Uses of Class

Packages that use JobEntry

Uses of JobEntry in org.apache.jetspeed.scheduler

Fields in org.apache.jetspeed.scheduler declared as JobEntry
private  JobEntry
          The JobEntry to run.

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.scheduler that return JobEntry
abstract  JobEntry AbstractScheduler.getJob(int oid)
          Get a specific Job from Storage.
 JobEntry MemoryBasedScheduler.getJob(int oid)
          This method returns the job element from the internal queue.
 JobEntry Scheduler.getJob(int oid)
          Get a specific Job from Storage.
 JobEntry JobQueue.getJob(JobEntry je)
          Return a specific job.
 JobEntry JobQueue.getNext()
          Return the next job off the top of the queue, or null if there are no jobs in the queue.
private  JobEntry AbstractScheduler.nextJob()
          Return the next Job to execute, or null if thread is interrupted.

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.scheduler with parameters of type JobEntry
 void JobQueue.add(JobEntry je)
          Add a job to the queue.
abstract  void AbstractScheduler.addJob(JobEntry je)
          Add a new job to the queue.
 void MemoryBasedScheduler.addJob(JobEntry je)
          Add a new job to the queue.
 void Scheduler.addJob(JobEntry je)
          Add a new job to the queue.
 void ScheduledJob.execute(JobEntry job)
          This is a stop gap until the scheduler service is fully decoupled from modules.
 JobEntry JobQueue.getJob(JobEntry je)
          Return a specific job.
 void JobQueue.modify(JobEntry je)
          Modify a job on the queue.
 void JobQueue.remove(JobEntry je)
          Remove a job from the queue.
abstract  void AbstractScheduler.removeJob(JobEntry je)
          Remove a job from the queue.
 void MemoryBasedScheduler.removeJob(JobEntry je)
          Remove a job from the queue.
 void Scheduler.removeJob(JobEntry je)
          Remove a job from the queue.
abstract  void job)
          Run the Jobentry from the scheduler queue.
abstract  void AbstractScheduler.updateJob(JobEntry je)
          Modify a Job.
 void MemoryBasedScheduler.updateJob(JobEntry je)
          Modify a Job.
 void Scheduler.updateJob(JobEntry je)
          Modify a Job.
 void JobQueue.updateQueue(JobEntry je)
          Update the job for its next run time.

Constructors in org.apache.jetspeed.scheduler with parameters of type JobEntry
WorkerThread(JobEntry je)
          Creates a new worker to run the specified JobEntry.

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