Class CodecSupport

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String PREFERRED_ENCODING
      Shiro's default preferred character encoding, equal to UTF-8.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Detail

      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(char[] chars)
        Converts the specified character array to a byte array using the Shiro's preferred encoding (UTF-8).

        This is a convenience method equivalent to calling the toBytes(String,String) method with a a wrapping String and PREFERRED_ENCODING, i.e.

        toBytes( new String(chars), PREFERRED_ENCODING );

        chars - the character array to be converted to a byte array.
        the byte array of the UTF-8 encoded character array.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(char[] chars,
                                     String encoding)
                              throws CodecException
        Converts the specified character array into a byte array using the specified character encoding.

        This is a convenience method equivalent to calling the toBytes(String,String) method with a a wrapping String and the specified encoding, i.e.

        toBytes( new String(chars), encoding );

        chars - the character array to be converted to a byte array
        encoding - the character encoding to use to when converting to bytes.
        the bytes of the specified character array under the specified encoding.
        CodecException - if the JVM does not support the specified encoding.
      • toBytes

        public static byte[] toBytes​(String source,
                                     String encoding)
                              throws CodecException
        Converts the specified source to a byte array via the specified encoding, throwing a CodecException if the encoding fails.
        source - the source string to convert to a byte array.
        encoding - the encoding to use to use.
        the byte array of the specified source with the given encoding.
        CodecException - if the JVM does not support the specified encoding.
      • toString

        public static String toString​(byte[] bytes,
                                      String encoding)
                               throws CodecException
        Converts the specified byte array to a String using the specified character encoding. This implementation does the same thing as new String(byte[], encoding), but will wrap any UnsupportedEncodingException with a nicer runtime CodecException, allowing you to decide whether or not you want to catch the exception or let it propagate.
        bytes - the byte array to convert to a String
        encoding - the character encoding used to encode the String.
        the specified byte array as an encoded String
        CodecException - if the JVM does not support the specified encoding.
      • toChars

        public static char[] toChars​(byte[] bytes,
                                     String encoding)
                              throws CodecException
        Converts the specified byte array to a character array using the specified character encoding.

        Effectively calls toString(bytes,encoding).toCharArray();

        bytes - the byte array to convert to a String
        encoding - the character encoding used to encode the bytes.
        the specified byte array as an encoded char array
        CodecException - if the JVM does not support the specified encoding.
      • isByteSource

        protected boolean isByteSource​(Object o)
        Returns true if the specified object can be easily converted to bytes by instances of this class, false otherwise.

        The default implementation returns true IFF the specified object is an instance of one of the following types:

        o - the object to test to see if it can be easily converted to a byte array
        true if the specified object can be easily converted to bytes by instances of this class, false otherwise.
      • toBytes

        protected byte[] toBytes​(Object o)
        Converts the specified Object into a byte array.

        If the argument is a byte[], char[], ByteSource, String, File, or InputStream, it will be converted automatically and returned.}

        If the argument is anything other than these types, it is passed to the objectToBytes method which must be overridden by subclasses.

        o - the Object to convert into a byte array
        a byte array representation of the Object argument.
      • toString

        protected String toString​(Object o)
        Converts the specified Object into a String.

        If the argument is a byte[] or char[] it will be converted to a String using the PREFERRED_ENCODING. If a String, it will be returned as is.

        If the argument is anything other than these three types, it is passed to the objectToString method.

        o - the Object to convert into a byte array
        a byte array representation of the Object argument.
      • objectToBytes

        protected byte[] objectToBytes​(Object o)
        Default implementation throws a CodecException immediately since it can't infer how to convert the Object to a byte array. This method must be overridden by subclasses if anything other than the three default types (listed in the toBytes(Object) JavaDoc) are to be converted to a byte array.
        o - the Object to convert to a byte array.
        a byte array representation of the Object argument.
      • objectToString

        protected String objectToString​(Object o)
        Default implementation merely returns objectArgument.toString(). Subclasses can override this method for different mechanisms of converting an object to a String.
        o - the Object to convert to a byte array.
        a String representation of the Object argument.