Uses of Class

Packages that use PortalSiteRequestContextImpl

Uses of PortalSiteRequestContextImpl in org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.impl

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.impl with parameters of type PortalSiteRequestContextImpl
private  List MenuImpl.constructMenuElements(PortalSiteRequestContextImpl context, SiteView view, String options, List overrideElementProxies, int depth, boolean paths, boolean regexp, String locatorName, String order)
          constructMenuElements - construct ordered list of menu elements in context/site view using specified element selection parameters; also sets up the elementRelative flag while constructing the menu elements

Constructors in org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.impl with parameters of type PortalSiteRequestContextImpl
MenuImpl( definition, PortalSiteRequestContextImpl context, Set menus)
          MenuImpl - request/session context dependent constructor
MenuImpl(MenuImpl parent, definition, PortalSiteRequestContextImpl context, Set menus)
          MenuImpl - request/session context dependent constructor

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