Package org.apache.jetspeed.container

Interface Summary
InternalPortletConfig This interface defines the internal methods used on the Portlet Config.
InternalPortletContext This interface defines the internal methods used on the Portlet Context.
PortletDispatcherIncludeAware Interface to communicate to HttpServleRequest and HttpServletResponse implementations if they are currently dispatched from PortletDispatcher so that they can enforce the JSR-168 PLT.16.3.3 restrictions.

Class Summary
ContainerConstants Container Constants
ContainerInfo Container Information
ContainerRequest The container request wrappers the servlet request and is used within the container to communicate to the invoked servlet.
ContainerResponse The container response wrappers the servlet response and is used within the container to communicate to the invoked servlet.
JetspeedContainerServlet Jetspeed Container entry point.
JetspeedPortletConfig Implements the Portlet API Portlet Config class
JetspeedPortletContext Implements the Portlet API Portlet Context class TODO: on LOCAL apps, we need to merge in web.xml props.
PortalAccessor Portal Accessor - bridge used by container to communicate with Portal insulating the communications protocol between container and portlet
PortletConfigFactory Portlet Config Factory
PortletContextFactory Portlet Config Factory

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