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How to Build a Release of OpenMeetings
Required tools

To build a binary release of OpenMeetings you need:

  • Sun JDK6
  • Apache ANT (minimum) 1.8.3
  • SVN Command line client (Subversion 1.7 required!) http://subversion.apache.org/packages.html
  • A text editor
  • You need to be online! The build process actively downloads needed libraries and dependencies.

Prepare your Apache ID
Every release package must be signed with a PGP/GPG key.
So if you want to release a package your Apache Id must be connected with a PGP key!

You might follow:

In short:
Create PGP key pairs (private + public) (and I recommend creating a Revoke Cert)
Upload the public key (either bei using the PGP Tool that you use to create the key) or by using the web form to: http://pgp.mit.edu/
Add the fingerprint string (something like "BF13 CF11 F9C9 0CBE 4413 09AB 0055 16BF 93A3 0395") to your profile at id.apche-org
Wait for 6-8 hours, the server will search for a public key based on your fingerprint, if success it will create a file with your name at:

If that is "success" then add your key to:
and follow the instructions in the file.

Step1 - Prepare files

Check that all files:
are up to date and refer to the right version.

Create a TAG of the SVN tree that you would like to release

svn copy -r1453158 https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openmeetings/trunk/singlewebapp \
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openmeetings/tags/2.1RC1 \
-m "Release candidate 1"

Get the source from your TAG:

svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openmeetings/tags/$BRANCHORTAG/
$BRANCHORTAG should be replaced with your new TAG

Edit the file build.properties change




Run the command:

ant dist-release

Test building the source on windows and OSx or Linux

Test running the binary's

Create MD5 checksums

#On OSX you might use this command to make a MD5 checksum and store it to a file
md5 -r apache-openmeetings-XXX-src.zip >apache-openmeetings-XXX-src.zip.md5
#To create MD5 hashes On Ubuntu:
for f in `ls -1 *.tar.gz *.zip`; do md5sum $f > $f.md5; done

#To check MD5 hashes On Ubuntu:
for f in `ls -1 *.tar.gz *.zip`; do md5sum -c $f.md5; done

Create signatures with the your KEY for every file, the KEY must be available at:

#To create signatures On Ubuntu:
for f in `ls -1 *.tar.gz *.zip`; do gpg --armor --output $f.asc --detach-sig $f; done

#To check signatures On Ubuntu:
for f in `ls -1 *.tar.gz *.zip`; do gpg --verify $f.asc; done

Commit artifacts you have created with KEYS file to the https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/openmeetings/ Proposed file structure for "Release Candidate 1" of 2.1 will be:


Step2 - VOTE and RESULT emails

Send a "VOTE" to the developer mailing list including links to release artefacts.
A VOTE always contains two parts:
Send an email to the developer mailing list with the subject line:
[VOTE] Apache OpenMeetings x.xx release
An example for such an email: example Vote email example Vote email (Incubator)
Forward (Not CC) this Vote email to: private@openmeetings.apache.org

After the vote is over, send a "RESULT" email to the list with the subject line:
[RESULT][VOTE] Apache OpenMeetings x.xx release
An example for such an email: example Result email
Forward (Not CC) this RESULT VOTE email to: private@openmeetings.apache.org

Votes on whether a package is ready to be released use majority approval -- i.e., at least three PMC members must vote affirmatively for release, and there must be more positive than negative votes. Releases may not be vetoed. Before voting +1 PMC members are required to download the signed source code package, compile it as provided, and test the resulting executable on their own platform, along with also verifying that the package meets the requirements of the ASF policy on releases.

Step3 - Distribute and announce

If VOTEs positive: Upload the release

svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/openmeetings/2.1/rc3 \
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/openmeetings/2.1 \
-m "RC3 is released as 2.1"

Wait 24 hours (until all Apache mirrors have synced the packages) and send an announcement to the mailing list + blog and any other channel.

Email announcements should have the subject line:
[ANNOUNCE] Apache OpenMeetings x.xx released

Add a section to downloads website.
Make sure that the binary packages are linked using the mirror URL as base path ( not http://www.apache.org/dist):
Mirror URL: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/openmeetings/

Release candidates should be deleted from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/openmeetings/
Old releases should be deleted from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/openmeetings/

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