Class BasicQueryFilter

  extended by org.apache.nutch.searcher.basic.BasicQueryFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, Pluggable, QueryFilter

public class BasicQueryFilter
extends Object
implements QueryFilter

The default query filter. Query terms in the default query field are expanded to search the url, anchor and content document fields. Additional fields can be added by specifying parameters of the form : query.basic.(fieldname).boost to the configuration files (see nutch-default.xml for an example).Such fields will be used in the clauses generated by the BasicQueryFilter e.g. for a user query A B, it generates +(field1:A field2:A ...) +(field1:B field2:B....). If you don't want the additional fields to be included in the clauses you will need to implement a custom query filter for it.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.nutch.searcher.QueryFilter
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 BooleanQuery filter(Query input, BooleanQuery output)
          Adds clauses or otherwise modifies the BooleanQuery that will be searched.
 Configuration getConf()
 void setAnchorBoost(float boost)
          Set the boost factor for title/anchor matches, relative to url and content matches.
 void setConf(Configuration conf)
 void setPhraseBoost(float boost)
          Set the boost factor for sloppy phrase matches relative to unordered term matches.
 void setSlop(int slop)
          Set the maximum number of terms permitted between matching terms in a sloppy phrase match.
 void setUrlBoost(float boost)
          Set the boost factor for url matches, relative to content and anchor matches
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BasicQueryFilter()
Method Detail


public void setUrlBoost(float boost)
Set the boost factor for url matches, relative to content and anchor matches


public void setAnchorBoost(float boost)
Set the boost factor for title/anchor matches, relative to url and content matches.


public void setPhraseBoost(float boost)
Set the boost factor for sloppy phrase matches relative to unordered term matches.


public void setSlop(int slop)
Set the maximum number of terms permitted between matching terms in a sloppy phrase match.


public BooleanQuery filter(Query input,
                           BooleanQuery output)
Description copied from interface: QueryFilter
Adds clauses or otherwise modifies the BooleanQuery that will be searched.

Specified by:
filter in interface QueryFilter


public void setConf(Configuration conf)
Specified by:
setConf in interface Configurable


public Configuration getConf()
Specified by:
getConf in interface Configurable

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