Apache REEF  0.15.0
Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Namespaces | Classes
Org.Apache.REEF.Client.YARN.RestClient Namespace Reference


namespace  DataModel


class  AllErrorsTransientStrategy
class  FileSystemJobResourceUploader
 Provides FileSystem agnostic job resource uploader.
class  HttpClient
 Pass through HTTP client which calls into System.Net.Http.HttpClient
class  HttpClientRetryHandler
 DelegatingHandler for retrying requests with HTTP client
interface  IDeserializer
 Deserialize from string representation to corresponding data model object
interface  IHttpClient
 Wrapper interface on System.Net.Http.HttpClient for ease of unit-testing
interface  IRequestFactory
 Factory for generating REST requests
interface  IRestClient
 Interface for the client that executes the RestRequests and handles errors and retries
interface  ISerializer
 Serializes a data model object to string
interface  IYarnRestClientCredential
 Provides the credentials to be used by the REST client to connect to YARN RM. More...
class  MultipleRMUrlProvider
class  NullYarnRestClientCredential
class  RequestFactory
 Factory to generate REST requests
class  RestClient
 Implementation of RestClient which uses HTTPClient to make REST requests and handles errors
class  RestJsonDeserializer
 Simple implementation of JSON deserializer by using Newtonsoft JSON lib
class  RestJsonSerializer
 Simple implementation of JSON serializer by using Newtonsoft JSON lib
class  RestRequest
 Encapsulated data related to a REST request
class  RestResponse
 Represents the response of a REST request