Package org.apache.shiro.web.filter.mgt

The filter 'mgt' (management) package contains components used in managing Filters that are available for filter chain construction, the filter chains themselves, as well as resolving filter chains based by name.


Interface Summary
FilterChainManager A FilterChainManager manages the creation and modification of Filter chains from an available pool of Filter instances.
FilterChainResolver A FilterChainResolver can resolve an appropriate FilterChain to execute during a ServletRequest.
NamedFilterList A NamedFilterList is a List of Filter instances that is uniquely identified by a name.

Class Summary
DefaultFilterChainManager Default FilterChainManager implementation maintaining a map of Filter instances (key: filter name, value: Filter) as well as a map of NamedFilterLists created from these Filters (key: filter chain name, value: NamedFilterList).
PathMatchingFilterChainResolver A FilterChainResolver that resolves FilterChains based on url path matching, as determined by a configurable PathMatcher.
SimpleNamedFilterList Simple NamedFilterList implementation that is supported by a backing List instance and a simple name property.

Enum Summary
DefaultFilter Enum representing all of the default Shiro Filter instances available to web applications.

Package org.apache.shiro.web.filter.mgt Description

The filter 'mgt' (management) package contains components used in managing Filters that are available for filter chain construction, the filter chains themselves, as well as resolving filter chains based by name.

See Also:
FilterChainManager, FilterChainResolver

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