Parent Project

CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.5.


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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 111
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 114
  public MenuContentHandlerUsingApiImpl()


   * Called by the SAX Parser at the start of parsing a document.
  public void startDocument()
    _nodeDepth = 0;
    _menuNodes = new ArrayList<List<MenuNode>>();
    _menuList  = null;

    // Handler Id will have to change also to be unique
    _handlerId = Integer.toString(System.identityHashCode(_menuNodes));

    * Start the parsing of an node element entry in the menu metadata file.
    * <p>
    * If the entry is for an itemNode or a destinationNode, create the node
    * and it to the List.  If the entry is for a sharedNode, a new submenu
    * model is created.
    * @param nameSpaceUri - only used when passed to super class.
    * @param localElemName - only used when passed to super class.
    * @param qualifiedElemName - String designating the node type of the entry.
    * @param attrList - List of attributes in the menudata entry.
    * @throws SAXException
  public void startElement(String nameSpaceUri, String localElemName,
                           String qualifiedElemName, Attributes attrList)
    throws SAXException
    super.startElement(nameSpaceUri, localElemName, qualifiedElemName,

    if (_ROOT_NODE.equals(qualifiedElemName))
      // Unless both of these are specified, don't attempt to load
      // the resource bundle.
      String resBundle    = attrList.getValue(_RES_BUNDLE_ATTR);
      String resBundleKey = attrList.getValue(_VAR_ATTR);

      if (   (resBundle != null    && !"".equals(resBundle))
          && (resBundleKey != null && !"".equals(resBundleKey))
        // Load the resource Bundle.
        // Ensure the bundle key is unique by appending the
        // handler Id.
        MenuUtils.loadBundle(resBundle, resBundleKey + getHandlerId());
        _resBundleKey  = resBundleKey;
        _resBundleName = resBundle;
      // Either itemNode, destinationNode, or groupNode
      boolean isNonSharedNode = (   _ITEM_NODE.equals(qualifiedElemName)
                                 || _GROUP_NODE.equals(qualifiedElemName)

      if (isNonSharedNode)
        _currentNodeStyle = (  _ITEM_NODE.equals(qualifiedElemName)
                             ? MenuConstants.NODE_STYLE_ITEM
                             : MenuConstants.NODE_STYLE_GROUP

        if ((_skipDepth >= 0) && (_nodeDepth > _skipDepth))
          // This sub-tree is being skipped, so just return

        if (_menuNodes.size() < _nodeDepth)
          _menuNodes.add(new ArrayList<MenuNode>());

        _attrMap = _getMapFromList(attrList);

        // Create either an itemNode or groupNode.
        MenuNode menuNode = _createMenuNode();

        if (menuNode == null)
          // No menu item is created, so note that we are
          // now skipping the subtree
          _skipDepth = _nodeDepth;
          if (   (_resBundleName != null && !"".equals(_resBundleName))
              && (_resBundleKey  != null && !"".equals(_resBundleKey))

          // Set the node's MenuContentHandlerUsingApiImpl id so that when
          // the node's getLabel() method is called, we can
          // use the handlerId to insert into the label
          // if it is an EL expression.

          // Set the root model on the node so we can call into
          // the root model from the node to populate its
          // idNodeMap (See

          // Set the local model (created when parsing a sharedNode)
          // on the node in case the node needs to get back to its
          // local model.

          // menu nodes need to know how to refer
          // back to the specific xml menu model
          // so that they can mutate them.
          FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
          Map<String, Object> requestMap =
            menuNode.setRootId( (getId() ) );
            menuNode.setRootId((Integer) requestMap.get(XMLMenuModel.SHARED_MODEL_INDICATOR_KEY));

          List<MenuNode> list = _menuNodes.get(_nodeDepth-1);
      else if (_SHARED_NODE.equals(qualifiedElemName))

        // SharedNode's "ref" property points to another submenu's metadata,
        // and thus a new model, which we build here.  Note: this will
        // recursively call into this MenuContentHandlerUsingApiImpl when parsing the
        // submenu's metadata.
        String expr = attrList.getValue(_REF_ATTR);
        // push this only when we are root model
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Map<String, Object> requestMap =
        Integer recurseLevel = (Integer) requestMap.get(_RECURSE_COUNTER);
        if(recurseLevel == null) 
          recurseLevel = 0;
        if(recurseLevel == 0)
          requestMap.put(XMLMenuModel.SHARED_MODEL_INDICATOR_KEY, this.getId());
        requestMap.put(_RECURSE_COUNTER, recurseLevel);

        // Need to push several items onto the stack now as we recurse
        // into another menu model.

        // Create the sub menu model specified in the sharedNode
        XMLMenuModel menuModel = (XMLMenuModel)MenuUtils.getBoundValue(expr,

        // Now must pop the values cause we are back to the parent
        // model.
        recurseLevel = (Integer) requestMap.get(_RECURSE_COUNTER);
        recurseLevel --;
        requestMap.put(_RECURSE_COUNTER, recurseLevel);
        if(recurseLevel == 0)

        // Name of the managed bean that is the sub menu XMLMenuModel.
        String modelStr = expr.substring(expr.indexOf('{')+1,

        // There are 2 ways that a Model can be invalid:
        // 1) Something such as a missing managed bean definition
        //    for the submenu model causes the creation of the
        //    XMLMenuModel for the submenu to fail. This will result
        //    in menuModel being NULL.
        // 2) Some kind of parsing error in its metadata.  If a node
        //    type is invalid, an exception will be thrown (see below)
        //    and caught in getTreeModel().  This will result in a
        //    null submenu list the following SAXException will also
        //    be logged.
        if (menuModel != null)
          Object         subMenuObj  = menuModel.getWrappedData();
          List<MenuNode> subMenuList = null;

          if (subMenuObj instanceof ChildPropertyTreeModel)
            subMenuList =

          if (subMenuList != null)
            // SharedNode could be the first child
            // So we need a new list for the children
            if (_menuNodes.size() < _nodeDepth)
              _menuNodes.add(new ArrayList<MenuNode>());

            List<MenuNode> list = _menuNodes.get(_nodeDepth-1);
            // Let it go through but log it.  This way the rest of
            // the Tree gets built and this submenu is skipped.
            SAXException npe =
              new SAXException("Shared Node Model not created for " + modelStr);
          // Let it go through but log it.  This way the rest of
          // the Tree gets built and this submenu is skipped.
          NullPointerException npe =
            new NullPointerException("Shared Node Model not created for "
              + modelStr + ". Check for the existence of the corresponding "
              + "managed bean in your config files.");

          _LOG.severe (npe.getMessage(), npe);
        // Throw an Exception for any node that is not of type
        // menu, itemNode, groupNode, or sharedNode.  This will get
        // caught in getTreeModel()
        throw new SAXException("Invalid Node type: " + localElemName);

   * Processing done at the end of parsing a node enty element from the
   * menu metadata file.  This manages the node depth properly so that
   * method startElement works correctly to build the List.
   * @param nameSpaceUri - not used.
   * @param localElemName - not used.
   * @param qualifiedElemName - String designating the node type of the entry.
  public void endElement(String nameSpaceUri, String localElemName, String qualifiedElemName)
    if (   _ITEM_NODE.equals(qualifiedElemName)
        || _GROUP_NODE.equals(qualifiedElemName)

      if (_skipDepth >= 0)
        if (_nodeDepth < _skipDepth)
          _skipDepth = -1;
        if (_nodeDepth > 0)
          // The parent menu item is the last menu item at the previous depth
          List<MenuNode> parentList = _menuNodes.get(_nodeDepth-1);
          MenuNode       parentNode = parentList.get(parentList.size()-1);


        // If we have dropped back two levels, then we are done adding
        // the parent's sub tree, remove the list of menu items at that level
        // so they don't get added twice.
        if (_nodeDepth == (_menuNodes.size() - 2))
    else if (_SHARED_NODE.equals(qualifiedElemName))

      // In processing a sharedNode in startElement(), it is possible
      // that a sharedNode model is not created properly. However,
      // we only log an error and let parsing continue so that the whole
      // Tree can get created w/o the failed sharedNode submenu model.
      // Thus we need the 2nd conditional here to detect if we are at
      // the end of parsing a failed sharedNode.
      if (_nodeDepth > 0  && _menuNodes.size() > _nodeDepth)
        // The parent menu item is the last menu item at the previous depth
        List<MenuNode> parentList = _menuNodes.get(_nodeDepth-1);
        MenuNode       parentNode = parentList.get(parentList.size()-1);


   * Called by the SAX Parser at the end of parsing a document.
   * Here, the menuList is put on the menuList map.
  public void endDocument()
    if (_menuNodes.isEmpty())
      // Empty tree is created to prevent
      // later NPEs if menu model methods are called.
      _LOG.warning ("CREATE_TREE_WARNING: Empty Tree!");

      List<MenuNode> list = Collections.emptyList();
      _menuList = list;
      _menuList = _menuNodes.get(0);

      // Create the treeModel
      ChildPropertyTreeModel treeModel =
                    new ChildPropertyTreeModel(_menuList, "children");

      if (_isRootHandler)
        _viewIdFocusPathMap = new HashMap<String,List<Object>>();
        _nodeFocusPathMap   = new HashMap<Object, List<Object>>();
        _idNodeMap          = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Object oldPath      = treeModel.getRowKey();


        // Populate the maps
        _addToMaps(treeModel, _viewIdFocusPathMap, _nodeFocusPathMap, _idNodeMap);


   * Get the Model's viewIdFocusPathMap
   * @return the Model's viewIdFocusPathMap
  public Map<String, List<Object>> getViewIdFocusPathMap(Object modelKey)
    return _viewIdFocusPathMap;

   * Get the Model's nodeFocusPathMap
   * @return the Model's nodeFocusPathMap
  public Map<Object, List<Object>> getNodeFocusPathMap(Object modelKey)
    return _nodeFocusPathMap;

   * Get the Model's idNodeMap
   * @return the Model's idNodeMap
  public Map<String, Object> getIdNodeMap(Object modelKey)
    return _idNodeMap;

    * Get the treeModel built during parsing
    * @return List of menu nodes.
  public TreeModel getTreeModel(String uri)
     List<MenuNode> list = _menuList;
    // If we have a cached model, return it.
    if (list != null)
      return new ChildPropertyTreeModel(list,"children");

      list = _menuList;
      if (list == null)// double check inside lock
        // Build a Tree model.  Parsing puts the tree model
        // in the map, see method endDocument().
        _currentTreeModelMapKey = uri;
          // Get a parser.  NOTE: we are using the jdk's 1.5 SAXParserFactory
          // and SAXParser here.
          SAXParser parser = _SAX_PARSER_FACTORY.newSAXParser();

          // Call the local menu model's getStream() method. This is a model
          // method so that it can be overridden by any model extending
          // XmlMenuModel.
          InputStream inStream = getModel().getStream(uri);

          // Parse the metadata
          parser.parse(inStream, this);

        } catch (SAXException saxex)
          _LOG.severe("SAX Parse Exception parsing " + uri + ": " +
              saxex.getMessage(), saxex);
        } catch (IOException ioe)
          _LOG.severe("Unable to open an InputStream to " + uri, ioe);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
          _LOG.severe("InputStream to " + iae + " is null", iae);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce)
          _LOG.severe("Unable to create SAX parser for " + uri, pce);
        list = _menuList;
    return new ChildPropertyTreeModel(list,"children");

   * Get the top-level, root menu model, which contains
   * the entire menu tree.
   * @return root, top-level XMLMenuModel
  public XMLMenuModel getRootModel()
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Map<String, Object> requestMap =

    Map<String,XMLMenuModel> modelMap = (Map<String,XMLMenuModel>) requestMap.get(getRootModelKey());
      return modelMap.get( (this.getId() ) );
      return modelMap.get((Integer) requestMap.get(XMLMenuModel.SHARED_MODEL_INDICATOR_KEY));

   * Get the top-level, root menu model's Request Map Key.
   * @return root, top-level XMLMenuModel's Request Map Key.
  public String getRootModelKey()
    return _rootModelKey;

   * Sets the root menu Model's Request map key.
   * <p>
   * This is always only the top-level, root model's Request map key.
   * We do this because the MenuContentHandlerUsingApiImpl and nodes need to be able
   * to call into the root model to:
   * <ul>
   * <li>notify them root menu model of the currently selected node on a POST
   * <li>group node needs to find its referenced item node.
   * </ul>
   * @param rootModelKey - String the root, top-level menu model's Request
   *        map key.
  public void setRootModelKey(String rootModelKey)
    _rootModelKey = rootModelKey;

   * Get the local (sharedNode) menu model.
   * @return sharedNode's XMLMenuModel
  public XMLMenuModel getModel()
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Map<String, Object> requestMap =

    return (XMLMenuModel) requestMap.get(getModelId());

   * Get the local (sharedNode) menu model's Uri.
   * @return sharedNode's XMLMenuModel Uri
  public String getModelId()
    return _localModelId;

   * Sets the local (sharedNode's) menu Model's System Id.
   * @param localModelId - String the root, top-level menu model's Uri.
  public void setModelId(String localModelId)
    _localModelId = localModelId;

   * Sets the treeModel map key used to get a cached treeModel
   * from the MenuContentHandlerUsingApiImpl.
   * Note: this is set from the XMLMenuModel BEFORE parsing begins
   * @param uri String path to the menu model's metadata
  public void setTreeModelKey(String uri)
    _currentTreeModelMapKey = uri;

  public void setRootHandler(boolean isRoot)
    _isRootHandler = isRoot;
   * sets the id of this content handler
   * No synchronization necessary,let
   * the first thread set the id,
   * the rest of the threads will immediately
   * see the new value and will not try to 
   * set again.
  public void setId(int id)
    if(_id == -1)
      _id = id;
  public int getId()
    return _id;
  // Package Private Methods
   * Gets the MenuContentHandlerUsingApiImpl's id.
   * This is set in the MenuContentHandlerUsingApiImpl's Constructor
   * and is used to ensure that the all resource bundle keys
   * and node ids are unique.
   * @return String handler id.
  String getHandlerId()
    return _handlerId;

   * Returns the hashmap key for a resource bundle.
   * This the value of the "var" attribute for the menu root node
   * from the menu's metadata
   * @return String hashmap key.
  String getBundleKey()
    return _resBundleKey;

  // Private Methods

   * Create a Map of name/value pairs from the attrList given
   * to us by the Sax parser.
   * @param attrList List of attributes of an XML element
   * @return Map hashMap of attributes converted to name/value pairs.
  private Map<String, String> _getMapFromList(Attributes attrList)
    Map<String, String> attrMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

    for (int i=0; i < attrList.getLength(); i++)
      attrMap.put(attrList.getQName(i), attrList.getValue(i) );

    return attrMap;

   * Creates a MenuNode from attribute list.
   * @return MenuNode used in the Menu List.
  private MenuNode _createMenuNode ()
    // Get generic attributes

    // If the node has rendered = false, do not create it.
    // This is a security risk and cannot be allowed
    String renderedStr = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_RENDERED_ATTR);

    // We do not create nodes whose rendered attr is false
    // and if the Root model or the local model's (sharedNode
    // model) says that nodes whose rendered attribute is false
    // should not be created, then we don't either.
    // This default value of false (don't create nodes whose
    // rendered attr is false) can be overridden by the
    // XMLMenuModel's managed property, createHiddenNodes.
    // Typically this is done in faces-config.xml
    if (   "false".equals(renderedStr)
        && (   !getRootModel().getCreateHiddenNodes()
            || !getModel().getCreateHiddenNodes()
      return null;

    String label       = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_LABEL_ATTR);
    String icon        = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_ICON_ATTR);
    String disabledStr = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_DISABLED_ATTR);
    String readOnlyStr = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_READONLY_ATTR);
    String accessKey   = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_ACCESSKEY_ATTR);
    String labelAndAccessKey = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_LABEL_AND_ACCESSKEY_ATTR);
    String id          = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_ID_ATTR);
    String visibleStr  = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_VISIBLE_ATTR);

    MenuNode menuNode = (  _currentNodeStyle == MenuConstants.NODE_STYLE_ITEM
                         ? _createItemNode()
                         : _createGroupNode()

    // Set the generic attributes

    if (labelAndAccessKey != null)

    return menuNode;

    * Creates an itemNode from attribute list obtained by parsing an
    * itemNode menu metadata entry.
    * @return Node of type ItemNode.
  private ItemNode _createItemNode()
    // Create the itemNode
    ItemNode itemNode = new ItemNode();

    String action         = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_ACTION_ATTR);
    String actionListener = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_ACTIONLISTENER_ATTR);
    String launchListener = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_LAUNCHLISTENER_ATTR);
    String returnListener = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_RETURNLISTENER_ATTR);
    String immediate      = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_IMMEDIATE_ATTR);
    String useWindow      = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_USEWINDOW_ATTR);
    String windowHeight   = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_WINDOWHEIGHT_ATTR);
    String windowWidth    = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_WINDOWWIDTH_ATTR);
    String defaultFocusPathStr = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_DEFAULT_FOCUS_PATH_ATTR);
    String focusViewId    = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_FOCUS_VIEWID_ATTR);

    // Former Destination node attrs
    String destination = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_DESTINATION_ATTR);
    String targetFrame = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_TARGETFRAME_ATTR);

    // An item node with one of two(2) possible values:
    // 1) outcome
    // 2) EL method binding  (which can return either a URI or
    //    an outcome

    // Set its properties - null is ok.

    // Former destination node attrs

    // Set the Any Attributes Attrlist
    if (_attrMap.size() > 0)

    return itemNode;

    * Creates a GroupNode from attribute list passed obtained by parsing
    * a GroupNode menu metadata entry.
    * @return Node of type GroupNode
  private GroupNode _createGroupNode()
    // Create the GroupNode
    GroupNode groupNode = new GroupNode();
    String idRef = _getAndRemoveAttrValue(_IDREF_ATTR);

    // Set its attributes - null is ok

    return groupNode;

   * Saves all information needed for parsing and building model data
   * before recursing into the new model of a sharedNode.
   * Note: if you add a new push in this method, you must also add
   * a corresponding pop in _restoreModelData() below in the correct order.
  private void _saveModelData()
    if (_saveDataStack == null)
      _saveDataStack = new Stack<Object>();

    // "pops" DONE BELOW in _restoreModelData.
    int nodeDepthSave       = _nodeDepth;
    ArrayList<List<MenuNode>> menuNodesSave =
      new ArrayList<List<MenuNode>>(_menuNodes);

    ArrayList<Object> menuListSave  =
      (  _menuList != null
       ? new ArrayList<Object>(_menuList)
       : null

    String mapTreeKeySave    = _currentTreeModelMapKey;
    String localModelIdSave = _localModelId;
    String handlerId         = _handlerId;
    String resBundleName     = _resBundleName;
    String resBundleKey      = _resBundleKey;

   * Restores data needed for parsing and building model data
   * as execution returns from creating a sharedNode child menu model.
   * Note: if you add a new pop in this method, you must also add
   * a corresponding push in _saveModelData() above in the correct order.
  private void _restoreModelData()
    // "pushes" DONE ABOVE in _saveModelData.
    _resBundleKey           = (String) _saveDataStack.pop();
    _resBundleName          = (String) _saveDataStack.pop();
    _handlerId              = (String) _saveDataStack.pop();
    _localModelId          = (String) _saveDataStack.pop();
    _currentTreeModelMapKey = (String) _saveDataStack.pop();
    _menuList               = (ArrayList<MenuNode>) _saveDataStack.pop();
    _menuNodes              = (ArrayList<List<MenuNode>>) _saveDataStack.pop();
    _nodeDepth              = ((Integer)_saveDataStack.pop()).intValue();

   * Gets the specified attribute's value from the Attributes List
   * passed in by the parser.  Also removes this attribute so that
   * once we are finished processing and removing all the known
   * attributes, those left are custom attributes.
   * @param attrName
   * @return String value of the attribute in the Attributes List.
  private String _getAndRemoveAttrValue(String attrName)
    String attrValue = _attrMap.get(attrName);

    if (attrValue != null)

    return attrValue;

   * Menu Model Data Structure section.
   * ======================================================================*/
   * Traverses the tree and builds the model's viewIdFocusPathMap,
   * nodeFocusPathMap, and _idNodeMap
   * @param tree
  private void _addToMaps(
    TreeModel tree,
    Map viewIdFocusPathMap,
    Map nodeFocusPathMap,
    Map idNodeMap)
    for ( int i = 0; i < tree.getRowCount(); i++)

      // Get the node
      MenuNode node = (MenuNode) tree.getRowData();

      // Get its focus path
      List<Object> focusPath = (List<Object>)tree.getRowKey();

      // Get the focusViewId of the node
      Object viewIdObject = node.getFocusViewId();

      if (viewIdObject != null)
        // Put this entry in the nodeFocusPathMap
        nodeFocusPathMap.put(node, focusPath);

        // Does this viewId already exist in the _viewIdFocusPathMap?
        List<Object> existingFpArrayList =

        if (existingFpArrayList == null)
          // This is a node with a unique focusViewId.  Simply create
          // and Arraylist and add the focusPath as the single entry
          // to the focus path ArrayList.  Then put the focusPath
          // ArrayList in the focusPath HashMap.
          List<Object> fpArrayList = new ArrayList<Object>();
          viewIdFocusPathMap.put(viewIdObject, fpArrayList);
          // This is a node that points to the same viewId as at least one
          // other node.

          // If the node's defaultFocusPath is set to true, we move it to
          // the head of the ArrayList. The 0th element of the list is
          // always returned when navigation to a viewId occurs from outside
          // the menu model (that is _currentNode is null)
          boolean defFocusPath = node.getDefaultFocusPath();

          if (defFocusPath)
            existingFpArrayList.add(0, focusPath);

      // Get the Id of the node
      String idProp = node.getUniqueId();

      if (idProp != null)
        idNodeMap.put(idProp, node);

      if (tree.isContainer() && !tree.isContainerEmpty())
        _addToMaps(tree, viewIdFocusPathMap, nodeFocusPathMap, idNodeMap);

  // Private variables

  private List<List<MenuNode>> _menuNodes;
  private volatile List<MenuNode>       _menuList;
  private String _currentTreeModelMapKey;
  private int    _nodeDepth;
  private int    _skipDepth = -1;
  private String _currentNodeStyle;
  private String _handlerId;
  private String _resBundleKey;
  private String _resBundleName;

  private Map<String, String>       _attrMap;
  private Stack<Object>             _saveDataStack;
  private Map<String, List<Object>> _viewIdFocusPathMap;
  private Map<Object, List<Object>> _nodeFocusPathMap;
  private Map<String, Object>       _idNodeMap;

  // Local (shared) Menu models Uri
  private String _localModelId = null;

  // Root Menu model's Session map key
  private String _rootModelKey  = null;
  private volatile boolean _isRootHandler;
  private volatile int _id  = -1;

  // Nodes
  private final static String _GROUP_NODE        = "groupNode";
  private final static String _ITEM_NODE         = "itemNode";
  private final static String _SHARED_NODE       = "sharedNode";
  private final static String _ROOT_NODE         = "menu";

  // Attributes
  private final static String _LABEL_ATTR        = "label";
  private final static String _RENDERED_ATTR     = "rendered";
  private final static String _ID_ATTR           = "id";
  private final static String _IDREF_ATTR        = "idref";
  private final static String _ICON_ATTR         = "icon";
  private final static String _DISABLED_ATTR     = "disabled";
  private final static String _DESTINATION_ATTR  = "destination";
  private final static String _ACTION_ATTR       = "action";
  private final static String _REF_ATTR          = "ref";
  private final static String _READONLY_ATTR     = "readOnly";
  private final static String _VAR_ATTR          = "var";
  private final static String _RES_BUNDLE_ATTR   = "resourceBundle";
  private final static String _FOCUS_VIEWID_ATTR = "focusViewId";
  private final static String _ACCESSKEY_ATTR    = "accessKey";
  private final static String _LABEL_AND_ACCESSKEY_ATTR = "labelAndAccessKey";
  private final static String _TARGETFRAME_ATTR  = "targetframe";
  private final static String _ACTIONLISTENER_ATTR = "actionListener";
  private final static String _LAUNCHLISTENER_ATTR = "launchListener";
  private final static String _RETURNLISTENER_ATTR = "returnListener";
  private final static String _IMMEDIATE_ATTR      = "immediate";
  private final static String _USEWINDOW_ATTR      = "useWindow";
  private final static String _WINDOWHEIGHT_ATTR   = "windowHeight";
  private final static String _WINDOWWIDTH_ATTR    = "windowWidth";
  private final static String _DEFAULT_FOCUS_PATH_ATTR  = "defaultFocusPath";
  private final static String _VISIBLE_ATTR        = "visible";

  private static final SAXParserFactory _SAX_PARSER_FACTORY;
      _SAX_PARSER_FACTORY = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
  private final static TrinidadLogger _LOG =
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    _renderFilterChild(context, node);

  // End the table row with the contents
  private void _endContentsRow(
    FacesContext     fContext,
    RenderingContext arc,
    IconData         icons
    ) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = fContext.getResponseWriter();


    if (icons.endBackground != null)
      writer.startElement(TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);, arc, icons.endBackground);


  // Tests whether this contentContainer has a bottom row
  private boolean _hasBottomRow(IconData icons)
    // We have a bottom row if we have a bottom start/end icon
    return ((icons.bottomStart != null) || (icons.bottomEnd != null));

  // Renders the bottom row
  private void _renderBottomRow(
    FacesContext     fContext,
    RenderingContext arc,
    IconData         icons,
    int              columnCount
    ) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = fContext.getResponseWriter();

    // Render the contents inside of its own table row
    writer.startElement(TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);

    // If we've got a start icon, render it
    if (icons.bottomStart != null)
      writer.startElement(TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
      OutputUtils.renderIcon(fContext, arc, icons.bottomStart, "", null);     

    // Render the cell with the bottom background icon.  We first
    // need to determine how many columns the background cell should
    // fill.
    Integer colspan = _getBottomBackgroundColumnCount(icons, columnCount);

    writer.startElement(TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
    writer.writeAttribute(COLSPAN_ATTRIBUTE, colspan, null);
    writer.writeAttribute(WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE, "100%", null);, arc, icons.bottomBackground);

    // If we've got an end icon, render it
    if (icons.bottomEnd != null)
      writer.startElement(TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
      OutputUtils.renderIcon(fContext, arc, icons.bottomEnd, "", null);     


  // Tests whether this contentContainer has a top row
  private boolean _hasTopRow(IconData icons)
    // We have a top row if we have a top start/end icon
    return ((icons.topStart != null) || (icons.topEnd != null));

  // Renders the top row
  private void _renderTopRow(
    FacesContext     fContext,
    RenderingContext arc,
    IconData         icons,
    int              columnCount
    ) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = fContext.getResponseWriter();

    // Render the contents inside of its own table row
    writer.startElement(TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);

    // If we've got a start icon, render it
    if (icons.topStart != null)
      writer.startElement(TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
      OutputUtils.renderIcon(fContext, arc, icons.topStart, "", null);           

    // Render the cell with the top background icon.  We first
    // need to determine how many columns the background cell should
    // fill.
    Integer colspan = _getTopBackgroundColumnCount(icons, columnCount);

    writer.startElement(TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
    writer.writeAttribute(COLSPAN_ATTRIBUTE, colspan, null);
    writer.writeAttribute(WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE, "100%", null);, arc, icons.topBackground);

    // If we've got an end icon, render it
    if (icons.topEnd != null)
      writer.startElement(TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
      OutputUtils.renderIcon(fContext, arc, icons.topEnd, "", null);  


  // Renders the filter named child
  private void _renderFilterChild(
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/expl/ 58
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/expl/ 464
    new Color(255,255,255),
    new Color(255,204,204),
    new Color(255,204,153),
    new Color(255,255,204),
    new Color(153,255,153),
    new Color(204,255,255),
    new Color(255,204,255),
    // 2nd-row
    new Color(255,255,255),
    new Color(255,102,102),
    new Color(255,204,51),
    new Color(255,255,153),
    new Color(102,255,153),
    new Color(102,255,255),
    new Color(255,153,255),
    // 3rd-row
    new Color(204,204,204),
    new Color(255,0,0),
    new Color(255,153,0),
    new Color(255,255,0),
    new Color(51,255,51),
    new Color(51,204,255),
    new Color(204,102,204),
    // 4th-row
    new Color(153,153,153),
    new Color(204,0,0),
    new Color(255,102,0),
    new Color(255,204,0),
    new Color(0,204,0),
    new Color(51,102,255),
    new Color(204,51,204),
    // 5th-row
    new Color(102,102,102),
    new Color(153,0,0),
    new Color(204,102,0),
    new Color(153,153,0),
    new Color(0,153,0),
    new Color(51,51,255),
    new Color(153,51,102),
    // 6th-row
    new Color(51,51,51),
    new Color(102,0,0),
    new Color(153,51,0),
    new Color(102,102,0),
    new Color(0,102,0),
    new Color(0,0,153),
    new Color(102,51,102),
    // 7th-row
    new Color(0,0,0),
    new Color(51,0,0),
    new Color(102,51,0),
    new Color(51,51,0),
    new Color(0,51,0),
    new Color(0,0,102),
    new Color(51,0,51),

  // ArrayMap-style Object array which maps color palette names
  // to DataObjectLists which contain the colors
  private static final Object[] _PALETTE_ARRAY = new Object[]
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 333
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  // Renders (almost) everything that goes before the link
  private void _renderStartOfLink(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    boolean      vertical,
    boolean      isLastChild) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();

    if (vertical)
      writer.startElement(DIV_ELEMENT, null);

    // Breadcrumbs wrap within a page depending on the size of the
    // browser window. The wrap occurs to the right of the greater-than
    // symbol that follows after the breadcrumb text string,
    // and not within the text string itself.
    writer.startElement(XhtmlLafConstants.NO_BREAK_ELEMENT, null);

  // Renders everything that goes after the link
  private void _renderEndOfLink(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    boolean      vertical
    ) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();



   * gets the orientation attribute from the link. If this attr is not set,
   * defaults to horizontal.
   * @return true if the orientation is vertical
  private static boolean _getOrientation(UIXRenderingContext context,
                                         UINode breadCrumbs)
    Object orientation = breadCrumbs.getAttributeValue(context,
    return (orientation != null) &&

  // # of hard spaces to use in indenting vertical breadcrumbs
  private static final int _INDENT_SPACES = 10;

  // BetweenRenderer is used to render everything that goes "between"
  // links.  Really, it gets called _before_ each link, so we have to specially
  // handle the first time it gets called.
   * @deprecated This class comes from the old Java 1.2 UIX codebase and should not be used anymore.
  private class BetweenRenderer implements Renderer
    public BetweenRenderer(
      UINode  breadCrumbs,
      boolean vertical,
      int     totalCrumbs,
      Icon    separatorIcon)
      _vertical     = vertical;
      _totalCrumbs  = totalCrumbs;

      // We stash away the separator Icon so we don't
      // have to look it up repeatedly.
      _separatorIcon = separatorIcon;

    public void render(UIXRenderingContext context, UINode node)
      throws IOException
      ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();

      // Special handling for when we're the first or last child
      boolean isLastChild;
      if (_totalCrumbs >= 0)
        isLastChild = ((_renderedCount + 1) >= _totalCrumbs);
        isLastChild = _isLastChild(context);

      boolean isFirstChild = (_renderedCount == 0);

      if (!isFirstChild)
        // render the separator
        if (_separatorIcon != null)
          RenderingContext arc = RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance();
          FacesContext fContext = context.getFacesContext();
          OutputUtils.renderIcon(fContext, arc, _separatorIcon, "", null);

        // and render everything that goes after the previous link.
        // We'll take care of also rendering this content in prerender()
        _renderEndOfLink(context, _vertical);

      _renderStartOfLink(context, _vertical, isLastChild);

      // if breadcrumbs are oriented vertically, then indent the levels
      if(!isFirstChild && _vertical)
     char[] chars = new char[1];
  chars[0] = NBSP_CHAR;

        for(int i = 0; i < _renderedCount * _INDENT_SPACES; i++)
          writer.writeText(chars, 0, 1);


      if (isLastChild)
        LinkRenderer.setDisabled(context, true);

    private boolean _isLastChild(UIXRenderingContext context)
      // See if BreadCrumbs has taken responsibility for determining
      // this.  This code's here so that our "BetweenRenderer" strategy
      // doesn't break anything - in practice, the other code path will usually
      // produce the same results (albeit a bit more expensively)
      Object o  = getRenderingProperty(context, _IS_LAST_CHILD_KEY);
      return (o != null);

    private final boolean _vertical;
    private int           _totalCrumbs;
    private int           _renderedCount;
    private Icon          _separatorIcon;

  static private final Object _IS_LAST_CHILD_KEY = new Object();
  static private final Object _BETWEEN_RENDERER_KEY = new Object();
  private static final Map<String, String> _RESOURCE_KEY_MAP;
    _RESOURCE_KEY_MAP  =  new HashMap<String, String>();
    // the selected step is disabled, which is why we map these two styles
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  public final String getLabel()
    if (_bundleKey != null && _bundleName != null)
      // Load the resource bundle based on the locale of the
      // current request. If the locale has not changed, this
      // method just returns.
      MenuUtils.loadBundle(_bundleName, _bundleKey + getHandlerId());

    if (_label != null && ContainerUtils.isValueReference(_label))
      // do not set _label to the evaluated EL.
      // It may change at times in the EL.
      return _evalElStr(_label);
    if (_label == null && _labelAndAccessKey != null)
      int ampIdx = 0;
      String labelAndAccessKeyEval = null;
      String labelAndAccessKey = _labelAndAccessKey;
      String label;
      if (ContainerUtils.isValueReference(labelAndAccessKey))
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = _evalElStr(labelAndAccessKey);
      } else
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = labelAndAccessKey;

      String accessKey;
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
      return label;

    return _label;

  public final String getIcon()
    return MenuUtils.evalString(_icon);

  public final List<MenuNode> getChildren()
    return _children;

  public void setChildren(List<MenuNode> children)
    _children = children;

  public final String getFocusViewId()
    return _focusViewId;

  public final boolean getRendered()
    boolean rendered = MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_renderedStr, true);
    return rendered;

  public final boolean getDisabled()
    boolean disabled = MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_disabledStr, false);
    return disabled;

  public final boolean getVisible()
    boolean visible = MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_visibleStr, true);
    return visible;

  public final boolean getReadOnly()
    boolean readOnly = MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_readOnlyStr, false);
    return readOnly;

  protected final String getHandlerId()
    return _handlerId;

  public final String getBundleKey()
    return _bundleKey;

  public final String getBundleName()
    return _bundleName;

  public void actionListener(ActionEvent event)
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  public final boolean getDefaultFocusPath()
    boolean defaultFocusPath =
        MenuUtils.evalBoolean(_defaultFocusPathStr, false);
    return defaultFocusPath;

  public final String getRootModelKey()
    return _rootModelKey;

  public final int getRootId()
    return _rootId;

  private String _evalElStr(String str)
    if (str == null)
      return null;

    String keystr =
        MenuUtils.stringReplaceFirst(str.trim(), _bundleKey, _bundleKey +
    String elVal = MenuUtils.getBoundValue(keystr, String.class);
    return elVal;

  private String _joinLabelAndAccessKey(String label, String accessKey)
    char[] keyArray = label.toCharArray();
    int len = label.length();
    int lentimes2 = len * 2;
    char[] keyArray2 = new char[lentimes2];
    int i, j = 0;
    boolean accessKeyFound = false;

    // find the first occurrence of a single Ampersand
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
      // AccessKey
      if (keyArray[i] == accessKey.charAt(0) && !accessKeyFound)
        keyArray2[j] = '&';
        accessKeyFound = true;

      keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

      // Ampersand as regular character
      // double it up.
      if (keyArray[i] == '&')
        keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

    String combinedLabel = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
    return combinedLabel;

  private final String _icon;
  private List<MenuNode> _children = null;
  private final String _focusViewId;
  private final String _renderedStr;
  private final String _disabledStr;
  private final String _visibleStr;
  private final String _readOnlyStr;
  private final String _handlerId;
  private final String _bundleKey;
  private final String _bundleName;
  private final String _accessKey;
  private final String _id;
  private final String _modelId;
  private final String _labelAndAccessKey;
  private final String _defaultFocusPathStr;
  private final String _uniqueId;

  // Root Menu model's Request Map Key
  private final String _rootModelKey;

  private final int _rootId;

  private final Map<String, String> _customPropList;
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  public final char getAccessKey()
    if (_accessKey == null && _labelAndAccessKey != null)
      int ampIdx = 0;
      String labelAndAccessKeyEval = null;
      String labelAndAccessKey = _labelAndAccessKey;
      String label;
      if (ContainerUtils.isValueReference(labelAndAccessKey))
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = _evalElStr(labelAndAccessKey);
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = labelAndAccessKey;

      String accessKey = null;
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
      return (accessKey != null)? accessKey.charAt(0):'\0';

      String accessKeyStr = MenuUtils.evalString(_accessKey);
      if (accessKeyStr == null || accessKeyStr.length() > 1)
        return '\0';
      return accessKeyStr.charAt(0);

  public final String getId()
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    String minStr = min == Long.MIN_VALUE ? "null" : IntegerUtils.getString(min);
    String messageDetailMax = this.getMessageDetailMaximum();
    String messageDetailMin = this.getMessageDetailMinimum();
    String messageDetailRange = this.getMessageDetailNotInRange();
    String hintMax = this.getHintMaximum();
    String hintMin = this.getHintMinimum();
    String hintRange = this.getHintNotInRange();
    Map<String, String> cMessages = null;
    if(messageDetailMax != null || messageDetailMin != null || messageDetailRange != null || hintMax != null || hintMin != null|| hintRange != null)
      cMessages = new HashMap<String, String>();
      cMessages.put("max", messageDetailMax);
      cMessages.put("min", messageDetailMin);
      cMessages.put("range", messageDetailRange);
      cMessages.put("hintMax", hintMax);
      cMessages.put("hintMin", hintMin);
      cMessages.put("hintRange", hintRange);
    return _getTrRangeValidator(context, component, maxStr, minStr, cMessages);

  public String getClientLibrarySource(
   FacesContext context)
    return null;
  private static String _getTrRangeValidator(
      FacesContext context,
      UIComponent component,
      String max,
      String min,
      Map<String, String> messages)
    StringBuilder outBuffer = new StringBuilder();
    outBuffer.append("new TrRangeValidator(");
    if(messages == null)
        JsonUtils.writeMap(outBuffer, messages, false);
      catch (IOException e)
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   * Returns the foreground color to use when painting an image
   * with the specified dictionary.
  protected Color getPaintForeground(
      ImageContext context, 
      Map<Object, Object> d)
    Color foreground = super.getPaintForeground(context, d);

    if (foreground != null)
      return foreground;

    return ButtonPainter.getDefaultForeground(context, _isDisabled(d));

   * Returns the background color to use when painting an image
   * with the specified dictionary.
  protected Color getPaintBackground(
      ImageContext context, 
      Map<Object, Object> d)
    Color background = super.getPaintBackground(context, d);

    if (background != null)
      return background;

    return ButtonPainter.getDefaultBackground(context, _isDisabled(d));

   * Returns the font color to use when painting an image
   * with the specified dictionary.
  protected Font getPaintFont(Map<Object, Object> d)
    Font font = super.getPaintFont(d);

    if (font != null)
      return font;

    return ButtonPainter.getDefaultFont().getFont();

  private String _getFontName(Map<Object, Object> requestedProperties)
    // Make sure we've got a valid font
    Object o = requestedProperties.get(FONT_KEY);
    String name = null;
    if (o instanceof FontProxy)
      name = ((FontProxy)o).getName();
    else if (o instanceof Font)
      name = ((Font)o).getName();

    return name;

  private boolean _isDisabled(Map<Object, Object> properties)
    Boolean disabled = (Boolean)properties.get(DISABLED_KEY);

    if (disabled == null)
      return false;

    return disabled.booleanValue();

  private static class ProxyContext extends PaintContextProxy
    public ProxyContext(
      PaintContext context,
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    if (_labelAndAccessKey != null)
      int ampIdx = 0;
      String labelAndAccessKeyEval = null;
      String labelAndAccessKey = _labelAndAccessKey;
      String label;
      if (_bundleKey != null && _bundleName != null)
        // Load the resource bundle based on the locale of the
        // current request. If the locale has not changed, this
        // method just returns.
        MenuUtils.loadBundle(_bundleName, _bundleKey + getHandlerId());
      if (ContainerUtils.isValueReference(labelAndAccessKey))
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = _evalElStr(labelAndAccessKey);
      } else
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = labelAndAccessKey;

      String accessKey = null;
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
      if (accessKey == null) {
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/pda/ 107
      if (style != null )
        inlineStyleBuffer = new StringBuffer( _LIST_STYLE_TYPE.length() +


      if ( inlineStyleBuffer != null && inlineStyleBuffer.length() > 0 )
        writer.writeAttribute("style", inlineStyleBuffer.toString(), null);

  protected UIXHierarchy getHierarchyBase(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return (UIXHierarchy) node.getUIComponent();

  protected UINode getStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return node.getNamedChild(context, NODE_STAMP_CHILD);

  protected boolean setNewPath(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    UIXHierarchy    component
    int startDepth = getIntAttributeValue(context, node, LEVEL_ATTR, 0);
    return ModelRendererUtils.setNewPath(component, startDepth,


  protected void renderContent(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    ) throws IOException

    UIXHierarchy component = getHierarchyBase(context, node);
    UINode stamp = getStamp(context, node);

    if(stamp != null)

      // Save the current key
      Object oldPath = component.getRowKey();
      boolean isNewPath = setNewPath(context, node, component);
      if (isNewPath)

        int size = component.getRowCount();
        int rowIndex = component.getRowIndex();

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
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  // Gets the number of columns that this sideBar renders
  private int _getColumnCount(
    IconData         icons
    int columnCount = 1;

    if ((icons.bottomStart != null)  ||
        (icons.topStart != null)     ||
        (icons.startBackground != null))

    if ((icons.bottomEnd != null) ||
        (icons.bottomEnd != null) ||
        (icons.endBackground != null))

    return columnCount;

  // Returns the number of columns that the body cell should occupy
  private static Integer _getBodyColumnCount(
    IconData icons,
    int      columnCount
    int bodyColumnCount = columnCount;

    // If we have a start background icon, leave room for it
    if (icons.startBackground != null)

    // If we have an end background icon, leave room for it
    if (icons.endBackground != null)

    if (bodyColumnCount == 1)
      return null;

    return bodyColumnCount;

  // Returns the number of columns for the bottom background cell
  private static Integer _getBottomBackgroundColumnCount(
    IconData icons,
    int      columnCount
    int backgroundColumnCount = columnCount;

    if (icons.bottomStart != null)

    if (icons.bottomEnd != null)

    if (backgroundColumnCount == 1)
      return null;

    return backgroundColumnCount;

  // Returns the number of columns for the top background cell
  private static Integer _getTopBackgroundColumnCount(
    IconData icons,
    int      columnCount
    int backgroundColumnCount = columnCount;

    if (icons.topStart != null)

    if (icons.topEnd != null)

    if (backgroundColumnCount == 1)
      return null;

    return backgroundColumnCount;

  // Get the IconData to use for rendering this sideBar
  private IconData _getIconData(
    UIXRenderingContext context
    // Check to see whether we have already created
    // the IconData for this background color
    Skin skin = context.getSkin();
    IconData icons = (IconData)skin.getProperty(_ICONS_KEY);
    Icon bottomStart      = context.getIcon(
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  private void _renderMessages(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    ResponseWriter writer,
    boolean isGlobal,
    boolean useList
    ) throws IOException
    BaseMutableUINode currentChild = null;
    String summary;
    String detail;

    Iterator<MessageWrapper> itr = (isGlobal
                    ? MessageBoxUtils.sGetGlobalsIterator(context)
                    : MessageBoxUtils.sGetClientsIterator(context));

    while (itr.hasNext())
      MessageWrapper msg =;

      if (useList)
        writer.startElement("li", null);

      summary = msg.getSummary();
      detail = msg.getDetail();

      if (isGlobal)
        _writeGlobalMsg(context, writer, summary, detail);
        currentChild = _writeClientMsg(context, writer, summary,
                                       msg, currentChild);

      if (useList)

  private void _writeGlobalMsg(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    ResponseWriter writer,
    String summary,
    String detail
    ) throws IOException
    String text = MessageUtils.getGlobalMessage(context, summary, detail);
    if (isTextFormatted(text))
      renderFormattedText(context, text);
    else if (text != null)
      writer.writeText(text, null);

  private BaseMutableUINode _writeClientMsg(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    ResponseWriter writer,
    String summary,
    MessageWrapper msg,
    BaseMutableUINode currentChild
    ) throws IOException
    String description;

    if (summary != null)
      String pattern;
      String[] parameters;

      parameters = new String[] {summary};
      pattern = getTranslatedString(context, "af_messages.LIST_FORMAT_private");
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  protected void renderId(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent  component
    ) throws IOException
    if (shouldRenderId(context, component))
      String clientId = getClientId(context, component);
      context.getResponseWriter().writeAttribute("id", clientId, "id");

   * Disable rendering the form event handlers on the parent.
   * In Gecko, they bubble up, but in IE, they don't, so
   * they have to go on the items.
  protected void renderFormEventHandlers(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent  component,
    FacesBean    bean
    ) throws IOException

   * Disable rendering "onclick" on the parent;  it needs to
   * go on the individual radio buttons
  protected String getOnclick(
    UIComponent component,
    FacesBean   bean)
    return null;

   * Render the per-item event handlers
  protected void renderItemFormEventHandlers(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent  component,
    FacesBean    bean
    ) throws IOException
    super.renderFormEventHandlers(context, component, bean);

   * Get the onclick for the individual radio buttons.
  protected String getItemOnclick(
    RenderingContext rc,
    UIComponent component,
    FacesBean   bean)
    // Get the overall onclick, and merge in any needed autosubmit script
    String onclick = super.getOnclick(component, bean);
    if (isAutoSubmit(component, bean))
      String source = LabelAndMessageRenderer.__getCachedClientId(rc);
      boolean immediate = isImmediate(component, bean);
      String auto = AutoSubmitUtils.getSubmitScript(rc,
      onclick = XhtmlUtils.getChainedJS(onclick, auto, true);

    return onclick;

  protected Object getAccessKey(
    UIComponent component,
    FacesBean   bean)
    return bean.getProperty(_accessKeyKey);

  protected String getLayout(
    UIComponent component,
    FacesBean   bean)
    return toString(bean.getProperty(_layoutKey));

  protected String getUnselectedLabel(
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/pda/ 77
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 128
    writer.startElement("frameset", component);
    renderId(context, component);

    renderAllAttributes(context, rc, component, bean);

    String leftName       = HtmlFrameBorderLayout.LEFT_FACET;
    String innerLeftName  = HtmlFrameBorderLayout.INNER_LEFT_FACET;
    String rightName      = HtmlFrameBorderLayout.RIGHT_FACET;
    String innerRightName = HtmlFrameBorderLayout.INNER_RIGHT_FACET;

    UIComponent center = getFacet(component, HtmlFrameBorderLayout.CENTER_FACET);
    UIComponent top    = getFacet(component, HtmlFrameBorderLayout.TOP_FACET);
    UIComponent bottom = getFacet(component, HtmlFrameBorderLayout.BOTTOM_FACET);
    UIComponent left   = getFacet(component, leftName);
    UIComponent right  = getFacet(component, rightName);
    UIComponent innerLeft   = getFacet(component, innerLeftName);
    UIComponent innerRight  = getFacet(component, innerRightName);

    boolean r2l = rc.getLocaleContext().isRightToLeft();
    if (left == null)
      leftName = r2l ? HtmlFrameBorderLayout.END_FACET : HtmlFrameBorderLayout.START_FACET;
      left     = getFacet(component, leftName);

    if (right == null)
      rightName = r2l ? HtmlFrameBorderLayout.START_FACET : HtmlFrameBorderLayout.END_FACET;
      right     = getFacet(component, rightName);

    if (innerLeft == null)
      innerLeftName = r2l ? HtmlFrameBorderLayout.INNER_END_FACET : HtmlFrameBorderLayout.INNER_START_FACET;
      innerLeft     = getFacet(component, innerLeftName);

    if (innerRight == null)
      innerRightName = r2l ? HtmlFrameBorderLayout.INNER_START_FACET : HtmlFrameBorderLayout.INNER_END_FACET;
      innerRight     = getFacet(component, innerRightName);
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 120
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 120
        super.writeStyleClass(context, styleClass);
        //   XhtmlLafRenderer.renderStyleClassAttribute(context, styleClass);
      /*else if (XhtmlLafRenderer.renderStyleElements(context))
        // =-= Darn annoying to do given the current API for
        // ElementInfo;  we could start the style elements here
        // easily enough, but how do we know when to end the style elements?

  static private final FormattedTextParser _sParser =
    new FormattedTextParser();
    // Register all the allowed elements
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("br", true, true));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("hr", true, true));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("li", false, false));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("p", false, false));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("b"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("i"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("tt"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("big"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("small"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("span"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("pre"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("ul"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("ol"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("em"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.XhtmlElement("a"));
    _sParser.addElement(new XhtmlFormattedText.FontElement("font"));   
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 35
class XhtmlFormattedText
  static public FormattedTextParser getFormattedTextParser()
    return _sParser;

  private XhtmlFormattedText()

  // This is for the font element. Only size is the allowed attribute.
  static private class FontElement
    extends FormattedTextParser.DefaultElementInfo
    public FontElement(String name)

    public FontElement(String name, boolean empty, boolean closeRequired)
      super(name, empty, closeRequired);
    public void writeInlineStyle(FacesContext context, String style)


    public void writeStyleClass(FacesContext context, String styleClass)

    public void writeHRef(FacesContext context, String href)

    public void writeSize(FacesContext context, String fontSize)
      throws IOException
     context.getResponseWriter().writeAttribute("size", fontSize, null);
  static private class XhtmlElement
    extends FormattedTextParser.DefaultElementInfo
    public XhtmlElement(String name)

    public XhtmlElement(String name, boolean empty, boolean closeRequired)
      super(name, empty, closeRequired);

    public void writeInlineStyle(FacesContext context, String style)
      throws IOException
      //      if (XhtmlLafRenderer.supportsStyleAttributes(context))
        super.writeInlineStyle(context, style);
      /*else if (XhtmlLafRenderer.renderStyleElements(context))
        // ??? =-=AEW How do we get a Style object???

    public void writeStyleClass(FacesContext context, String styleClass)
      throws IOException
      //      if (XhtmlLafRenderer.supportsStyleAttributes(context))
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 32
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 39
  public static final String AUTOSUBMIT_EVENT = "autosub";

  // Mobile dateField and LovField
  // "picker" events and types
  public static final String DATE_EVENT   = "date";
  public static final String CANCEL_EVENT = "cancel";
  public static final String TYPE_POST    = "post";

  // NavigationBar
  public static final String GOTO_EVENT = "goto";

  // HideShow
  public static final String HIDE_EVENT = "hide";
  public static final String SHOW_EVENT = "show";

  // HGrid
  public static final int INCOMPLETE_DATA_SET = -1;
  // SortableHeader
  public static final String SORT_EVENT = "sort";

  // Poll
  public static final String POLL_EVENT = "poll";

  // Chart Drill down
  public static final String CHART_DRILL_DOWN_EVENT = "chartDrillDown";

   * Constant for the value of the "value" event parameter when
   * the user is asking to see all rows.
  public static final String VALUE_SHOW_ALL = "all";

  // Context Property Names
   * String rendering property for the name of the current form bean.
  public static final String FORM_NAME_PROPERTY   = "formName";

   * Key used to store the initialFocus on the RenderingContext
   * under the UIConstants.MARLIN_NAMESPACE. initialFocus is an attribute
   * of body and is an id indicating the component
   * which should have the initial focus.
  public static final Object INITIAL_FOCUS_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = "initialFocus";

  // parameter names
  public static final String PARTIAL_PARAM         = "partial";
  public static final String PARTIAL_TARGETS_PARAM = "partialTargets";
  public static final String SIZE_PARAM            = "size";
  public static final String SOURCE_PARAM          = "source";
  public static final String STATE_PARAM           = "state";
  public static final String TYPE_PARAM            = "type";
  public static final String VALUE_PARAM           = "value";
  public static final String TARGETITEM_PARAM      = "targetItem";

  // parameter values
  // calendar, mobile dateField params
  public static final String EVENT_PARAM          = "event";
  public static final String LOC_PARAM            = "loc";
  public static final String MAX_VALUE_PARAM      = "maxValue";
  public static final String MIN_VALUE_PARAM      = "minValue";
  public static final String MONTH_PARAM          = "month";
  public static final String SCROLLED_VALUE_PARAM = "scrolledValue";
  public static final String YEAR_PARAM           = "year";
  // Named Children
  public static final String PATH_STAMP_CHILD = "pathStamp";

  // Enumerated Values

  // Horizontal alignment
   * Horizontal alignment constant for end alignment;  right
   * alignment will be used in left-to-right languages, left
   * alignment in right-to-left languages.
  public static final String H_ALIGN_END = "end";
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 304
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 380
      if (ContainerUtils.isValueReference(labelAndAccessKey))
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = _evalElStr(labelAndAccessKey);
      } else
        labelAndAccessKeyEval = labelAndAccessKey;

      String accessKey = null;
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/agent/ 430
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    int versionEndIndex = agent.indexOf("(");
    String version = agent.substring(versionStartIndex,versionEndIndex);
    //parse agentName
    int agentNameStartIndex = agent.indexOf(":",versionEndIndex) +1;
    //find end of agentName (ie. when we see a semicolon
    int agentNameEndIndex = agentNameStartIndex;
    for (;agent.charAt(agentNameEndIndex)!=';' &&
          agent.charAt(agentNameEndIndex) !=')';
    String agentName = agent.substring(agentNameStartIndex,agentNameEndIndex);
    if (agent.charAt(agentNameEndIndex) == ')')
    //now parse remaining request specific capabilities
    int capabilityNameStartIndex;
    int capabilityNameEndIndex;
    int capabilityValueStartIndex;
    int capabilityValueEndIndex = agentNameEndIndex;
    while(agent.charAt(capabilityValueEndIndex)!= ')')
      capabilityNameStartIndex = capabilityValueEndIndex + 1;
      capabilityNameEndIndex = agent.indexOf(":",capabilityNameStartIndex);
      String capabilityName = agent.substring(capabilityNameStartIndex,capabilityNameEndIndex);
      capabilityValueStartIndex = capabilityNameEndIndex +1;
      capabilityValueEndIndex = agent.indexOf(";",capabilityValueStartIndex);
      if (capabilityValueEndIndex == -1)
        capabilityValueEndIndex = agent.indexOf(")",capabilityValueEndIndex);
      String capabilityValue = agent.substring(capabilityValueStartIndex,capabilityValueEndIndex);
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/desktop/ 100
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/uix/ 66
        Object sizeObject = requestMap.get("size");

        if ( valueObject != null)
          int value = -1;

            value = Integer.parseInt(valueObject.toString());
          catch ( NumberFormatException nfe)

          int size = 0;

            size = Integer.parseInt(sizeObject.toString());
          catch ( NumberFormatException nfe)

          if (size < 0)
            size = 0;

          if ( value >= 0 )
            UIXProcess process = (UIXProcess)component;
            Object oldPath = process.getRowKey();
            Object focusPath = process.getFocusRowKey();
            UIComponent stamp = process.getNodeStamp();
            int index = process.getRowIndex();

            if (size == 0)
              index = ProcessUtils.getBackIndex(process, stamp, index);
              index = ProcessUtils.getNextIndex(process, stamp, index);

            new ActionEvent(stamp).queue();
File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/util/nls/ 127
  public static String stripMnemonic(String string)
    if (string == null)
      return null;

    int length = string.length();

    // Single character (or empty) strings can't have a mnemonic
    if (length <= 1)
      return string;

    StringBuffer buffer = null;
    int i = 0;

    while (i < length)
      int index = string.indexOf(_MNEMONIC_INDICATOR, i);

      // We've reached the append.  Append the rest of the
      // string to the buffer, if one exists, then exit
      if ((index < 0) || (index >= length - 1))
        if (buffer != null)


      if (buffer == null)
        // If the string starts with an ampersand, but not a double
        // ampersand, then we just want to return
        // stripMnemonic(string.substring(1)).  This is basically
        // what we do here, only I've optimized the tail recursion away.
        if ((index == 0) && (string.charAt(1) != _MNEMONIC_INDICATOR))
          string = string.substring(1);
          // Allocate the buffer.  We can reserve only space
          // (length - 1), because, by now, we know there's at least
          // 1 ampersand
          buffer = new StringBuffer(length - 1);

      // Append the bits of the string before the ampersand
      buffer.append(string.substring(i, index));

      // And append the character after the ampersand
      buffer.append(string.charAt(index + 1));

      // And skip to after that character
      i = index + 2;

    // If we never allocated a buffer, then there's no mnemonic
    // at all, and we can just return the whole string
    if (buffer == null)
      return string;

    return new String(buffer);

  private static final char _MNEMONIC_INDICATOR = '&';
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 220
    rw.writeAttribute("type", "radio", null);
    rw.writeAttribute("name", id, null);
    rw.writeAttribute("id", subid, null);
    rw.writeAttribute("value", itemValue, null);
    rw.writeAttribute("accesskey", accessKey, null);
    if (isSelected)
      rw.writeAttribute("checked", Boolean.TRUE, null);
    if (isDisabled || item.isDisabled())
      rw.writeAttribute("disabled", Boolean.TRUE, null);

    // =-=AEW Render all the Javascript needed on a per-item basis.
    // We could optimize SelectOneRadio a bit by gathering
    // up the "form event handlers" in one pass (seems to be about
    // 8% slower this way)
    // render the events only if the browser supports JavaScript
    if (supportsScripting(rc))
      rw.writeAttribute("onclick", itemOnclick, null);
      renderItemFormEventHandlers(context, component, bean);


    // And render the label
    rw.startElement("label", null);
    rw.writeAttribute("for", subid, null);

    // For reasons that aren't especially clear to me, we're getting
    // passed the empty string for our title.
    String description = item.getDescription();
    if ((description != null) && !"".equals(description))
      rw.writeAttribute("title", description, null);

    rw.writeText(item.getLabel(), null);

    return true;

  protected void renderId(
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 189
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 314
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
      return (accessKey != null)? accessKey.charAt(0):'\0';
File Line
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 231
      if (labelAndAccessKeyEval == null ||
          (ampIdx = labelAndAccessKeyEval.indexOf('&')) == -1)
        // String is null or a label w/o an accesskey
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval;
      } else if (ampIdx == (labelAndAccessKeyEval.length() - 1))
        // & is last character, strip it.
        label = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(0, ampIdx);
      } else
        // We have a string with an accessKey somewhere
        char[] keyArray = labelAndAccessKeyEval.toCharArray();
        int len = labelAndAccessKeyEval.length();
        char[] keyArray2 = new char[len];
        int i, j = 0;
        boolean accessKeyFound = false;

        for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++)
          if (keyArray[i] == '&')

            if (!accessKeyFound && keyArray[i] != '&')
              // We have our accessKey
              accessKey = labelAndAccessKeyEval.substring(i, i + 1);
              accessKeyFound = true;

          keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

        String label1 = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
        label = label1;
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 155
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 294
              if ((i + 1 < length) && (text.charAt(i + 1) == checkChar))
      else if (ch <= 0xff)
        // character is in the high ISO range, so use HTML entity
        buffIndex = _addToBuffer(out, buff, buffIndex, _sISO8859_1_Entities[ch - 0xA0]);
      else if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) 
        // Some languages' characters need to use supplementary characters. For UTF-16, a "surrogate pair" is required 
        // to represent a single supplementary character. high surrogate range is (ch >= 0xD800 && ch <= 0xDBFF)
        // Here we check if the character is a high surrogate (the following char will be a low surrogate).
        // We then encode the surrogate pair.
        // If we don't do this, then surrogate characters will not display correctly . E.g., if we encoded each
        // character separately we might have '&#55360;&#56320;', and Firefox can't recognize these 2 decimal values as 
        // one supplementary character. Instead we need to use a single supplementary decimal value &#131072;.
        int surrogateCodePoint = Character.codePointAt(text, i);

        buffIndex =
          _writeDecRef(out, buff, buffIndex, surrogateCodePoint);
        // only increase i if a valid surrogate code point is returned 
        if (Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(surrogateCodePoint))
          // DO NOT BLOW UP. We have a bug in outputFormatted+surrogates, and we don't want to blow up.
          // blow up if invalid utf-16 characters encountered
          //throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          //  _LOG.getMessage("INVALID_SURROGATE_CHAR", new Object[] { ch, surrogateCodePoint, i }));
      else if (ch < 0xfffe) // characters fffe and ffff are considered outside of unicode
        // character is outside of the ISO range
        if (isBodyText)
          // See above for what _UNICODE_LINE_BREAK means...
          if (ch == _UNICODE_LINE_BREAK)
            buffIndex = _addToBuffer(out, buff, buffIndex, "<br>");
          else if (ch == _UNICODE_HYPHENATION_POINT)
            buffIndex = _addToBuffer(out, buff, buffIndex, "<wbr>");
            buffIndex = _writeDecRef(out, buff, buffIndex, ch);
          buffIndex = _writeDecRef(out, buff, buffIndex, ch);         

    // flush the buffer, since the caller doesn't try to maintain the buffer index betweeen calls
    _flushBuffer(out, buff, buffIndex);

   * Writes the output as a decimal escape.  This is the same size or smaller than the hex
   * equivalent and works on versions of Netscape before 4.74. See bug #1491321.
   * ch - the character to write out. This could be a character code point in the case of surrogate characters.
   * Character code points are integers between 0 and 1,114,111.
   * <p>
  static private int _writeDecRef(
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 252
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/pda/ 276
      pattern = getTranslatedString(context, "af_messages.LIST_FORMAT_private");
      description = formatString(context, pattern, parameters);
      description = "";

    // get (or generate) the current child
    currentChild = _generateChild(msg, currentChild);

    if (isTextFormatted(summary))
      renderFormattedText(context, description);
    else if (description != null)
      writer.writeText(description, null);

    return currentChild;

  private BaseMutableUINode _generateChild(
    MessageWrapper   msg,
    BaseMutableUINode cachedChild)
    if (cachedChild == null)
      cachedChild = new BaseMutableUINode(MARLIN_NAMESPACE, LINK_NAME);

    // link text
    String label = msg.getLabel();
    cachedChild.setAttributeValue(TEXT_ATTR, label);

    String anchor = null;
    String summary = null;

    if (label != null)
      // If the text is null, no need to actually collect these values
      anchor = MessageUtils.getAnchor(msg.getId().toString());
      if (anchor != null)
        anchor = "#"+anchor;

      summary = msg.getSummary();

    // However, we always have to update the anchor and description because
    // they were possibly set the last time this link was used. Even if they
    // don't render in the page, they'll be in the HTML.
    cachedChild.setAttributeValue(DESTINATION_ATTR, anchor);
    cachedChild.setAttributeValue(LONG_DESC_ATTR, summary);
    return cachedChild;

  private String _getMessageTextStyle(
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 201
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    String style = PdaHtmlLafUtils.getStringAttributeValue(context,
    if (LIST_STYLE_LOWER_ALPHA.equals(style) ||
        LIST_STYLE_UPPER_ALPHA.equals(style) ||
    super.postrender( context, node);

  protected void renderIndexedChild(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    int              childIndex
    ) throws IOException

    UINode child = node.getIndexedChild(context, childIndex);
    boolean selected = isSelected(context, child);

    renderNode(context, child, selected);

  protected void renderNode(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    boolean          selected
    ) throws IOException
    if (selected )
      // set the selected property to true
      StyledItemUtils.setSelected(context, true);

    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    writer.startElement( LIST_ITEM_ELEMENT, null );
    writer.startElement(SPAN_ELEMENT, null);
    if ( StyledItemUtils.isSelected(context, node) )
      renderStyleClassAttribute(context, AF_MENU_LIST_SELECTED_STYLE_CLASS);
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/ 86
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 98
    IconArrayLafIconProvider iconProvider
    int maxIndex = iconProvider._icons.length;
    _icons = new Icon[maxIndex];

    // copy the icon array of the iconProvider passed in
                     0 ,


  * icons are put into array of icons at the index specified by the
  * corresponding iconKey.

  private void _setIcons(
    Object[] iconInfo
    int numIcons =  iconInfo.length / 2;

    IconKey[] keys = new IconKey[ numIcons ];
    Icon[] icons = new Icon[ numIcons ];

    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length;  i ++)
      keys[i] = (IconKey)iconInfo[i * 2];
      icons[i] = (Icon)iconInfo[(i * 2) + 1];

    // Assign the values
    for (int i = 0; i < numIcons; i++)
      if ( keys[i] != null )
        _icons[ keys[i].getKeyIndex()] = icons[i];

   * Returns the URI to the icon indentified by the icon key
  public String getIconURI(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    IconKey          iconKey
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/pda/ 38
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 35
public class ShowItemRenderer extends LinkRenderer 
  protected void renderIndexedChild(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    int              currVisChildIndex,
    int              prevVisChildIndex,
    int              nextVisChildIndex,
    int              ithRenderedChild
    ) throws IOException
    //  Do nothing here, my parent will take care of rendering my children
    //  if I have my 'selected' attribute set to true.
  // Returns the partial change script that is usually rendered for onClick
  protected String getPartialChangeScript(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    String partialTargets = getAncestorPartialTargets(context);
    String sourceParam = BaseLafUtils.getStringAttributeValue(context,
                                                        node, ID_ATTR);
    String formName = getParentFormName(context);
    // Lets render fullpage submit if PPR is not enabled
    if (partialTargets == null)
      String fullPageSubmitScript = XhtmlLafUtils.
                                        getFullPageSubmitScript(formName, "0",

      FormValueRenderer.addNeededValue(context, formName, EVENT_PARAM,
                                        SOURCE_PARAM, null,null);
      return fullPageSubmitScript;
    String validate = 
              Boolean.TRUE.equals(SubTabBarUtils.isUnvalidated(context)) ? 
               "0" : "1"; 
    String partialChangeScript = XhtmlLafUtils.
    FormValueRenderer.addNeededValue(context, formName, EVENT_PARAM,
                                     PARTIAL_TARGETS_PARAM, SOURCE_PARAM,
    return partialChangeScript;
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 protected UIXHierarchy getHierarchyBase(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return (UIXHierarchy) node.getUIComponent();

  protected UINode getStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return node.getNamedChild(context, NODE_STAMP_CHILD);

  protected boolean setNewPath(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    UIXHierarchy    component
    int startDepth = getIntAttributeValue(context, node, LEVEL_ATTR, 0);
    return ModelRendererUtils.setNewPath(component, startDepth,


   * @todo - deal with rendered=false on model nodes
  protected void renderContent(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    ) throws IOException

    UIXHierarchy component = getHierarchyBase(context, node);
    UINode stamp = getStamp(context, node);

    if(stamp != null)

      // Save the current key
      Object oldPath = component.getRowKey();
      boolean isNewPath = setNewPath(context, node, component);
      if (isNewPath)

        int size = component.getRowCount();
        int rowIndex = component.getRowIndex();
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/image/cache/ 34
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/image/cache/ 34
public class FlippedIconNameProvider implements NameProvider
  public String getName(
      ImageContext context, 
      Map<Object, Object> properties)
    String name = (String)properties.get(ImageConstants.NAME_KEY);

    if (name == null)
      String source = (String)properties.get(ImageConstants.SOURCE_KEY);

      // Get just the file name out of the imageName
      int lastSepIndex = source.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
      if ((lastSepIndex == -1) && (File.separatorChar != '/'))
        lastSepIndex = source.lastIndexOf('/');

      int dotIndex = source.lastIndexOf('.');
      if ((dotIndex == -1) || (dotIndex <= lastSepIndex))
        dotIndex = source.length();

      name = source.substring(lastSepIndex+1, dotIndex);

    // Tack on a "-r" suffix if this is a RTL image
    String directionName = "";
    if (CacheUtils.getReadingDirection(context, properties) ==
      directionName = "-r";

    return _PREFIX + name + directionName;

  static private final String _PREFIX = "f";
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        super.renderChild( context, node);

  private boolean _isSelected(
          UIXRenderingContext context,
          UINode           node
    Object selectedAttr  = node.getAttributeValue(context, SELECTED_ATTR);

    if (selectedAttr == null)
      selectedAttr = context.getLocalProperty(0, _SELECTED_KEY, null);
      if (selectedAttr != null)
        return true;

      return false;

    return ((Boolean)selectedAttr).booleanValue();

  protected UIXHierarchy getHierarchyBase(
      UIXRenderingContext context,
      UINode           node
    return (UIXHierarchy) node.getUIComponent();

  protected UINode getStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return node.getNamedChild(context, NODE_STAMP_CHILD);

  protected boolean setNewPath(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    UIXHierarchy    component
    int startDepth = getIntAttributeValue(context, node, LEVEL_ATTR, 0);
    return ModelRendererUtils.setNewPath(component, startDepth,

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    UIXHierarchy     tree)
    return true;
  private boolean _isShownSelected(
    UIXHierarchy         tree,
    Map<Object, Boolean> selectedPaths,
    Object               currPath

    boolean selected = false;
    if (tree instanceof UIXTree)
      selected = ((UIXTree)tree).getSelectedRowKeys().isContained();
    if (selected)
      return true;
    Object value = selectedPaths.get(currPath);
    if (value != null)
      return true;
    return false;

  protected Map<Object, Boolean> getSelectedPaths(Object focusPath)
    if ( focusPath == null)
      return new HashMap<Object, Boolean>(0);
    Map<Object, Boolean> selectedPaths = 
      new HashMap<Object, Boolean>(1);
    selectedPaths.put(focusPath, Boolean.TRUE);
    return selectedPaths;

  protected RowKeySet getExpandedRowKeys(UIXHierarchy tree)
    return ((UIXTree)tree).getDisclosedRowKeys();    
  protected String getConnectingBackgroundIcon(
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 90
    List<MenuNode> children = getChildren();

    // Traverse the list. Do the following:
    //    o get Node from Model's hashMap of nodes and ids
    //    o check attributes (rendered, disabled, readOnly)
    //    o if they are ok, return the node
    for (int i=0; i < Array.getLength(idrefList); i++)
      Iterator<MenuNode> childIter = children.iterator();

      // All node "id" attribute values had the node's
      // system hashcode id appended to the id when
      // placed in the model's idNodeMap.
      // Each id in the idreflist of a group node does
      // NOT have this node sys id appended it to it
      // and needs to or we won't find the group's
      // ref node.
      // Since group nodes can only point to one of
      // its children, we iterate through them, get
      // their sys id and append it to idref until
      // we find a match (or not).
      while (childIter.hasNext())
        MenuNode childNode =;
        String modelId = childNode.getModelId();

        // Need to append mode's sys id here to create a
        // unique id.
        String refNodeId = idrefList[i] + modelId;

        refNode = (MenuNode) getRootModel().getNode(refNodeId);

        // if nothing found, move on to the next child
        if (refNode != null)

      if (refNode == null)

      // Check the attributes of the found node
      if (   !refNode.getRendered()
          ||  refNode.getDisabled()
          ||  refNode.getReadOnly()
          || !refNode.getVisible()
        refNode = null;

      // Ok, we have a valid RefNode

    // If no valid node is found,
    // log an error
    if (refNode == null)
        _LOG.severe("GroupNode " + getLabel() + " refers to no valid node.\n");
        return null;

    return refNode;

  public final String getLabel()
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    context.getResponseWriter().writeText(chars, 0, 1);

   * Writes the separator between two elements
  private void _renderSpacerCell(
    UIXRenderingContext context
    ) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();

    writer.startElement("td", null);
   * render the "td".
   * we only want to render the ID in the "td" if renderAsTable is false.
   * we only render the baseID if isBaseID is true. Otherwise we render the
   * subID.
   * This logic is so for the Visual Editor to know
   * the pieces are one UINode. See bug 2222541.
  private void _renderStartTableCell(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    ResponseWriter   writer,
    boolean          renderAsTable,
    boolean          isBaseID
    ) throws IOException

    writer.startElement("td", null);
    if (!renderAsTable)
      if (isBaseID)
        renderID(context, node);

  // Gets the encoded partial targets for the specified node
  private static String _getPartialTargets(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    if (!supportsPartialRendering(context))
      return null;

    String[] partialTargets = (String[])node.getAttributeValue(context,

    // Convert the partial targets to the encoded form
    return PartialPageRendererUtils.encodePartialTargets(partialTargets);

  private String _getIDForFocus(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
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   * Tests whether the button should be rendered as an image.
  protected boolean doRenderImageContent(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    // Check with superclass first (screen reader mode).
    if (!super.doRenderImageContent(context, node))
      return false;

    // We only render buttons as images if we have all
    // of the button icons. 
    return SimpleButtonUtils.doRenderImageButton(context);

   * Creates the ImageProviderRequest to use when looking up the
   * button image.
  protected ImageProviderRequest createImageProviderRequest(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    Object       name,
    Object       text,
    Color        foreground,
    Color        background,
    Color        surroundingColor,
    FontProxy    font,
    boolean      disabled,
    boolean      textAntialias,
    boolean      startRounded,
    boolean      endRounded,
    char         accessKey
    return SimpleButtonUtils.createButtonRequest(
                        (name != null)
                          ? name.toString()
                          : null,
                        (text != null)
                          ? text.toString()
                          : null,

   * Returns the name of the server-side style for styling
   * button text.
  protected String getServerStyleName(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    boolean          disabled
    return SimpleButtonUtils.getButtonStyleName(disabled);
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 233

  protected void encodeAllAsElement(
    FacesContext     context,
    RenderingContext rc,
    UIComponent      component,
    FacesBean        bean
    ) throws IOException
    Converter converter = getConverter(component, bean);
    if ( converter == null)
      converter = getDefaultConverter(context, component, bean);
    boolean valuePassThru = getValuePassThru(component, bean);

    if (isAutoSubmit(component, bean))
      AutoSubmitUtils.writeDependencies(context, rc);

    // Only add in validators and converters when we're in valuePassThru
    // mode; otherwise, there's not enough on the client to even consider
    FormData fData = rc.getFormData();
    if (fData != null)
      ((CoreFormData) fData).addOnSubmitConverterValidators(component,
                      valuePassThru ? converter : null,
                      valuePassThru ? getValidators(component, bean) : null,
                      getClientId(context, component),
                      isImmediate(component, bean),
                      getRequired(component, bean),

    List<SelectItem> selectItems = getSelectItems(component, converter, false);
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   * _joinLabelAndAccessKey - takes a string label and string accessKey
   * and combines them into a single labelAndAccessKey string.
   * @param label - String with node's label.
   * @param accessKey - One character String which is the label's accessKey.
   * @return
  private String _joinLabelAndAccessKey(String label, String accessKey)
    char[] keyArray  = label.toCharArray();
    int len          = label.length();
    int lentimes2    = len*2;
    char[] keyArray2 = new char[lentimes2];
    int i, j = 0;
    boolean accessKeyFound = false;

    // find the first occurrence of a single Ampersand
    for (i=0, j=0; i < len; i++, j++)
      // AccessKey
      if (   keyArray[i] == accessKey.charAt(0)
          && !accessKeyFound
        keyArray2[j] = '&';
        accessKeyFound = true;

      keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

      // Ampersand as regular character
      // double it up.
      if (keyArray[i] == '&')
        keyArray2[j] = keyArray[i];

    String combinedLabel = new String(keyArray2, 0, j);
    return combinedLabel;

   * _splitLabelAndAccessKey - takes a string containing a label
   * and an accessKey and breaks separates it and sets the label
   * and the accessKey separately.
   * @param labelAndAccessKey - String holding both a label and
   * accessKey.
  private void _splitLabelAndAccessKey(String labelAndAccessKey)
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      icons = new IconData(bottomStart,

      // Stash away the IconData so that we don't have to re-create
      // it on the next render
      skin.setProperty(_ICONS_KEY, icons);

    return icons;

  // A class that we use for storing Icon-related info
  private static class IconData
    public final Icon bottomStart;
    public final Icon bottomEnd;
    public final Icon bottomBackground;
    public final Icon topStart;
    public final Icon topEnd;
    public final Icon topBackground;
    public final Icon startBackground;
    public final Icon endBackground;

    public IconData(
      Icon bottomStart,
      Icon bottomEnd,
      Icon bottomBackground,
      Icon topStart,
      Icon topEnd,
      Icon topBackground,
      Icon startBackground,
      Icon endBackground
      this.bottomStart = bottomStart;
      this.bottomEnd = bottomEnd;
      this.bottomBackground = bottomBackground;
      this.topStart = topStart;
      this.topEnd = topEnd;
      this.topBackground = topBackground;
      this.startBackground = startBackground;
      this.endBackground = endBackground;

  // Keys for looking up IconData properties on the Skin
  private static final Object _ICONS_KEY = new Object();
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    boolean maxUnknown = (maxValue == MAX_VALUE_UNKNOWN);

    // Zero-indexed block index.
    long blockIndex = (value - minValue + blockSize - 1L) /

    // sometimes a record set won't start on a multiple of blockSize. So
    // remember to add any offset:
    // this can safely be an int because it is an index into the blockSize,
    // which is itself an int:
    int offset = (int) (value - (minValue + (blockIndex * blockSize)));
    if (offset < 0)
      offset = offset + blockSize;

    // Total number of blocks (again, zero-indexed)
    long maxBlockIndex;
    if (maxUnknown)
      maxBlockIndex = blockIndex + 1;
      maxBlockIndex = (maxValue - minValue - offset) / blockSize;
      if (offset > 0)

    // Calculate the first block that should be shown.  The order goes:
    // Group 0:            0-28 + More
    // Group 1:Previous + 29-56 + More
    // Group 2:Previous + 57-84 + More
    // etc..
    long firstBlockIndex;

    // If everything is visible, or we're in the first group, start at zero.
    if ((maxBlockIndex <= (_MAX_VISIBLE_OPTIONS - 1L)) ||
        (blockIndex <= (_MAX_VISIBLE_OPTIONS - 2L)))
      firstBlockIndex = 0;
      firstBlockIndex = ((blockIndex - 1L) / (_MAX_VISIBLE_OPTIONS - 2L)) *
                        (_MAX_VISIBLE_OPTIONS - 2L);

    // And we always show a total of 30 groups (or straight to the end)
    long lastBlockIndex = firstBlockIndex + (_MAX_VISIBLE_OPTIONS - 1L);
    if (lastBlockIndex > maxBlockIndex)
      lastBlockIndex = maxBlockIndex;
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    if(labelShowRequired(component, bean))
      requiredStyleClass = SkinSelectors.STATE_REQUIRED;

    List<String> parsedStyleClasses =
    int userStyleClassCount;
    if (parsedStyleClasses == null)
      userStyleClassCount = (styleClass == null) ? 0 : 1;
      userStyleClassCount = parsedStyleClasses.size();

    String[] styleClasses = new String[userStyleClassCount + 4];
    int i=0;
    if (parsedStyleClasses != null)
      while (i < userStyleClassCount)
        styleClasses[i] = parsedStyleClasses.get(i);
    else if (styleClass != null)
      styleClasses[i++] = styleClass;

    styleClasses[i++] = contentStyleClass;
    styleClasses[i++] = disabledStyleClass;
    styleClasses[i++] = readOnlyStyleClass;
    styleClasses[i++] = requiredStyleClass;

    renderStyleClasses(context, rc, styleClasses);
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    String messageDetailMax = this.getMessageDetailMaximum();
    String messageDetailMin = this.getMessageDetailMinimum();
    String messageDetailRange = this.getMessageDetailNotInRange();
    String hintMax = this.getHintMaximum();
    String hintMin = this.getHintMinimum();
    String hintRange = this.getHintNotInRange();
    Map<String, String> cMessages = null;
    if(messageDetailMax != null || messageDetailMin != null || messageDetailRange != null || hintMax != null || hintMin != null|| hintRange != null)
      cMessages = new HashMap<String, String>();
      cMessages.put("max", messageDetailMax);
      cMessages.put("min", messageDetailMin);
      cMessages.put("range", messageDetailRange);
      cMessages.put("hintMax", hintMax);
      cMessages.put("hintMin", hintMin);
      cMessages.put("hintRange", hintRange);
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 74
    int              selectedIndex,
    Converter        converter,
    boolean          valuePassThru
    ) throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    writer.startElement("span", component);
    renderId(context, component);
    // Render all generic attributes, except styles (they go on the item),
    // and onclick (also on the item, see below)
    renderAllAttributes(context, rc, component, bean, false /*no styles*/);

    boolean applyFieldSet = _applyFieldSetWrapper(rc);
    if (applyFieldSet)
      String shortDesc = getShortDesc(component, bean);
      if (shortDesc == null)
        applyFieldSet = false;
        writer.startElement("fieldset", null);
        writer.writeAttribute("style", "border:none;margin:0px;padding:0px;", null);
        writer.startElement("legend", null);
        renderStyleClass(context, rc,
        writer.writeText(shortDesc, "shortDesc");

    encodeSelectItems(context, rc, component, bean,
                      selectItems, selectedIndex, converter,
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    rw.writeAttribute("ondblclick", getOndblclick(component, bean),
    rw.writeAttribute("onkeydown", getOnkeydown(component, bean),
    rw.writeAttribute("onkeyup", getOnkeyup(component, bean), "onkeyup");
    rw.writeAttribute("onkeypress", getOnkeypress(component, bean),
    rw.writeAttribute("onmousedown", getOnmousedown(component, bean),
    rw.writeAttribute("onmousemove", getOnmousemove(component, bean),
    rw.writeAttribute("onmouseout", getOnmouseout(component, bean),
    rw.writeAttribute("onmouseover", getOnmouseover(component, bean),
    rw.writeAttribute("onmouseup", getOnmouseup(component, bean),
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      renderStyleClassAttribute(context, _TAB_BAR_STYLE_CLASS);

  protected void renderContent(
      UIXRenderingContext context,
      UINode           node
      ) throws IOException
    boolean initialLinkSelectedStatus = LinkUtils.isSelected(context);

    UIXHierarchy component = getHierarchyBase(context, node);
    UINode stamp = getStamp(context, node);

    if(stamp != null)

      // Save the current key
      Object oldPath = component.getRowKey();
      boolean isNewPath = setNewPath(context, node, component);

      if (isNewPath)
        int size = component.getRowCount();
        int rowIndex = component.getRowIndex();

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
          renderStamp(context, stamp,i == rowIndex);

          if ( i < (size - 1))
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        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 100000));
        i = i % 100000;      
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 10000));
        i = i % 10000;
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 1000));
        i = i % 1000;
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 100));
        i = i % 100;
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 10));
        i = i % 10;
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + i);
      else if (i > 10000)
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          renderID(context, id, false);

      // write a reference to the transparent gif function

      if ((width != null) || (height != null))
        String widthParam = "void 0";

        if (width != null)
          widthParam = width;

          if (needsQuoting)


        if (needsQuoting && (width != null))

        if (height != null)

          if (needsQuoting)


          if (needsQuoting)


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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 161
                           i, selectedIndex == i, disabled,
                           renderedOne && isVertical,
        renderedOne = true;

  protected boolean encodeSelectItem(
    FacesContext     context,
    RenderingContext rc,
    UIComponent      component,
    SelectItem       item,
    Converter        converter,
    boolean          valuePassThru,
    Object           accessKey,
    int              index,
    boolean          isSelected,
    boolean          isDisabled,
    boolean          renderBreak,
    String           itemOnclick
    ) throws IOException
    if (item == null)
      return false;

    String id = rc.getCurrentClientId();
    if (id == null)
      return false;

    // Create the per-item ID, necessary for generating the <label>
    // tag.  We use "parentid:_[index]"
    StringBuffer subidBuffer = new StringBuffer(id.length() + 4);
    String subid = subidBuffer.toString();

    Object itemValue = getItemValue(context,
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   * @todo Reconsider our choice of style for this element!
  private void _renderTableHeader(
    FacesContext          context,
    RenderingContext      rc,
    TableRenderingContext tContext,
    UIComponent           component
    ) throws IOException
    // implement header facet on table: see bug 3788610
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    UIComponent header = getFacet(component, CoreTable.HEADER_FACET);
    if (header != null)
      writer.startElement("thead", null);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_ROW_ELEMENT, null);
      writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
        tContext.getActualColumnCount(), null);
      renderStyleClass(context, rc, SkinSelectors.AF_COLUMN_SORTABLE_HEADER_ICON_STYLE_CLASS);

      encodeChild(context, header);

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  private static String _trimQuotes(String in)
    if ( in == null )
      return in;

    boolean startsWithDoubleQuote = in.startsWith( "\"" );
    boolean startsWithSingleQuote = in.startsWith( "\'" );
    boolean endsWithDoubleQuote = in.endsWith( "\"" );
    boolean endsWithSingleQuote = in.endsWith( "\'" );
    if (( startsWithDoubleQuote && endsWithSingleQuote ) ||
       ( startsWithSingleQuote && endsWithDoubleQuote ))
      if (_LOG.isWarning())
        _LOG.warning("ERR_PARSING", in);
    if ( startsWithDoubleQuote && endsWithDoubleQuote )
      return in.substring( 1, in.length() - 1 );
    if ( startsWithSingleQuote && endsWithSingleQuote )
      return in.substring( 1, in.length() - 1 );
    return in;
  // Returns the uri portion of the url property value
  private static String _getURIString(String propertyValue)
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    _disclosedKey = type.findKey("disclosed");

  protected void decode(
    FacesContext facesContext,
    UIComponent  component,
    FacesBean    facesBean,
    String       clientId)
    Map<String, String> parameters =

    Object event = parameters.get(XhtmlConstants.EVENT_PARAM);
    if (XhtmlConstants.HIDE_EVENT.equals(event) ||
      Object source = parameters.get(XhtmlConstants.SOURCE_PARAM);
      String id = clientId == null ? component.getClientId(facesContext) : clientId;

      if (id.equals(source))
        boolean isDisclosed = XhtmlConstants.SHOW_EVENT.equals(event);
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    ArrayList<IncludeNode> nodesWithRefList = new ArrayList<IncludeNode>(_includeNodes.size());
    ArrayList<IncludeNode> nodesWithSrcList = new ArrayList<IncludeNode>(_includeNodes.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < _includeNodes.size(); i++)
      IncludeNode node = _includeNodes.get(i);
      if (node.__getRefId() != null)
    IncludeNode[] nodesWithRef = 
            nodesWithRefList.toArray(new IncludeNode[nodesWithRefList.size()]);
    IncludeNode[] nodesWithSrc = 
            nodesWithSrcList.toArray(new IncludeNode[nodesWithSrcList.size()]);
    return new DeviceComponentNode(_type, nodesWithRef, nodesWithSrc);    
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    for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < indexedChildCount; childIndex++)
      UINode child = parent.getIndexedChild(context, childIndex);
      // needed for TrainRenderer. It is important to know what child index
      // this is, not just the index of the visible children.

      if ((child != null) &&
             child.getAttributeValue(context, UIConstants.RENDERED_ATTR)))
        context.pushChild(child, null, childIndex);
        context.pushRenderedChild(context, child);

      BaseLafUtils.setRenderingProperty(context, _CURRENT_INDEX_KEY, null);

    BaseLafUtils.setRenderingProperty(context, _DATA_OBJECT_LIST_KEY, null);
    __setDataObjectUsedMode(context, false);

    return list;
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/binding/ 62
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/binding/ 55
    return StringUtils.stripMnemonic(text);

  public void setValue(ELContext context, Object value)
    throw new PropertyNotWritableException();

  public Class<?> getType(ELContext context)
    return Character.class;

  public Class<?> getExpectedType()
    return Character.class;

  public boolean isReadOnly(ELContext context)
    return true;

  public boolean isLiteralText()
    return false;

  public String getExpressionString()
    return null;

  public int hashCode()
    return 0;

  public boolean equals(Object o)
    return (o == this);

  private ValueExpression _base;
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/util/ 335
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/util/ 489
    public static byte[] decrypt(byte[] secure, ExternalContext ctx)
        if (ctx == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("ExternalContext ctx");

        SecretKey secretKey = (SecretKey) getSecret(ctx);
        String algorithm = findAlgorithm(ctx);
        String algorithmParams = findAlgorithmParams(ctx);
        byte[] iv = findInitializationVector(ctx);
        SecretKey macSecretKey = (SecretKey) getMacSecret(ctx);
        String macAlgorithm = findMacAlgorithm(ctx);

            // keep local to avoid threading issue
            Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(macAlgorithm);
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm + "/"
                    + algorithmParams);
            if (iv != null)
                IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv);
                cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey, ivSpec);
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 552
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 402
      _closeStart = false;

   * Flushes out any pending element, celaring the pending
   * entry.
  private void _outputPendingElements() throws IOException
    String pendingElement = _pendingElement;

    if (pendingElement != null)
      // we clear the pending element BEFORE calling
      // startElementImpl to prevent _startElementImpl's indirect call
      // to _markPendingElements from pushing our element onto
      // the skipped stack, imbalancing the stack
      _pendingElement = null;

      // start the pending element

   * If an element is pending, push it onto the stack of skipped
   * elements because it doesn't have any attributes
  private void _markPendingElements()
    String pendingElement = _pendingElement;
    if (pendingElement != null)
      _pendingElement = null;

   * Retrieves the name of the last output element.  If it is null,
   * that element was skipped and thus its end tag should be suppressed
   * as well
  private String _popSkippedElement()
    int size = _skippedElements.size();
    if (size == 0)
      return null;

    return _skippedElements.remove(size - 1);

   * Marks the skipped element so that the output of its
   * end tag can also be suppressed
  private void _pushSkippedElement()

   * Marks that we have outputted a real element so that the ordering of
   * the outputted and skipped elements can be maintained.  This
   * also aids debuggin by ensuring that the element being ended matches
   * the actual ouputted name.
  private void _pushOutputtedElement(
    String name
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 241
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 287
  public static final String COLOR_PALETTE_TRANSPARENT_ICON_NAME = "cpt.gif";
  // 'xc' stands for uiX Composite
  // -= Simon =-
  // FIXME: Should it be renamed to remove UIX reference?
  public static final String COMPOSITE_ID_EXTENSION = "__xc_";
  // context property to indicate that form elements are repeated and the
  // data needs to be kept in sync
  public static final Object REPEAT_PROPERTY = new Object();

  //Constants for Non JavaScript browser support
  public static final String NO_JS_PARAMETER_KEY = "_parameterkey";
  public static final String NO_JS_INPUT_IMAGE_KEY = "_inputImagekey";
  public static final String MULTIPLE_VALUE_PARAM = "multipleValueParam";
  public static final String NO_JS_PARAMETER_KEY_BUTTON = "Go";
  public static final String NO_JS_PARAMETER_BACK_BUTTON = "Back";
  public static final String NO_JS_PARAMETER_NEXT_BUTTON = "Next";
  public static final String NON_JS_BROWSER = "_noJavaScript";
  public static final String NON_JS_BROWSER_TRUE = "true";
  public static final String NON_JS_DETAIL_DISCLOSED_ICON = "-";
  public static final String NON_JS_DETAIL_UNDISCLOSED_ICON = "+";
  public static final String NON_JS_ASC_ICON = "v";
  public static final String NON_JS_DESC_ICON = "^";
  // Maximum width of a narrow-screen PDA device in pixels
  public static final int NARROW_SCREEN_PDA_MAX_WIDTH = 240; 
  // The name of the hidden parameter that stores the value of the 
  // request-header, UA-pixels. This hidden paramter is rendered only 
  // for windows mobile.
  public static final String WINDOWS_MOBILE_UAPIXELS = "uapixels";
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 31
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/simple/desktop/ 32
public class PageMenuButtonsRenderer extends GlobalButtonBarRenderer
  protected UIXHierarchy getHierarchyBase(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    UINode pageNode = context.getParentContext().getAncestorNode(0);
    return (UIXPage) pageNode.getUIComponent();

  protected UINode getStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    UINode pageNode = context.getParentContext().getAncestorNode(0);
    return getNamedChild(context, pageNode, NODE_STAMP_CHILD);

  protected boolean setNewPath(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    UIXHierarchy      component
    int startDepth = getIntAttributeValue(context, node, LEVEL_ATTR, 0);
    return PageRendererUtils.setNewPath(context, component, startDepth);
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 48
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/menu/ 51
  public ImmutableItemNode(ItemNode node)
    _icon = node.getIconProperty();
    _focusViewId = node.getFocusViewIdProperty();
    _renderedStr = node.getRenderedProperty();
    _disabledStr = node.getDisabledProperty();
    _visibleStr = node.getVisibleProperty();
    _readOnlyStr = node.getReadOnlyProperty();
    _handlerId = node.getHandlerIdProperty();
    _bundleKey = node.getBundleKeyProperty();
    _bundleName = node.getBundleNameProperty();
    _accessKey = node.getAccessKeyProperty();
    _id = node.getIdProperty();
    _modelId = node.getModelIdProperty();
    _uniqueId = node.getUniqueIdProperty();
    _labelAndAccessKey = node.getLabelAndAccessKeyProperty();
    _defaultFocusPathStr = node.getDefaultFocusPathProperty();

    // Root Menu model's Request Map Key
    _rootModelKey = node.getRootModelKeyProperty();

    _rootId = node.getRootIdProperty();
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 648
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 201
    String encodedSource =
      XhtmlLafUtils.getFormEncodedParameter(formEncoder, form, sourceKey, name);

    String encodedPartialTargets =
      XhtmlLafUtils.getFormEncodedParameter(formEncoder, form,

    int initialSize = _CHOICE_ON_CHANGE_FORM_START.length() +
                          form.length()                         +
                          13                                    +
                          encodedSource.length()                         +

    // Make room for partialTargets if we've got any
    if (encodedPartialTargets != null)
      initialSize += (encodedPartialTargets.length() + 2);

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(initialSize);
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 154
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 279
    UIXCollection component,
    UIComponent    stamp,
    int            startIndex
    int i = startIndex + 1;
    int rowCount = component.getRowCount();
    while (i < rowCount)
      boolean disabled = Boolean.TRUE.equals(
      boolean readOnly = Boolean.TRUE.equals(
      boolean rendered = stamp.isRendered();

      // if this node is rendered and not disabled and not readOnly
      // then it can be used as the back button node.
      if (!disabled && !readOnly && rendered)    
        return i;
    return NO_INDEX;

  public static void renderNavSubmitScript(
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/style/ 52
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/style/ 59
   * Converts the style to a String suitable for use as an inline style
   * attribute value.
  public String toInlineString()
    String inline = _inline;

    if (inline != null)
      return inline;
    Map<String, String> properties = getProperties();
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    boolean first = true;   
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entrySet : properties.entrySet())

      if (first)
        first = false;
      String name = entrySet.getKey();
      String value = entrySet.getValue();

    inline = buffer.toString();
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 214
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 249

   * Override to return any state-based (selected, disabled, etc.)
   * CSS style markers.  HINT: use an immutable, cached List&lt;String>
   * for better performance.
  protected List<String> getStateStyleClasses(
    FacesContext     context,
    RenderingContext rc,
    UIComponent      component,
    FacesBean        bean)
    if (getDisabled(component, bean))
      return _DISABLED_STATE_LIST;
    return null;

  // FIXME: move this implementation to XhtmlRenderer
  protected void renderStyleAttributes(
    FacesContext     context,
    RenderingContext rc,
    UIComponent      component,
    FacesBean        bean,
    String           defaultStyleClass
    ) throws IOException
    String styleClass = getStyleClass(component, bean);
    // -= Simon =-
    // FIXME: How come inlineStyle is never read
    //String inlineStyle = getInlineStyle(bean);
    List<String> stateStyleClasses = getStateStyleClasses(context, rc, component, bean);

    if ((styleClass==null) &&
        (defaultStyleClass != null) &&
        (stateStyleClasses == null))
      renderStyleClass(context, rc, defaultStyleClass);
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/share/url/ 703
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/share/url/ 781
          if (buf == null)
            buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(_MAX_BYTES_PER_CHAR);

            if (encoding != null)
              writer = new OutputStreamWriter(buf, encoding);
              writer = new OutputStreamWriter(buf);
            charArray = new char[1];

          // convert to external encoding before hex conversion
            // An inspection of OutputStreamWriter reveals
            // that write(char) always allocates a one element
            // character array.  We can reuse our own.
            charArray[0] = ch;
            writer.write(charArray, 0, 1);
          catch(IOException e)

          byte[] ba = buf.toByteArray();
          for (int j = 0; j < ba.length; j++)
            _writeDoubleHex(out, ba[j] + 256);
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/agent/ 798
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/agent/ 867
        agentObj.setAgentVersion(agent.substring(operaIndex + 6,firstSpace));

      int paren = agent.indexOf('(');

      if (paren >= 0)
        // try to determine the OS
        if (agent.indexOf("Win", paren) > 0)
        else if (agent.indexOf("Mac", paren) > 0)
        else if (agent.indexOf("Linux", paren) > 0)
        else if (agent.indexOf("Sun", paren) > 0)
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 102
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/pda/ 79
    if (partialTargets != null)
      setPartialTargets(context, null);
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    writer.startElement( DIV_ELEMENT, null );
    int selectedChildIndex = _getResolvedSelectedIndex(context, node);
    //Render the content for the selected showItem
    if (selectedChildIndex != -1)
             context, node.getIndexedChild(context, selectedChildIndex));
    writer.endElement( DIV_ELEMENT );
    if (partialTargets != null)
      setPartialTargets(context, partialTargets);

  protected void postrender(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    ) throws IOException
    Object position = node.getAttributeValue(context, POSITION_ATTR);
    if (POSITION_BELOW.equals(position))
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 38
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 37
  protected UIXHierarchy getHierarchyBase(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    UINode pageNode = context.getParentContext().getAncestorNode(0);
    return (UIXPage) pageNode.getUIComponent();

  protected UINode getStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    UINode pageNode = context.getParentContext().getAncestorNode(0);
    return getNamedChild(context, pageNode, NODE_STAMP_CHILD);

  protected boolean setNewPath(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    UIXHierarchy      component
    int startDepth = getIntAttributeValue(context, node, LEVEL_ATTR, 0);
    return PageRendererUtils.setNewPath(context, component, startDepth);
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 38
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/simple/desktop/ 35
  protected UIXHierarchy getHierarchyBase(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    UINode pageNode = context.getParentContext().getAncestorNode(0);
    return (UIXPage) pageNode.getUIComponent();

  protected UINode getStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    UINode pageNode = context.getParentContext().getAncestorNode(0);
    return getNamedChild(context, pageNode, NODE_STAMP_CHILD);

  protected boolean setNewPath(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    UIXHierarchy    component
    int startDepth = getIntAttributeValue(context, node, LEVEL_ATTR, 0);
    return PageRendererUtils.setNewPath(context, component, startDepth);
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 191
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    renderItemStyleAttrs(context, node, index, selected);

    // Render the tab link
    super.renderIndexedChild( context, node, index);


    protected void renderStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           stamp,
    boolean          selected
    )throws IOException
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();

    // Start the table cell
    writer.startElement(TABLE_DATA_ELEMENT, null);
    // todo - the index isn't used so putting -1 for now
    renderItemStyleAttrs(context, stamp, -1, selected);

    //Record the selected status so that in case this child happens to be
    //  a link, some special aspects like accessibility are taken care of.
    LinkUtils.setSelected(context, selected);



   * Override of renderBetweenIndexedChildren() which
   * renders the separator Icon.
  protected void renderBetweenIndexedChildren(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    ) throws IOException

   * Override of renderBetweenIndexedChildren() which
   * renders the separator Icon.
  protected void renderBetweenNodes(
    UIXRenderingContext context
    ) throws IOException
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 169
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/pda/ 136

   * Returns the index of the first avilable showItem child that has its
   *  'selected' property set to true.
   * If none of children are selected, the index of first such child that is
   *  enabled is returned.
   * Returns -1 if both of these fail.
   * @todo pudupa: XhtmlLafRenderer.getResolvedSelectedIndex() is not a clear
   *   reusable code for 3.0, consolidate for code reuse at a later stage when
   *   the selection model (whether parent has this info or the children) is clear.
  private static int _getResolvedSelectedIndex(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode parentNode)
    int childCount = parentNode.getIndexedChildCount(context);
    int firstEnabledChildIndex = -1;
    for (int childIndex=0; childIndex<childCount; childIndex++)
      UINode childNode = parentNode.getIndexedChild(context, childIndex);
      if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(
            childNode.getAttributeValue(context, DISCLOSED_ATTR)))
        return childIndex;
      if (firstEnabledChildIndex == -1  &&
              childNode.getAttributeValue(context, DISABLED_ATTR)))
        firstEnabledChildIndex = childIndex;

    return firstEnabledChildIndex;
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 398
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 424
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 10000));
        i = i % 10000;
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 1000));
        i = i % 1000;
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 100));
        i = i % 100;
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + (i / 10));
        i = i % 10;
        buff[buffIndex++] = (char)('0' + i);
      else if (i > 1000)
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/uinode/ 217
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/uinode/ 278
  public void postrenderInternal(UIXRenderingContext context, UINode dataNode)
    throws IOException
    Renderer renderer = null;

      renderer = getRenderer(context, dataNode);
    catch( UndeclaredThrowableException e )
      if (_LOG.isWarning())

    assert(renderer instanceof PreAndPostRenderer);

    // =-=AEW PUSH-POP-CATCH???
    if (renderer != null)
      // See if we need to push/pop ourselves.  This should only
      // happen in two cases:
      //   - We're the root of the tree.
      //   - We're a private bean, and a Renderer called render() directly
      //     instead of using composite widgets.
      boolean pushAndPop = (context.getRenderedAncestorNode(0) != dataNode);
      if (pushAndPop)
        context.pushChild(dataNode, null, -1);
        context.pushRenderedChild(context, dataNode);

        ((PreAndPostRenderer) renderer).postrender(context, dataNode);
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/config/upload/ 70
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/config/upload/ 78

    // Let the UploadedFiles know, so it can fix up filenames
    UploadedFiles.setCharacterEncoding(this, encoding);

  public String getParameter(String param)
    return _manager.getParameter(param);

  public Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap()
    return _manager.getParameterMap();

  public Enumeration<String> getParameterNames()
    return _manager.getParameterNames();

  public String[] getParameterValues(String param)
    return _manager.getParameterValues(param);

  private UploadRequestManager _manager;
  private ActionResponse _response;
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 135
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 159
    if ((returnValue instanceof Date) || fac.isConvertible(returnValue, Date.class))
      FacesBean bean = getFacesBean(component);
      Converter converter = getConverter(component, bean);
      if (converter == null)
        converter = getDefaultConverter(context, component, bean);

      if (converter != null)
        returnValue = converter.getAsString(context,
        returnValue = returnValue.toString();

      event = new ReturnEvent(component,


  protected void encodeAllAsElement(
    FacesContext     context,
    RenderingContext rc,
    UIComponent      component,
    FacesBean        bean
    ) throws IOException

    if (!_dateScriptletsRegistered)
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 85
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 247
    UIXCollection component,
    UIComponent    stamp,
    int            startIndex
    int i = startIndex - 1;
    while (i >= 0)
      boolean disabled = Boolean.TRUE.equals(
      boolean readOnly = Boolean.TRUE.equals(
      boolean rendered = stamp.isRendered();

      // if this node is rendered and not disabled and not readOnly
      // then it can be used as the back button node.
      if (!disabled && !readOnly && rendered)    
        return i;
    return NO_INDEX;

  public static int getNextIndex(
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 112
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 493
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_0001_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder0001";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_0010_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder0010";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_0011_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder0011";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_0100_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder0100";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_0101_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder0101";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_0110_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder0110";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_0111_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder0111";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_1000_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder1000";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_1001_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder1001";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_1010_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder1010";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_1011_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder1011";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_1100_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder1100";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_1101_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder1101";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_1110_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder1110";
  public static final String TABLE_BORDER_1111_STYLE =  "OraTableBorder1111";

  public static final String HIDE_SHOW_DISCLOSED_SYMBOL_STYLE_CLASS =
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/agent/parse/ 222
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/agent/parse/ 264
    IncludeNode[] uriIncludes = dcNode.__getIncludesByUri();
    Object[][] uriCaps = null;
    if (uriIncludes != null)
      uriCaps = new Object[uriIncludes.length][];
      for (int i = 0; i < uriIncludes.length; i++)
        assert (uriIncludes[i].__getSrcUrl() != null);
        uriCaps[i] = _getCapabilities(uriIncludes[i].__getSrcUrl());
        assert (uriCaps[i] != null);

    return _mergeCaps(refCaps, uriCaps);

   * get capabilties of node using a node refid
  private Object[][] _getCapabilities(Agent agent,
                                      CapabilitiesNode[] capNodes,
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/image/laf/browser/ 85
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/image/laf/browser/ 228
                    topHeight, bottomHeight);

  public static Color getDefaultForeground(
    ImageContext context,
    boolean      disabled
    // First, try to get the color from the StyleMap
    String styleName = (disabled) ? _DISABLED_STYLE_NAME : _STYLE_NAME;
    Color color = BlafImageUtils.__getNamedForeground(context, styleName);

    // If we didn't get a color from the style, just use defaults
    if (color == null)

    return color;

  public static Color getDefaultBackground(
    ImageContext context,
    boolean     disabled
    // First, try to get the color from the StyleMap
    String styleName = (disabled) ? _DISABLED_STYLE_NAME : _STYLE_NAME;
    Color color = BlafImageUtils.__getNamedBackground(context, styleName);

    // If we didn't get a color from the style, just use defaults
    if (color == null)
      color = _DEFAULT_BACKGROUND;

    return color;

  public static FontProxy getDefaultFont()
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 81
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 48
    super.prerender(context, node);

  protected UIXHierarchy getHierarchyBase(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return (UIXHierarchy) node.getUIComponent();

  protected UINode getStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return node.getNamedChild(context, NODE_STAMP_CHILD);

  protected boolean setNewPath(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    UIXHierarchy    component
    int startDepth = getIntAttributeValue(context, node, LEVEL_ATTR, 0);
    return ModelRendererUtils.setNewPath(component, startDepth,

  protected void renderContent(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    ) throws IOException
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 125
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 263
              if (ch == '&' && !isBodyText && (i + 1 < length) && (text.charAt(i + 1) == '{'))
                buffIndex = _addToBuffer(out, buff, buffIndex, ch);
                // not weird & attribute case, so write the entity
                buffIndex = _addToBuffer(out, buff, buffIndex, entity);
            // low part of entities. Null entry means we have a carriage return or line feed
            String entity = entities[ch];
            if (entity != null)
              buffIndex = _addToBuffer(out, buff, buffIndex, entity);
              buffIndex = _flushBuffer(out, buff, buffIndex);
              // handle carriage return/line feed
              // write out a newline
              // collapse combinations of carriage return/line feed or line feed/carriage return
              // together
              char checkChar = (char)((ch == 0xD) ? 0xA : 0xD);
              if ((i + 1 < length) && (text.charAt(i + 1) == checkChar))
File Line
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 119
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 49

  protected UIXHierarchy getHierarchyBase(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return (UIXHierarchy) node.getUIComponent();

  protected UINode getStamp(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    return node.getNamedChild(context, NODE_STAMP_CHILD);

  protected boolean setNewPath(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node,
    UIXHierarchy    component
    int startDepth = getIntAttributeValue(context, node, LEVEL_ATTR, 0);
    return ModelRendererUtils.setNewPath(component, startDepth,

  protected void renderContent(
    UIXRenderingContext context,
    UINode           node
    ) throws IOException
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/validator/ 52
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/validator/ 53

  public void validate(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent  component,
    Object       value) throws ValidatorException
    if (value == null)
    if (!(value instanceof Date))
      GenericConverterFactory fac = GenericConverterFactory.getCurrentInstance();
      value = fac.convert(value, Date.class);
    super.validate(context, component, value);
  public Collection<String> getClientImportNames()
    return _IMPORT_NAMES;

  public String getClientScript(
   FacesContext context,
   UIComponent component)
    return null;

   * @todo this should have not_in_range messages, not just max and min!
   * @todo Format these numbers properly.
  public String getClientValidation(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component)
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/skin/parse/ 67
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/skin/parse/ 79
    if ((_bundleName != null) && (_translationSourceExpression != null))
      _translationSourceExpression = null;

    if (_translationSourceExpression != null &&
        !(_translationSourceExpression.startsWith("#{") &&
      _translationSourceExpression = null;

    Object isMetaInf = context.getProperty(SKIN_NAMESPACE, META_INF);

    if (isMetaInf != null && _styleSheetName != null
      && Boolean.parseBoolean(isMetaInf.toString()) && !(_styleSheetName.startsWith("/")))
      _styleSheetName = META_INF_DIR.concat(_styleSheetName);
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 1088
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 762

  // add a boolean flag to the chain of icons.
  // the chain is rendered before each icon
  private Boolean[] _appendIcon(
    Boolean[] prepend,
    Boolean isLine
    int currLength = prepend.length;

    if (prepend[currLength - 1] != null)
      // resize, incrementing should be fine
      Boolean[] newBools = new Boolean[currLength +  _DEFAULT_TREE_INCREMENT];
      System.arraycopy(prepend, 0, newBools, 0, currLength);
      prepend = newBools;

    for (int i = 0; i < currLength; i++)
      if (prepend[i] == null)
        prepend[i] = isLine;

    return prepend;

  private void _prependIcons(
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 101
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/uix/ 68
    if (!component.getClientId(context).equals(source))

    TreeUtils.decodeExpandEvents(parameters, component, Collections.emptyList());
    String currencyStrParam = 
      source + NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR + SELECTED_PARAM;
    String currencyStr = parameters.get(currencyStrParam);
    if ((currencyStr != null) && (!"".equals(currencyStr)))
      UIXTree tree = (UIXTree) component;
      Object oldPath = tree.getRowKey();
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/pda/ 203
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 906
    writeInlineStyles(rw, toString(itemData.get("inlineStyle")),
      appendedStyle); // user's style + what we must have on top of it
    rw.writeAttribute("title", itemData.get("shortDesc"), null);
    StringBuilder itemStyleClass = new StringBuilder();
    String userStyleClass = toString(itemData.get("styleClass"));
    if (userStyleClass != null)
      itemStyleClass.append(" "); // more style classes are appended below

    // Assign the event handlers:
    boolean isDisabled = getBooleanFromProperty(itemData.get("isDisabled"));
    boolean isActive = getBooleanFromProperty(itemData.get("isActive"));
    if (isActive)
      if (isDisabled)
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/io/ 299
      XMLEscapes.writeText(_out, text, off, len);

  public void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException
    _out.write(cbuf, off, len);

  public void write(String str) throws IOException

  public void write(int c) throws IOException
    _out.write((char) c);

  public ResponseWriter cloneWithWriter(Writer writer)
      return new XhtmlResponseWriter(writer, getContentType(),
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/image/xml/parse/ 179
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/style/util/ 778

  // Strips whitespace from start/end of the string
  private static String _stripWhitespace(String str)
    if (str == null)
      return null;

    int length = str.length();
    int startIndex = 0;

    while (startIndex < length)
      if (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(startIndex)))

    int endIndex = length;
    while (endIndex > 0)
      if (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(endIndex - 1)))

    if ((startIndex == 0) && (endIndex == length))
      return str;
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 2191
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ 140
    int bufferSize = _LINK_ON_CHANGE_FORM_START.length() +
                     form.length() +
                     34 +
                     encodedGotoEvent.length() +
                     encodedSource.length() +
                     encodedValue.length() +

    if (partialTargets != null)
      bufferSize += (partialTargets.length() + 2);

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(bufferSize);
    buffer.append("', '");
    buffer.append("', '");
    if (doValidate)
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 1005
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/ui/laf/base/desktop/ 664
      int childCount = tree.getRowCount();

      if (childCount > 0)
        // prepare the prepended icons for the child nodes
        prepend = _appendIcon(prepend,
                                ? Boolean.FALSE
                                : Boolean.TRUE);
        Boolean[] currClone;

        ++nodeDepth; // increment the depth of the child from the root

        int oldIndex = tree.getRowIndex();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
          currClone = new Boolean[prepend.length];
          System.arraycopy(prepend, 0, currClone, 0, prepend.length);

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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 369

  protected String getLaunchOnclick(
    FacesContext     context,
    RenderingContext rc,
    UIComponent      component,
    FacesBean        bean
    ) throws IOException
    // If the field has an action, use the default behavior.  Or,
    // if the field doesn't support launching a window at all,
    // use the default behavior.
    if ((getActionExpression(component, bean) != null) ||
      return super.getLaunchOnclick(context, rc, component, bean);

    String id = rc.getCurrentClientId();
    if ((id == null) || (rc.getFormData() == null))
      return null;
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/renderkit/core/xhtml/ 198

  protected String getOnblur(
    UIComponent component,
    FacesBean   bean)
    if (_onblurKey == null)
      return null;

    return XhtmlUtils.getClientEventHandler(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), component,
             "blur", null, toString(bean.getProperty(_onblurKey)), null);

  protected String getOnfocus(
    UIComponent component,
    FacesBean   bean)
    if (_onfocusKey == null)
      return null;

    return XhtmlUtils.getClientEventHandler(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), component,
             "focus", null, toString(bean.getProperty(_onfocusKey)), null);

  protected String getTargetFrame(
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org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/image/laf/browser/ 215
org/apache/myfaces/trinidadinternal/image/laf/browser/ 249

    protected PaintContext getPaintContext()
      return _context;

    private Integer _getMnemonicIndex()
      Object o = super.getPaintData(ImageConstants.ACCESS_KEY_KEY);
      if (!(o instanceof Character))
        return null;

      char c = ((Character)o).charValue();

      String text = (String)super.getPaintData(ImageConstants.TEXT_KEY);
      if (text == null)
        return null;

      int index = BlafImageUtils.__getMnemonicIndex(text, c);
      if (index < 0)
        return null;

      return index;

    private PaintContext _context;