Class SimpleCredentialsMatcher

    • Method Detail

      • getCredentials

        protected Object getCredentials​(AuthenticationToken token)
        Returns the token's credentials.

        This default implementation merely returns authenticationToken.getCredentials() and exists as a template hook if subclasses wish to obtain the credentials in a different way or convert them to a different format before returning.

        token - the AuthenticationToken submitted during the authentication attempt.
        the token's associated credentials.
      • getCredentials

        protected Object getCredentials​(AuthenticationInfo info)
        Returns the account's credentials.

        This default implementation merely returns account.getCredentials() and exists as a template hook if subclasses wish to obtain the credentials in a different way or convert them to a different format before returning.

        info - the AuthenticationInfo stored in the data store to be compared against the submitted authentication token's credentials.
        the account's associated credentials.
      • equals

        protected boolean equals​(Object tokenCredentials,
                                 Object accountCredentials)
        Returns true if the tokenCredentials argument is logically equal to the accountCredentials argument.

        If both arguments are either a byte array (byte[]), char array (char[]) or String, they will be both be converted to raw byte arrays via the toBytes method first, and then resulting byte arrays are compared via Arrays.equals(byte[],byte[]).

        If either argument cannot be converted to a byte array as described, a simple Object equals comparison is made.

        Subclasses should override this method for more explicit equality checks.

        tokenCredentials - the AuthenticationToken's associated credentials.
        accountCredentials - the AuthenticationInfo's stored credentials.
        true if the tokenCredentials are equal to the accountCredentials.