
Represents a repository of configuration data.


Interface Summary
CachedParameter Interface describing a cached parameter for a registry entry.
CapabilityMap The CapabilityMap interface represents a list that stores capabilities a client is capable of.
Category Interface describing a Category in the registry
ClientEntry The ClientEntry interface represents one client inside of the client registry.
ClientRegistry The ClientRegistry interface allow to query the system Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a ClientEntry
ContentURL Interface describing a ContentURL in the registry
MediaTypeEntry This entry describes all the properties that should be present in a RegistryEntry describing a MediaType FIXME: we should add some additionnal attrbutes for separating 2 versions of the same mime type
MediaTypeRegistry Represents a media-type registry.
MetaInfo Interface for storing meta-info on a registry entry
MimetypeMap The MimeTypeMap interface represents a list that stores all mimetypes a client supports.
Parameter Interface describing a parameter for a registry entry.
ParameterStyle Interface describing a parameter style for a portlet parameter.
PortletControlEntry This entry describes all the properties that should be present in a RegistryEntry describing a PortletControl
PortletControllerEntry This entry describes all the properties that should be present in a RegistryEntry describing a PortletController
PortletEntry This entry describes all the properties that should be present in a RegistryEntry describing a Portlet.
PortletInfoEntry The PortletInfoEntry defines all the common description properties for all the portlet related entries.
PortletRegistry Represents a portlet registry.
Registry Represents all items within Jetspeed that hold configuration information.
RegistryEntry RegistryEntry is the base interface that objects must implement in order to be used with the Registry service.
Security Interface for manipulatin the access rights on the registry entries
SecurityAccess Interface for manipulatin the security allow on the registry entries
SecurityAllow Interface for manipulatin the security entries on the registry entries
SecurityEntry Interface for manipulatin the security entries on the registry entries
SkinEntry The SkinEntry defines the properties used for storing a Skin description in the registry
StyleOption Interface describing a style option for a portlet parameter style.
ToolDescriptor Interface for storing tool information for a portlet, control or controller

Exception Summary
InvalidEntryException Occurs when anything unexpected happens within Jetspeed and its Registry.
RegistryException Occurs when anything unexpected happens within Jetspeed and its Registry.

Package Description

Represents a repository of configuration data. This includes configuration for portlets and the container classes, like Control and Controller. It details the basic parameters for the portlet, not specific details of instances.

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