
Class Summary
JetspeedAuthentication Static accessor for the JetspeedAuthentication service
JetspeedPortalAccessController Static accessor for the PortalAccessController service
JetspeedSecurity This is a commodity static accessor class around the JetspeedSecurityService
JetspeedUserManagement Static accessor for the PortalAccessController service
PortalToolkit Commodity static wrapper around the PortalToolit service
PortletFactory Static wrapper around the PortletFactoryService
PortletStats This is a commodity static accessor class around the PortletStatsService
Profiler This is a commodity static accessor class around the ProfilerService interface
PsmlManager Static accessor for the PsmlManagerService
Registry This is a commodity static accessor class around the RegistryService
ServiceHelper ServiceHelper
TemplateLocator This is a commodity static accessor class around the TemplateLocatorService interface
Transformer This is a commodity static accessor class around the TransformerService

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