Package org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.layout

Interface Summary
LayoutEventListener Interface to be implemented by classes that want to handle LayoutEvents

Class Summary
ColumnLayout Basics
LayoutCoordinate Simple class that holds an x,y (column,row) coordinate.
LayoutEvent A LayoutEvent is used by ColumnLayout to notify its LayoutAeventListeners that there have been a change in the position of a fragment within the layout.

Exception Summary
EmptyLayoutLocationException This exception indicates that an attempt to access a layout coordinate that does not contain a Fragment.
FragmentNotInLayoutException This exception indicates that an attmept was made get the coordinates within a layout for a fragement that is not within that layout.
InvalidLayoutLocationException Indicates an attempt to access a local within a layout that is outside of the bounds of that layout.
LayoutException Base exception for all layout exceptions.

Error Summary
LayoutError Should only be thrown when something truely unexpected happens when processing a layout.

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