Coverage Report - org.apache.shiro.util.ByteSource
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 package org.apache.shiro.util;
  * A {@code ByteSource} wraps a byte array and provides additional encoding operations.  Most users will find the
  * {@link Util} inner class sufficient to construct ByteSource instances.
  * @since 1.0
 public interface ByteSource {
      * Returns the wrapped byte array.
      * @return the wrapped byte array.
     byte[] getBytes();
      * Returns the <a href="">Hex</a>-formatted String representation of the
      * underlying wrapped byte array.
      * @return the <a href="">Hex</a>-formatted String representation of the
      *         underlying wrapped byte array.
     String toHex();
      * Returns the <a href="">Base 64</a>-formatted String representation of the
      * underlying wrapped byte array.
      * @return the <a href="">Base 64</a>-formatted String representation of the
      *         underlying wrapped byte array.
     String toBase64();
      * Returns {@code true} if the underlying wrapped byte array is null or empty (zero length), {@code false}
      * otherwise.
      * @return {@code true} if the underlying wrapped byte array is null or empty (zero length), {@code false}
      *         otherwise.
      * @since 1.2
     boolean isEmpty();
      * Utility class that can construct ByteSource instances.  This is slightly nicer than needing to know the
      * {@code ByteSource} implementation class to use.
      * @since 1.2
 73  0
     public static final class Util {
          * Returns a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified byte array.
          * @param bytes the bytes to represent as a {@code ByteSource} instance.
          * @return a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified byte array.
         public static ByteSource bytes(byte[] bytes) {
 82  125
             return new SimpleByteSource(bytes);
          * Returns a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified character array's bytes.  The byte
          * array is obtained assuming {@code UTF-8} encoding.
          * @param chars the character array to represent as a {@code ByteSource} instance.
          * @return a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified character array's bytes.
         public static ByteSource bytes(char[] chars) {
 93  0
             return new SimpleByteSource(chars);
          * Returns a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified string's bytes.  The byte
          * array is obtained assuming {@code UTF-8} encoding.
          * @param string the string to represent as a {@code ByteSource} instance.
          * @return a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified string's bytes.
         public static ByteSource bytes(String string) {
 104  40
             return new SimpleByteSource(string);
          * Returns a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified ByteSource.
          * @param source the ByteSource to represent as a new {@code ByteSource} instance.
          * @return a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified ByteSource.
         public static ByteSource bytes(ByteSource source) {
 114  0
             return new SimpleByteSource(source);
          * Returns a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified File's bytes.
          * @param file the file to represent as a {@code ByteSource} instance.
          * @return a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified File's bytes.
         public static ByteSource bytes(File file) {
 124  0
             return new SimpleByteSource(file);
          * Returns a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified InputStream's bytes.
          * @param stream the InputStream to represent as a {@code ByteSource} instance.
          * @return a new {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified InputStream's bytes.
         public static ByteSource bytes(InputStream stream) {
 134  0
             return new SimpleByteSource(stream);
          * Returns {@code true} if the specified object can be easily represented as a {@code ByteSource} using
          * the {@link ByteSource.Util}'s default heuristics, {@code false} otherwise.
          * <p/>
          * This implementation merely returns {@link SimpleByteSource}.{@link SimpleByteSource#isCompatible(Object) isCompatible(source)}.
          * @param source the object to test to see if it can be easily converted to ByteSource instances using default
          *               heuristics.
          * @return {@code true} if the specified object can be easily represented as a {@code ByteSource} using
          *         the {@link ByteSource.Util}'s default heuristics, {@code false} otherwise.
         public static boolean isCompatible(Object source) {
 149  37
             return SimpleByteSource.isCompatible(source);
          * Returns a {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified byte source argument.  If the argument
          * <em>cannot</em> be easily converted to bytes (as is indicated by the {@link #isCompatible(Object)} JavaDoc),
          * this method will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
          * @param source the byte-backed instance that should be represented as a {@code ByteSource} instance.
          * @return a {@code ByteSource} instance representing the specified byte source argument.
          * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument <em>cannot</em> be easily converted to bytes
          *                                  (as indicated by the {@link #isCompatible(Object)} JavaDoc)
         public static ByteSource bytes(Object source) throws IllegalArgumentException {
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             if (source == null) {
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                 return null;
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             if (!isCompatible(source)) {
 167  0
                 String msg = "Unable to heuristically acquire bytes for object of type [" +
                         source.getClass().getName() + "].  If this type is indeed a byte-backed data type, you might " +
                         "want to write your own ByteSource implementation to extract its bytes explicitly.";
 170  0
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
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             if (source instanceof byte[]) {
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                 return bytes((byte[]) source);
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             } else if (source instanceof ByteSource) {
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                 return (ByteSource) source;
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             } else if (source instanceof char[]) {
 177  0
                 return bytes((char[]) source);
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             } else if (source instanceof String) {
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                 return bytes((String) source);
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             } else if (source instanceof File) {
 181  0
                 return bytes((File) source);
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             } else if (source instanceof InputStream) {
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                 return bytes((InputStream) source);
             } else {
 185  0
                 throw new IllegalStateException("Encountered unexpected byte source.  This is a bug - please notify " +
                         "the Shiro developer list asap (the isCompatible implementation does not reflect this " +
                         "method's implementation).");