Package org.apache.jetspeed.layout.impl

Interface Summary
Constants PortletPlacement implementation constants

Class Summary
AddPortletAction Add Portlet portlet placement action AJAX Parameters: id = portlet full name (pa::portletName) to be added page = (implied in the URL) Optional Parameters: row = the new row to move to col = the new column to move to
BaseGetResourceAction Abstract Get Resource aaction for folders, pages and links
BasePortletAction Abstract portlet placement action
BaseSiteUpdateAction Abstract Site update action for folders, pages and links
BaseUserAction Abstract portlet placement action
ChangePortletAction Changes the window state or portlet mode for a given portlet window AJAX Parameters: id = the fragment id of the portlet to move page = (implied in the URL) state = the new window state mode = the new portlet mode
CoordinateImpl CoordinateImpl
ExportJetspeedSchema Exporting the object using Ajax command
ExportObject Exporting the object using Ajax command
GetFolderAction Retrieve a single page AJAX Parameters: folder = the path of the folder to retrieve information on
GetFolderListAction Get the immediate contents of a folder in JSON format AJAX Parameters: folder: full path to the folder
GetFoldersListAction Get the immediate contents of a folder in Ajax Format
GetLinkAction Retrieve a single link AJAX Parameters: link = the path of the link to retrieve information on
GetMenuAction Get menu action retrieves a menu defined for the addressed page.
GetMenusAction Get menus action retrieves all menu names defined for the addressed page.
GetPageAction Get Page retrieves a page from the Page Manager store and PSML format AJAX Parameters: page = the path and name of the page ("/_user/ronaldino/goals.psml")
GetPagesAction Get Pages retrieves all pages for the given folder AJAX Parameters: folder = the path of folder containing the pages
GetPortletActionsAction Get Portlet Actions retrieves the current set of valid actions for one or more portlet windows AJAX Parameters: id = the fragment id of the portlet for which to retrieve the action list multiple id parameters are supported page = (implied in the URL)
GetPortletsAction Get Portlets retrieves the portlet list available to the current subject AJAX Parameters: filter = (optional)filter to lookup portlets using fulltext search
GetThemesAction Get Portal-wide themes lists (page decorators, portlet decorators, layouts, desktop-page-decorators, desktop-portlet-decorators) AJAX Parameters: none
GetUserInformationAction Retrieve user information of the current user AJAX action: action = getuserinfo AJAX Parameters: none
GetUserListAction Returns the list of currently logged in users and optionally also the offline users and number of guest user sessions AJAX action: action: getuserlist AJAX Parameters: guest: whether we should return also the guest sessions true | false (default) userinfo: whether we should include also userinfo true | false (default) offline: whether we should include offline users true | false (default) all: return every bits and piece there is true | false (default)
MovePortletAction Move Portlet portlet placement action AJAX Parameters: id = the fragment id of the portlet to move page = (implied in the URL) Additional Absolute Parameters: row = the new row to move to col = the new column to move to Additional Relative Parameters: (move left, right, up, down) none
NestedFragmentContext NestedFragmentContext This object captures the nested position of a fragment within a page.
PortletActionSecurityConstraintsBehavior Abstracted behavior of security checks for portlet actions
PortletActionSecurityPathBehavior Abstracted behavior of security checks for portlet actions
PortletActionSecurityPathMergeBehavior Abstracted behavior of security checks when used with the profiling rule "user-rolecombo".
PortletInfo Portlet Info populated into AJAX XML response per portlet
PortletPlacementContextImpl Portal Placement Context The purpose of the object is to provide an API that can be used to move a portlet fragment on the page.
RemovePortletAction Remove Portlet portlet placement action AJAX Parameters: id = the fragment id of the portlet to remove page = (implied in the URL)
RolesSecurityBehavior Abstracted behavior of security checks for portlet actions
SecurityConstraintsAction Security Permission action AJAX Parameters: action = constraints method = add-def | update-def | remove-def | add-global | remove-global name = name of constraint definition or global definition xml = the constraints payload, same format as PSML constraint defs
SecurityPermissionAction Security Permission action AJAX Parameters: action = permission method = add | update | delete resource = name of the resource to modify type = portlet | page | folder roles = comma separated list of roles actions = comma separated list of actions oldactions = comma separated list of old actions
UpdateFolderAction Update Folder action -- updates various parts of the PSML folder AJAX Parameters: action = updatefolder General methods: method = add | remove Info methods: | info Meta methods: | add-meta | update-meta | remove-meta Security methods: | add-secref | remove-secref
UpdateLinkAction Update Link action -- updates various parts of the PSML link AJAX Parameters: action = updatelink General methods: method = add | remove Info methods: | info Meta methods: | add-meta | update-meta | remove-meta Security methods: | add-secref | remove-secref
UpdatePageAction Update Page action -- updates various parts of the PSML page AJAX Parameters: action = updatepage General methods: method = add | remove Info methods: | info Meta methods: | add-meta | update-meta | remove-meta Security methods: | add-secref | remove-secref Fragment methods: | update-fragment | add-fragment | remove-fragment update-fragment params: id, layout(name), sizes, layoutid (add)

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