Coverage Report - org.apache.shiro.web.subject.WebSubject
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 package org.apache.shiro.web.subject;
 import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils;
 import org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager;
 import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject;
 import org.apache.shiro.subject.SubjectContext;
 import org.apache.shiro.web.util.RequestPairSource;
 import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
 import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
  * A {@code WebSubject} represents a Subject instance that was acquired as a result of an incoming
  * {@link ServletRequest}.
  * @since 1.0
 public interface WebSubject extends Subject, RequestPairSource {
      * Returns the {@code ServletRequest} accessible when the Subject instance was created.
      * @return the {@code ServletRequest} accessible when the Subject instance was created.
     ServletRequest getServletRequest();
      * Returns the {@code ServletResponse} accessible when the Subject instance was created.
      * @return the {@code ServletResponse} accessible when the Subject instance was created.
     ServletResponse getServletResponse();
      * A {@code WebSubject.Builder} performs the same function as a {@link Subject.Builder Subject.Builder}, but
      * additionally ensures that the Servlet request/response pair that is triggering the Subject instance's creation
      * is retained for use by internal Shiro components as necessary.
     public static class Builder extends Subject.Builder {
          * Constructs a new {@code Web.Builder} instance using the {@link SecurityManager SecurityManager} obtained by
          * calling {@code SecurityUtils.}{@link SecurityUtils#getSecurityManager() getSecurityManager()}.  If you want
          * to specify your own SecurityManager instance, use the
          * {@link #Builder(SecurityManager, ServletRequest, ServletResponse)} constructor instead.
          * @param request  the incoming ServletRequest that will be associated with the built {@code WebSubject} instance.
          * @param response the outgoing ServletRequest paired with the ServletRequest that will be associated with the
          *                 built {@code WebSubject} instance.
         public Builder(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) {
 71  0
             this(SecurityUtils.getSecurityManager(), request, response);
 72  0
          * Constructs a new {@code Web.Builder} instance using the specified {@code SecurityManager} instance to
          * create the {@link WebSubject WebSubject} instance.
          * @param securityManager the {@code SecurityManager SecurityManager} instance to use to build the
          *                        {@code WebSubject} instance.
          * @param request         the incoming ServletRequest that will be associated with the built {@code WebSubject}
          *                        instance.
          * @param response        the outgoing ServletRequest paired with the ServletRequest that will be associated
          *                        with the built {@code WebSubject} instance.
         public Builder(SecurityManager securityManager, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) {
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 87  10
             if (request == null) {
 88  0
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("ServletRequest argument cannot be null.");
 90  10
             if (response == null) {
 91  0
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("ServletResponse argument cannot be null.");
 93  10
 94  10
 95  10
          * Overrides the parent implementation to return a new instance of a
          * {@link DefaultWebSubjectContext DefaultWebSubjectContext} to account for the additional request/response
          * pair.
          * @return a new instance of a {@link DefaultWebSubjectContext DefaultWebSubjectContext} to account for the
          *         additional request/response pair.
         protected SubjectContext newSubjectContextInstance() {
 107  10
             return new DefaultWebSubjectContext();
          * Called by the {@code WebSubject.Builder} constructor, this method places the request object in the
          * context map for later retrieval.
          * @param request the incoming ServletRequest that triggered the creation of the {@code WebSubject} instance.
          * @return 'this' for method chaining.
         protected Builder setRequest(ServletRequest request) {
 118  10
             if (request != null) {
 119  10
                 ((WebSubjectContext) getSubjectContext()).setServletRequest(request);
 121  10
             return this;
          * Called by the {@code WebSubject.Builder} constructor, this method places the response object in the
          * context map for later retrieval.
          * @param response the outgoing ServletRequest paired with the ServletRequest that triggered the creation of
          *                 the {@code WebSubject} instance.
          * @return 'this' for method chaining.
         protected Builder setResponse(ServletResponse response) {
 133  10
             if (response != null) {
 134  10
                 ((WebSubjectContext) getSubjectContext()).setServletResponse(response);
 136  10
             return this;
          * Returns {@link #buildSubject() super.buildSubject()}, but additionally ensures that the returned instance
          * is an {@code instanceof} {@link WebSubject WebSubject} and to support a type-safe method so a caller
          * does not have to cast.   Per the parent class's method JavaDoc, this method will return a new instance
          * each time it is called.
          * @return a new {@link WebSubject WebSubject} instance built by this {@code Builder}.
         public WebSubject buildWebSubject() {
 148  0
             Subject subject = super.buildSubject();
 149  0
             if (!(subject instanceof WebSubject)) {
 150  0
                 String msg = "Subject implementation returned from the SecurityManager was not a " +
 151  0
                         WebSubject.class.getName() + " implementation.  Please ensure a Web-enabled SecurityManager " +
                         "has been configured and made available to this builder.";
 153  0
                 throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
 155  0
             return (WebSubject) subject;