OOoRunner test harness

Uses of Class

Packages that use InstDescr

Uses of InstDescr in util

Subclasses of InstDescr in util
 class BookmarkDsc
          describes a Bookmark to be inserted in a container
 class ControlDsc
          Describes a Control to be inserted in a container
 class DefaultDsc
          Defaultdescriptor: This descriptor is useful for instances in default values.
 class FootnoteDsc
          describes a Footnote to be inserted in a container
 class FrameDsc
          the class FrameDsc
 class ParagraphDsc
          the class ParagraphDsc
 class ReferenceMarkDsc
          the class ReferenceMarkDsc
 class ShapeDsc
          the class TableDsc
 class StyleFamilyDsc
          the class StyleFamilyDsc
 class TableDsc
          the class TableDsc
 class TextSectionDsc
          the class TextSectionDsc

Constructors in util with parameters of type InstDescr
InstCreator(XInterface xParent, InstDescr iDsc)

OOoRunner test harness