
Jetspeed security service implementation including Jetspeed JAAS providers.


Class Summary
AggregationHierarchyResolver Implementation for "part of" hierarchy.
BaseHierarchyResolver Base implementation for the hierarchy resolver.
BasePrincipalImpl BasePrincipal interface implementation.
DefaultLoginModule LoginModule implementation that authenticates a user against a relational database.
GeneralizationHierarchyResolver Implementation for "is a" hierarchy.
GroupImpl A group made of a GroupPrincipal and the user Preferences.
GroupManagerImpl Describes the service interface for managing groups.
GroupPrincipalImpl GroupPrincipal interface implementation.
JaasPolicyCoordinator Provide coordination between the default policy and Jetspeed custom policy.
PassiveCallbackHandler PassiveCallbackHandler has constructor that takes a username and password so its handle() method does not have to prompt the user for input.
PermissionManagerImpl Implementation for managing Permissionand permission association to Principal.
PrincipalsSet PrincipalsSet - provides an ordered 'set' of principals required for some profiling rules that are dependent on order of insert.
RdbmsPolicy Policy implementation using a relational database as persistent datastore.
RoleImpl A role made of a Principal and the user Preferences.
RoleManagerImpl Implementation for managing roles.
RolePrincipalImpl RolePrincipal interface implementation.
UserImpl A user made of a Subject and the user Preferences.
UserManagerImpl Implementation for managing users and provides access to the User.
UserPrincipalImpl UserPrincipal interface implementation.
UserSubjectPrincipalImpl UserPrincipal interface implementation.

Package Description

Jetspeed security service implementation including Jetspeed JAAS providers.

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