Uses of Class

Packages that use Loops.Route

Uses of Loops.Route in org.apache.nutch.scoring.webgraph

Methods in org.apache.nutch.scoring.webgraph with parameters of type Loops.Route
 void key, Loops.Route value, OutputCollector<Text,Loops.Route> output, Reporter reporter)
          Maps out and found routes, those will be the link cycles.

Method parameters in org.apache.nutch.scoring.webgraph with type arguments of type Loops.Route
 void key, Loops.Route value, OutputCollector<Text,Loops.Route> output, Reporter reporter)
          Maps out and found routes, those will be the link cycles.
 void Loops.Finalizer.reduce(Text key, Iterator<Loops.Route> values, OutputCollector<Text,Loops.LoopSet> output, Reporter reporter)
          Aggregates all found routes for a given start url into a loopset and collects the loopset.
 void Loops.Initializer.reduce(Text key, Iterator<ObjectWritable> values, OutputCollector<Text,Loops.Route> output, Reporter reporter)
          Takes any node that has inlinks and sets up a route for all of its outlinks.
 void Loops.Looper.reduce(Text key, Iterator<ObjectWritable> values, OutputCollector<Text,Loops.Route> output, Reporter reporter)
          Performs a single loop pass looking for loop cycles within routes.

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