Interface Summarizer

All Superinterfaces:
Configurable, Pluggable
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicSummarizer, LuceneSummarizer

public interface Summarizer
extends Configurable, Pluggable

Extension point for summarizer.

Jérôme Charron

Field Summary
static String X_POINT_ID
          The name of the extension point.
Method Summary
 Summary getSummary(String text, Query query)
          Get a summary for a specified text.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable
getConf, setConf

Field Detail


static final String X_POINT_ID
The name of the extension point.

Method Detail


Summary getSummary(String text,
                   Query query)
Get a summary for a specified text.

text - is the text to summarize.
query - is the query for which the text is a hit.

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