Class AuthorizationFilter

    • Method Detail

      • getUnauthorizedUrl

        public String getUnauthorizedUrl()
        Returns the URL to which users should be redirected if they are denied access to an underlying path or resource, or null if a raw HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED response should be issued (401 Unauthorized).

        The default is null, ensuring default web server behavior. Override this default by calling the setUnauthorizedUrl method with a meaningful path within your application if you would like to show the user a 'nice' page in the event of unauthorized access.

        the URL to which users should be redirected if they are denied access to an underlying path or resource, or null if a raw HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED response should be issued (401 Unauthorized).
      • setUnauthorizedUrl

        public void setUnauthorizedUrl​(String unauthorizedUrl)
        Sets the URL to which users should be redirected if they are denied access to an underlying path or resource.

        If the value is null a raw HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED response will be issued (401 Unauthorized), retaining default web server behavior.

        Unless overridden by calling this method, the default value is null. If desired, you can specify a meaningful path within your application if you would like to show the user a 'nice' page in the event of unauthorized access.

        unauthorizedUrl - the URL to which users should be redirected if they are denied access to an underlying path or resource, or null to a ensure raw HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED response is issued (401 Unauthorized).