Apache REEF  0.15.0
Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Org.Apache.REEF.Network.Naming.Events Namespace Reference


class  NamingEvent
 Event representing a lookup, registering, or unregistering of an identifier with the Name Service.
class  NamingGetAllRequest
 Event to request all registered identifiers and their mapped IPEndpoints
class  NamingGetAllResponse
 Response event for looking up all registered identifiers and their mapped IPEndpoints
class  NamingLookupRequest
 Event to request look up of IPEndpoints in the Name Service
class  NamingLookupResponse
 Event for lookup response in Name Service.
class  NamingRegisterRequest
 Event to request registering an identifier and endpoint with the Name Service
class  NamingRegisterResponse
 Response event for registering an IPEndpoint with the Name Service
class  NamingUnregisterRequest
 Event to request unregistering of an IPEndpoint with the Name Service
class  NamingUnregisterResponse
 Response event for unregistering of an IPEndpoint with the Name Service