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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    * 
9    *
10   * 
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package;
19  import;
20  import java.util.Iterator;
22  import;
24  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
25  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
37  /***
38   * PageManagerUtils
39   * 
40   * @author <a href="">David Sean Taylor</a>
41   * @author <a href="">Vivek Kumar</a>
42   * @version $Id: $
43   */
44  public class PageManagerUtils
45  {
46      protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PageManagerUtils.class);    
48      /***
49       * Creates a user's home page from the roles of the current user.
50       * The use case: when a portal is setup to use shared pages, but then
51       * the user attempts to customize. At this point, we create the new page(s) for the user.
52       * 
53       * @param subject
54       */
55      public static void createUserHomePagesFromRoles(PageManager pageManager, Subject subject)
56      throws NodeException
57      {
58          Principal principal = SecurityHelper.getBestPrincipal(subject, UserPrincipal.class); 
59          if (principal == null)
60          {
61              String errorMessage = "Could not create user home for null principal";
62              log.error(errorMessage);
63              throw new NodeException(errorMessage);
64          }
65          try
66          {
67              String userName = principal.getName();            
68              // get user home
69              Folder newUserFolder;
70              if (pageManager.userFolderExists(userName))
71              {
72                  newUserFolder = pageManager.getUserFolder(userName);
73              }
74              else
75              {
76                  newUserFolder = pageManager.newFolder(Folder.USER_FOLDER + userName);
77                  SecurityConstraints constraints = pageManager.newSecurityConstraints();
78                  newUserFolder.setSecurityConstraints(constraints);
79                  newUserFolder.getSecurityConstraints().setOwner(userName);
80                  pageManager.updateFolder(newUserFolder);                
81              }            
82              // for each role for a user, deep copy the folder contents for that role 
83              // into the user's home
84              // TODO: this algorithm could actually merge pages on dups
85              Iterator roles = SecurityHelper.getPrincipals(subject, RolePrincipal.class).iterator();
86              while (roles.hasNext())
87              {                            
88                  RolePrincipal role = (RolePrincipal);
89                  if (pageManager.folderExists(Folder.ROLE_FOLDER + role.getName()))
90                  {
91                      Folder roleFolder = pageManager.getFolder(Folder.ROLE_FOLDER + role.getName());                    
92                      deepMergeFolder(pageManager, roleFolder, Folder.USER_FOLDER + newUserFolder.getName(), userName, role.getName());
93                  }
94              }
95          }
96          catch (Exception e)
97          {
98              String errorMessage = "createUserHomePagesFromRoles failed: " + e.getMessage();
99              log.error(errorMessage, e);
100             throw new NodeException(errorMessage, e);
101         }
102     }
104     /***
105      * Deep merges from a source folder into a destination path for the given owner.
106      * The unique name is used in conflict resolution for name collisions.
107      * Example: deep merge a given role folder 'X' into /_user/david
108      *          uniqueName = 'X'
109      *          owner = 'david'
110      *          destinationPath = '_user/david'
111      *          
112      * @param srcFolder
113      * @param destinationPath
114      * @param owner
115      * @param uniqueName
116      * @throws NodeException
117      */
118     public static void deepMergeFolder(PageManager pageManager, Folder srcFolder, String destinationPath, String owner, String uniqueName)
119     throws NodeException
120     {        
121         Iterator pages = srcFolder.getPages().iterator();
122         while (pages.hasNext())
123         {
124             Page srcPage = (Page);
125             String path = concatenatePaths(destinationPath, srcPage.getName());
126             if (!pageManager.pageExists(path))
127             {
128                 Page dstPage = pageManager.copyPage(srcPage, path);
129                 pageManager.updatePage(dstPage);
130             }
131             //Commented, as these were creating the duplicate objects 
132             /*            
133             else
134             {
135                 path = concatenatePaths(destinationPath, uniqueName + "-" +srcPage.getName());               
136                 Page dstPage = pageManager.copyPage(srcPage, path);                
137                 pageManager.updatePage(dstPage);                
138             }
139             */
140         }
142         Iterator links = srcFolder.getLinks().iterator();
143         while (links.hasNext())
144         {
145             Link srcLink = (Link);
146             String path = concatenatePaths(destinationPath, srcLink.getName());
147             if (!pageManager.linkExists(path))
148             {
149                 Link dstLink = pageManager.copyLink(srcLink, path);
150                 pageManager.updateLink(dstLink);
151             }
152             //Commented, as these were creating the duplicate objects            
153             /*
154             else
155             {
156                 path = concatenatePaths(destinationPath, uniqueName + "-" +srcLink.getName());               
157                 Link dstLink = pageManager.copyLink(srcLink, path);                
158                 pageManager.updateLink(dstLink);                                
159             }
160             */
161         }     
162         Iterator folders = srcFolder.getFolders().iterator();
163         while (folders.hasNext())
164         {
165             Folder folder = (Folder);
166             String newPath = concatenatePaths(destinationPath, folder.getName());
167             if (!pageManager.folderExists(newPath))
168             {
169                 Folder dstFolder = pageManager.copyFolder(folder, newPath);
170                 pageManager.updateFolder(dstFolder);
171             }
172             deepMergeFolder(pageManager, folder, newPath, null, uniqueName);
173         }                
174     }
176     public static String concatenatePaths(String base, String path)
177     {
178         String result = "";
179         if (base == null)
180         {
181             if (path == null)
182             {
183                 return result;
184             }
185             return path;
186         }
187         else
188         {
189             if (path == null)
190             {
191                 return base;
192             }
193         }
194         if (base.endsWith(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR)) 
195         {
196             if (path.startsWith(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR))
197             {
198                 result = base.concat(path.substring(1));
199                 return result;
200             }
202         }
203         else
204         {
205             if (!path.startsWith(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR)) 
206             {
207                 result = base.concat(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR).concat(path);
208                 return result;
209             }
210         }
211         return base.concat(path);
212     }
214     /***
215      * Deep copy a folder
216      *  
217      * @param source source folder
218      * @param dest destination folder
219      */
220     public static void deepCopyFolder(PageManager pageManager, Folder srcFolder, String destinationPath, String owner)
221     throws NodeException
222     {
223         boolean found = true;
224         try
225         {
226             pageManager.getFolder(destinationPath);
227         }
228         catch (FolderNotFoundException e)
229         {
230             found = false;
231         }
232         if (found)
233         {
234             throw new NodeException("Destination already exists");
235         }
236         Folder dstFolder = pageManager.copyFolder(srcFolder, destinationPath);
237         if (owner != null)
238         {
239             SecurityConstraints constraints = dstFolder.getSecurityConstraints();
240             if (constraints == null)
241             {
242                 constraints = pageManager.newSecurityConstraints();
243                 dstFolder.setSecurityConstraints(constraints);
244             }
245             dstFolder.getSecurityConstraints().setOwner(owner);
246         }
247         pageManager.updateFolder(dstFolder);
249         Iterator pages = srcFolder.getPages().iterator();
250         while (pages.hasNext())
251         {
252             Page srcPage = (Page);
253             String path = PageManagerUtils.concatenatePaths(destinationPath, srcPage.getName());
254             Page dstPage = pageManager.copyPage(srcPage, path);
255             pageManager.updatePage(dstPage);
256         }
258         Iterator links = srcFolder.getLinks().iterator();
259         while (links.hasNext())
260         {
261             Link srcLink = (Link);
262             String path = PageManagerUtils.concatenatePaths(destinationPath, srcLink.getName());
263             Link dstLink = pageManager.copyLink(srcLink, path);
264             pageManager.updateLink(dstLink);
265         }
267         Iterator folders = srcFolder.getFolders().iterator();
268         while (folders.hasNext())
269         {
270             Folder folder = (Folder);
271             String newPath = concatenatePaths(destinationPath, folder.getName()); 
272             deepCopyFolder(pageManager, folder, newPath, null);
273         }        
274     }
276 }