data.bin"
            random_skip: 5000
            batchsize: 64
            shape: 784
            std_value: 127.5
            mean_value: 127.5
           exclude: kTest
      layer {
          name: "data"
          type: kRecordInput
          store_conf {
            backend: "kvfile"
            path: "examples/mnist/test_data.bin"
            batchsize: 100
            shape: 784
            std_value: 127.5
            mean_value: 127.5
           exclude: kTrain
  • All InnerProductLayers are configured similarly as,

        name: "fc1"
        type: kInnerProduct
          num_output: 2500
          name: "w1"
          name: "b1"

    with the num_output decreasing from 2500 to 10.

  • A STanhLayer is connected to every InnerProductLayer except the last one. It transforms the feature via scaled tanh function.

        name: "tanh1"
        type: kSTanh
  • The final Softmax loss layer connects to LabelLayer and the last STanhLayer.

        name: "loss"
        softmaxloss_conf{ topk:1 }


The normal SGD updater is selected. The learning rate shrinks by 0.997 every 60 steps (i.e., one epoch).

  type: kSGD
    base_lr: 0.001
    type : kStep
      change_freq: 60
      gamma: 0.997

TrainOneBatch algorithm

The MLP model is a feed-forward model, hence Back-propagation algorithm is selected.

train_one_batch {
  alg: kBP

Cluster setting

The following configuration set a single worker and server for training. Training frameworks page introduces configurations of a couple of distributed training frameworks.

cluster {
  nworker_groups: 1
  nserver_groups: 1