Uses of Class

Packages that use ParseException
org.creativecommons.nutch Sample plugins that parse and index Creative Commons medadata. 

Uses of ParseException in org.apache.nutch.parse

Subclasses of ParseException in org.apache.nutch.parse
 class ParserNotFound

Methods in org.apache.nutch.parse that throw ParseException
 ParseResult ParseUtil.parse(Content content)
          Performs a parse by iterating through a List of preferred Parsers until a successful parse is performed and a Parse object is returned.
 ParseResult ParseUtil.parseByExtensionId(String extId, Content content)
          Method parses a Content object using the Parser specified by the parameter extId, i.e., the Parser's extension ID.

Uses of ParseException in org.creativecommons.nutch

Methods in org.creativecommons.nutch that throw ParseException
static void CCParseFilter.Walker.walk(Node doc, URL base, Metadata metadata, Configuration conf)
          Scan the document adding attributes to metadata.

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