2016/02/07 - Apache Onami has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

public class


extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner
   ↳ org.junit.runner.Runner
     ↳ org.junit.runners.ParentRunner<T>
       ↳ org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner
         ↳ org.apache.onami.test.OnamiRunner

Class Overview

It's a BlockJUnit4ClassRunner runner.

This class creates a Google Guice Injector configured by GuiceModules annotation (only fr modules with default constructor) and GuiceProvidedModules annotation and Mock.

Example #1:

 @org.junit.runner.RunWith( OnamiRunner.class )
 @GuiceModules( SimpleModule.class )
 public class AcmeTestCase
     static public Module getProperties()
         return Modules.combine(new ComplexModule( loadProperies() ), ...  );

Example #2:

 @org.junit.runner.RunWith( OnamiRunner.class )
 public class AcmeTestCase
     extends com.google.inject.AbstractModule
     public void configure()
         // Configure your proper modules
         bind( Service.class ).annotatedWith( TestAnnotation.class ).to( ServiceTestImpl.class );
     private AnotherService serviceMock;
     private Service serviceTest;
     public void test()
         assertNotNull( serviceMock );
         assertNotNull( serviceTest );

See Also


Public Constructors
OnamiRunner(Class<?> klass)
OnamiRunner constructor to create the core JUnice class.
Public Methods
void run(RunNotifier notifier)
Protected Methods
Injector createInjector(List<Module> modules)
Shortcut to create the Injector given a list of Modules.
Object createTest()
Creates test instance via Google-Guice to inject all not-static dependencies.
<T> List<Module> inizializeInjector(Class<T> clazz)
This method collects modules from GuiceModules, GuiceProvidedModules, Mock.
void runChild(FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier)
Inherited Methods
From class org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner
From class org.junit.runners.ParentRunner
From class org.junit.runner.Runner
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.junit.runner.Describable
From interface org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filterable
From interface org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sortable

Public Constructors

public OnamiRunner (Class<?> klass)

OnamiRunner constructor to create the core JUnice class.

klass The test case class to run.
InitializationError if any error occurs.
See Also
  • org.junit.runner.RunWith

Public Methods

public void run (RunNotifier notifier)

Protected Methods

protected Injector createInjector (List<Module> modules)

Shortcut to create the Injector given a list of Modules.

modules the list of modules have to be load
  • an Injector instance built using the input Module list

protected Object createTest ()

Creates test instance via Google-Guice to inject all not-static dependencies.

  • The instance of the test case.
Exception when an error occurs.

protected List<Module> inizializeInjector (Class<T> clazz)

This method collects modules from GuiceModules, GuiceProvidedModules, Mock.

clazz the input class has to be analyzed
  • a List of Guice Modules built after input class analysis.
IllegalAccessException when a n error occurs.
InstantiationException when a n error occurs.
HandleException when a n error occurs.

protected void runChild (FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier)