If no previous call using value of headerFragmentName argument has been added to any getHeaderSections() content entry,
add text argument to the getHeaderSections() content entry with a key that matches addToHeaderName argument
If no previous call using value of dojoRequire argument has been added to any getHeaderSections() content entry,
add text argument to the getHeaderSections() content entry for dojo core require statements
Split dojoRequires argument using ';' delimiter and for each resulting dojoRequire value, if no previous call
using dojoRequire value has been added to any getHeaderSections() content entry,
add text argument to the getHeaderSections() content entry for dojo core require statements
If no previous call using value of dojoRequire argument has been added to any getHeaderSections() content entry,
add text argument to the getHeaderSections() content entry for dojo library module require statements
Split dojoRequires argument using ';' delimiter and for each resulting dojoRequire value, if no previous call
using dojoRequire value has been added to any getHeaderSections() content entry,
add text argument to the getHeaderSections() content entry for dojo library module require statements