Apache REEF  0.14.0
Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Namespaces | Classes
Org.Apache.REEF.Driver Namespace Reference


namespace  Bridge
namespace  Context
namespace  Defaults
namespace  Evaluator
namespace  Task


class  Constants
class  DriverConfigGenerator
class  DriverConfiguration
 Fill this out to configure a Driver. More...
class  DriverConfigurationSettings
class  DriverSubmissionSettings
interface  IDriver
 empty driver interface to facilitate referencing driver dll More...
interface  IDriverRestartCompleted
 Event fired on Driver restart completed More...
interface  IDriverRestarted
 Event fired on Driver restarts instead of IDriverStarted. More...
interface  IDriverStarted
 Event fired when the Driver started. More...
interface  IProgressProvider
 Provides the progress of the job to the Resource Manager More...