
Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:

Tomahawk tag library 2.0. - version 1.1.7

MyFaces subproject that contains components and other goodies to be used with any JSF implementation.

Namespace definition: xmlns:t=""


  • aliasBean The aliasBean tag allows you to create a temporary name for a real bean
  • aliasBeansScope Holds several aliases that are configured by aliasBean tags
  • autoScroll Adds to a command link or button a javascript that enable automatic scrolling behavior after the event is invoked
  • autoScrollPage Adds to UICommand components that implements ClientBehaviorHolder interface an AutoscrollBehavior
  • buffer A component that renders its child components into an in-memory buffer rather than render them directly to the response stream
  • captcha
  • checkbox Renders a HTML input of type "checkbox"
  • collapsiblePanel A component which just renders as a single icon (with optional label) when "collapsed", hiding all child components
  • column A tag that extend h:column to provide HTML passthrough attributes
  • columns The tag allows dynamic columns in a datatable
  • commandButton Extends standard commandButton by user role support
  • commandLink Extends standard commandLink by user role support and the HTML target attribute
  • commandNavigation Command, that represents a navigation item
  • commandNavigation2 Must be nested inside a panel_navigation action and renders a clickable navigation item
  • commandSortHeader Clickable sort column header
  • dataList Similar to dataTable, but does not render a table
  • dataScroller Scroller for UIData components eg
  • dataTable The MyFacesDataTable extends the standard JSF DataTable by two important features: Possiblity to save the state of the DataModel
  • div Places a div around its children
  • document Document to enclose the whole document
  • documentBody Document to enclose the document body
  • documentHead Document to enclose the document head
  • fieldset Renders an HTML Fieldset
  • graphicImage Extends standard graphicImage
  • headerLink Link used to collapse or expand a t:collapsiblePanel
  • htmlTag Creates an arbitrary HTML tag which encloses any child components
  • iconProvider
  • inputCalendar Provides a calendar
  • inputDate Custom input control for dates and times
  • inputFileUpload Creates a file-selection widget in the rendered page which allows a user to select a file for uploading to the server
  • inputHidden Extended version of {@link javax
  • inputHtml HTML Editor using the kupu library
  • inputSecret Extends standard inputSecret, adding the "redisplay" property
  • inputText Extends standard inputText by user role support
  • inputTextHelp Extends standard inputText by helptext support
  • inputTextarea Extends standard inputTextarea by user role support
  • jsValueChangeListener Value change listener on client side
  • jsValueSet Setting a value from the model in java-script so that it can be used (e
  • jscookMenu Renders a Javascript Menu
  • message MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see summaryDetailSeparator attribute
  • messages MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see showInputLabel attribute
  • navigationMenuItem A menu item
  • navigationMenuItems A tree of menu items as returned by a value-expression
  • newspaperTable Model for a table in multiple balanced columns
  • outputLabel Extends standard outputLabel with user role support
  • outputText Extends standard outputText with user role support
  • panelGrid Extends standard panelGrid with user role support
  • panelGroup Extends standard panelGroup with user role support
  • panelLayout Determines where its children are positioned within the page relative to each other, similar to a Swing layout component
  • panelNavigation Renders a vertical menu structure with support for nested menu items
  • panelNavigation2 Renders a vertical menu structure with support for nested menu items
  • panelStack A stack of panels, to switch panels dynamically
  • panelTab TODO: Document this component
  • panelTabbedPane TODO: Document this component
  • popup Renders a popup which displays on a mouse event
  • radio This tag is used in conjunction with the extended selectOneRadio tag when the "spread" layout is selected
  • saveState Provides the ability to store a model value inside the view's component tree
  • schedule A schedule component similar to the ones found in Outlook or Evolution Renders a schedule component, showing appointments and events in a day, workweek, week or month view, similar to the schedule part of MS Outlook or Evolution
  • selectBooleanCheckbox Extends standard selectBooleanCheckbox with user role support
  • selectItems An extended version of the standard UISelectItems
  • selectManyCheckbox Extends standard selectManyCheckbox with user role support and a valueType attribute
  • selectManyListbox Extends standard selectManyListbox with user role support and a valueType attribute
  • selectManyMenu Extends standard selectManyMenu with user role support and a valueType attribute
  • selectManyPicklist A picklist component that allows to select items from one list to another In other words, is a selection component where a set of items can be selected from a list that contains all the available items to a list that contains the selected items
  • selectOneCountry A localized list of countries choose box
  • selectOneLanguage A localized list of languages choose box
  • selectOneListbox Extends standard selectOneListbox with user role support
  • selectOneMenu Extends standard selectOneMenu with user role support
  • selectOneRadio Implements the standard html selectOneRadio tag, with additional features
  • selectOneRow Enhancement for a data-table to select one Row with a radio button
  • stylesheet Renders the path to a common CSS-file
  • subform A SubForm which will allow for partial validation and model update
  • swapImage Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions
  • tabChangeListener Tag to add a tab change listeners to a {@link org
  • toggleGroup Container class allows user to toggle between view/edit mode
  • toggleLink Extends standard outputLink but links to a dynamically rendered resource (image, file,
  • togglePanel Container class allows user to toggle between view/edit mode
  • tree A tree data component
  • tree2 Represents "tree data" in an HTML format
  • treeCheckbox Renders a HTML input of type "treeCheckbox"
  • treeColumn Renders a HTML input of type "treeColumn"
  • treeSelectionListener Tag to add a tree selection listeners to a {@link HtmlTree}
  • updateActionListener Registers an org
  • validateCreditCard A custom validator for creditCards, based upon Jakarta Commons
  • validateEmail A custom validator for email address format, based upons Jakarta Commons
  • validateEqual A custom validator for validations against foreign component values
  • validateRegExpr A custom validator for reg
  • xmlTransform Transforms XML using and XSL stylesheet

Required attributes are marked with a*


The aliasBean tag allows you to create a temporary name for a real bean. The temporary name exists (is visible) only to the children of the aliasBean. <p> One use of this feature is to pass "parameters" from an including page to an included one. The included page can use any name it desires for beans it needs to reference, and the including page can then use aliasBean to make those names refer to the beans it wishes to "pass" as parameters. </p> <p> Suppose you have a block of components you use often but with different beans. You can create a separate JSP page (or equivalent) containing these beans, where the value-bindings refer to some fictive bean name. Document these names as the required "parameters" for this JSP page. Wherever you wish to use this block you then declare an alias component mapping each of these "parameters" to whatever beans (or literal values) you really want to apply the block to, then use jsp:include (or equivalent) to include the reusable block of components. </p> <p> Note, however, that AliasBean does not work for component bindings; JSF1.1 just has no mechanism available to set up the alias during the "restore view" phase while the bindings of its children are being re-established, and then remove the alias after the child bindings are done. </p> <p> As a special case, if this component's direct parent is an AliasBeansScope then the alias (temporary name) is active until the end of the parent component, rather than the end of this component. </p>

Can contain:JSP


aliasDefine the "fictive" name which will be visible to the children of this component as an alias to the "real" object specified by the value attribute of this component.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
valueThe existing value that the alias can be set to. This can be a literal string (like "toto") or a reference to an existing bean (like "#{myBean.member1}").String


Holds several aliases that are configured by aliasBean tags. <p> The aliasBean tag must enclose all the components that are within the scope of the alias. When multiple aliasas are defined, this makes the page structure very clumsy; for example defining 5 aliases means the content must be nested 5 indentation levels deep. This tag instead allows the content block to be wrapped in just one AliasBeansScope tag, and then have AliasBean tags with empty bodies added as direct children of this component. The scope of the AliasBean tag still starts when the tag begins, but instead of ending when the tag ends the scope of the nested AliasBean tags extends to the end of this component. </p>

Can contain:JSP


idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String


Adds to a command link or button a javascript that enable automatic scrolling behavior after the event is invoked.<p></p>

Can contain:JSP


eventThe event that this client behavior should be attached.String


Adds to UICommand components that implements ClientBehaviorHolder interface an AutoscrollBehavior. <p> Use it in this way to ensure proper operation: </p> <code> &lt;f:metadata&gt; &lt;t:autoScrollPage/&gt; &lt;/f:metadata&gt; </code> <p> Or in this way: </p> <code> &lt;h:body&gt; &lt;t:autoScrollPage/&gt; </code> <p> It is possible to use it at start of the page too, but note this tag attach a listener to PostAddToViewEvent, so previous components added to the view before apply this TagHandler will not be taken into account. </p>

Can contain:JSP




A component that renders its child components into an in-memory buffer rather than render them directly to the response stream. <p> Property "into" is an EL expression that specifies where to store a String holding the results of rendering all the children of this component; this is assigned to after rendering of this component (and its children) is complete. </p> <p> Typically, an h:output tag is then used later in the same page to output the buffer contents. </p> <p> This can be useful with JSF1.1/JSP2.0 to work around the well-known problem where on first render of a page, a component "A" cannot reference a component "B" which is defined later in the page because it has not yet been created. A solution is to define "B" before "A", but wrapped in a Buffer component. Component A can then be rendered and successfully reference "B" because it now exists. And later in the page, the buffer contents can then be output, preserving the original layout. </p> <p> This can also be useful when rendering the same data block multiple times within a page. For example, a datatable can be rendered with a datascroller both before and after it; first render the table into a buffer B1, then render the datascroller into a buffer B2, then output buffers B2,B1,B2. </p>

Can contain:JSP


into*An EL expression that specifies where to store a String holding the results of rendering all the children of this component; this is assigned to after rendering of this component (and its children) is complete.String


Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
captchaSessionKeyNameDetermines the CAPTCHA session key name.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
imageHeightInteger to indicate the CAPTCHA height. default is 81.String
imageWidthInteger to indicate the CAPTCHA width. default is 290.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String


Renders a HTML input of type "checkbox". The associated SelectItem comes from an extended selectManyCheckbox component with layout "spread". The selectManyCheckbox is referenced by the "for" attribute. All HTML pass-through attributes for this input are taken from the associated selectManyCheckbox. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
for*id of the referenced extended selectManyCheckbox componentString
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
index*n-th SelectItem of referenced UISelectMany starting with 0.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


A component which just renders as a single icon (with optional label) when "collapsed", hiding all child components. When open, the child components can be seen. The title attribute defines the label shown for the collapsible panel.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
indicatorStyleHTML: CSS styling instructions for the generated indicator. This attribute is ignored if a custom "header" facet is provided for the collapsible panelString
indicatorStyleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute for the generated indicator span. This attribute is ignored if a custom "header" facet is provided for the collapsible panelString
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
titleStyleHTML: CSS styling instructions for the generated title. This attribute is ignored if a custom "header" facet is provided for the collapsible panelString
titleStyleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute for the generated title. This attribute is ignored if a custom "header" facet is provided for the collapsible panelString
titleVarThis variable is defined to hold the value of the title component - you can use it for accessing this value in custom headers you define in a facet with name 'header'.String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
varThe variable which you can use to check for the collapsed state of the enclosing component. This is especially useful for custom headers you define in a facet with name 'header'.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


A tag that extend h:column to provide HTML passthrough attributes. Tag t:column can be used instead of h:column in a t:datatable. It provides HTML passthrough attributes for header (th), footer (td) and row cells (td). Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
colspanThis attribute specifies the colspan attribute for the cellString
columnIdThe columnId which will be used as id for the column header. Notice: As the rowId on t:datatable this will not add any namespace to the id. The id will be rendered exactly as you provide it.String
defaultSortedThis attribute tells the datatable to make this column the default sorted, when sortable=trueString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
footerstyleClassCorresponds to the HTML class attribute.String
groupByThis attribute tells the datatable to group by data in this columnString
groupByValueOptional - Allows you configure where to get the value to check for the group change condition. Default: all children of the column cell will be checkedString
headerstyleClassCorresponds to the HTML class attribute.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
sortPropertyNameThis attribute tells row object's property by which sorting will be performed on this columnString
sortableThis attribute makes this column automaticaly sortable by a row object's propertyString
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
widthThis attribute can be used to set the width of the elements.String


The tag allows dynamic columns in a datatable. The UIColumns component is used below a t:datatable to create a dynamic count of columns. It is used like a UIData component which iterates through a datamodel to create the columns. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
colspanThis attribute specifies the colspan attribute for the cellString
columnIdThe columnId which will be used as id for the column header. Notice: As the rowId on t:datatable this will not add any namespace to the id. The id will be rendered exactly as you provide it.String
defaultSortedThis attribute tells the datatable to make this column the default sorted, when sortable=trueString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
firstDefines the index of the first row to be displayed, starting from 0.String
footerstyleClassCorresponds to the HTML class attribute.String
groupByThis attribute tells the datatable to group by data in this columnString
groupByValueOptional - Allows you configure where to get the value to check for the group change condition. Default: all children of the column cell will be checkedString
headerstyleClassCorresponds to the HTML class attribute.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rowsDefines the maximum number of rows of data to be displayed. <p> Specify zero to display all rows from the "first" row to the end of available data. </p>String
sortPropertyNameThis attribute tells row object's property by which sorting will be performed on this columnString
sortableThis attribute makes this column automaticaly sortable by a row object's propertyString
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueAn EL expression that specifies the data model that backs this table. <p> The value referenced by the EL expression can be of any type. </p> <ul> <li>A value of type DataModel is used directly.</li> <li>Array-like parameters of type array-of-Object, java.util.List, java.sql.ResultSet or javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result are wrapped in a corresponding DataModel that knows how to iterate over the elements.</li> <li>Other values are wrapped in a DataModel as a single row.</li> </ul> <p> Note in particular that unordered collections, eg Set are not supported. Therefore if the value expression references such an object then the table will be considered to contain just one element - the collection itself. </p>String
varDefines the name of the request-scope variable that will hold the current row during iteration. <p> During rendering of child components of this UIData, the variable with this name can be read to learn what the "rowData" object for the row currently being rendered is. </p> <p> This value must be a static value, ie an EL expression is not permitted. </p>String
widthThis attribute can be used to set the width of the elements.String


Extends standard commandButton by user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
actionThe action to take when this command is invoked. <p> If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p> <p> If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal. </p>String
actionForComma separated list of subForm-ids for which validation and model update should take place when this command is executed. You need to wrap your input components in org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubForm instances for this to work.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
imageHTML: The URL of an image that renders in place of the button.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeHTML: A hint to the user agent about the content type of the linked resource.String
valueThe text to display to the user for this command component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard commandLink by user role support and the HTML target attribute. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
actionThe action to take when this command is invoked. <p> If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p> <p> If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal. </p>String
actionForComma separated list of subForm-ids for which validation and model update should take place when this command is executed. You need to wrap your input components in org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubForm instances for this to work.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
charsetHTML: Specifies the character encoding of the linked resource.String
coordsHTML: The coordinates of regions within a client side image map.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledWhen set instead of a Hyperlink a span tag is rendered in the corresponding ComponentString
disabledStyleCSS-Style Attribute to render when disabled is trueString
disabledStyleClassCSS-Style Class to use when disabled is trueString
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
hreflangHTML: The language of the linked resource.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
relHTML: The relationship between the current document and the linked resource.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
revHTML: The type(s) describing the reverse link for the linked resource.String
shapeHTML: The shape of a region in a client side image map.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
targetHTML: Names the frame that should display content generated by invoking this action.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeHTML: A hint to the user agent about the content type of the linked resource.String
valueThe text to display to the user for this command component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Command, that represents a navigation item. Must be nested inside a panel_navigation action and renders a clickable navigation item. This action is derived from the standard command_link action and has equal attributes. (Replaces former "navigation_item" tag.) Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
actionThe action to take when this command is invoked. <p> If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p> <p> If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal. </p>String
actionForComma separated list of subForm-ids for which validation and model update should take place when this command is executed. You need to wrap your input components in org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubForm instances for this to work.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
charsetHTML: Specifies the character encoding of the linked resource.String
coordsHTML: The coordinates of regions within a client side image map.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledWhen set instead of a Hyperlink a span tag is rendered in the corresponding ComponentString
disabledStyleCSS-Style Attribute to render when disabled is trueString
disabledStyleClassCSS-Style Class to use when disabled is trueString
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
hreflangHTML: The language of the linked resource.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
relHTML: The relationship between the current document and the linked resource.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
revHTML: The type(s) describing the reverse link for the linked resource.String
shapeHTML: The shape of a region in a client side image map.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
targetHTML: Names the frame that should display content generated by invoking this action.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeHTML: A hint to the user agent about the content type of the linked resource.String
valueThe text to display to the user for this command component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Must be nested inside a panel_navigation action and renders a clickable navigation item. This action is derived from the standard command_link action and has equal attributes. (Replaces former "navigation_item" tag.) Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. Many thanks to the guys from Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property and Marc Bouquet for helping to develop this component.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
actionThe action to take when this command is invoked. <p> If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p> <p> If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal. </p>String
actionForComma separated list of subForm-ids for which validation and model update should take place when this command is executed. You need to wrap your input components in org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubForm instances for this to work.String
activeMenu node is active.String
activeOnViewIdsA comma separated list of viewIds for which this item should be active.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
charsetHTML: Specifies the character encoding of the linked resource.String
coordsHTML: The coordinates of regions within a client side image map.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledWhen set instead of a Hyperlink a span tag is rendered in the corresponding ComponentString
disabledStyleCSS-Style Attribute to render when disabled is trueString
disabledStyleClassCSS-Style Class to use when disabled is trueString
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
externalLinkThe external link where to redirect when this is clicked.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
hreflangHTML: The language of the linked resource.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
openMenu node is open.String
relHTML: The relationship between the current document and the linked resource.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
revHTML: The type(s) describing the reverse link for the linked resource.String
shapeHTML: The shape of a region in a client side image map.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
targetHTML: Names the frame that should display content generated by invoking this action.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeHTML: A hint to the user agent about the content type of the linked resource.String
valueThe text to display to the user for this command component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Clickable sort column header. Must be nested inside an extended data_table tag. This tag is derived from the standard command_link tag and has the additional attributes columnName and arrow. Note: In contrast to normal command links, the default for the "immediate" attribute is "true". This is desirable as it avoids validating all input fields in the enclosing form when the column sort order changes. HOWEVER when the table contains input components "immediate" must be set to false; otherwise input fields will render blank after a sort, or will show their old values (ie will not appear to sort though output fields in the table will sort) when sort ordering is changed. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
actionThe action to take when this command is invoked. <p> If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p> <p> If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal. </p>String
actionForComma separated list of subForm-ids for which validation and model update should take place when this command is executed. You need to wrap your input components in org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubForm instances for this to work.String
arrowIndicates whether an arrow, that shows the sort direction should be rendered. Default: falseString
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
charsetHTML: Specifies the character encoding of the linked resource.String
columnName*The name of this column. This name must uniquely identify this column among all other (sortable) columns in the same data_table. The sortColumn attribute of the embedding data_table reflects the current sort column (see extended data_table).String
coordsHTML: The coordinates of regions within a client side image map.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledWhen set instead of a Hyperlink a span tag is rendered in the corresponding ComponentString
disabledStyleCSS-Style Attribute to render when disabled is trueString
disabledStyleClassCSS-Style Class to use when disabled is trueString
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
hreflangHTML: The language of the linked resource.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
propertyNameThe property name associated with this column. This name must be one of the properties of the row object by which the sorting should be performed. The sortProperty attribute of the embedding data_table reflects the current sort property (see extended data_table).String
relHTML: The relationship between the current document and the linked resource.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
revHTML: The type(s) describing the reverse link for the linked resource.String
shapeHTML: The shape of a region in a client side image map.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
targetHTML: Names the frame that should display content generated by invoking this action.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeHTML: A hint to the user agent about the content type of the linked resource.String
valueThe text to display to the user for this command component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Similar to dataTable, but does not render a table. Instead the layout attribute controls how each dataRow is rendered. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bgcolorHTML: The background color of this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
bodyrowsCSV of several row index to start (and end a previous) tbody elementString
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
captionClassA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to all captions. If there are less classes than the number of rows, apply the same sequence of classes to the remaining captions, so the pattern is repeated. More than one class can be applied to a row by separating the classes with a space.String
captionStyleGets The CSS class to be applied to the Caption.String
cellpaddingHTML: Specifies the amount of empty space between the cell border and its contents. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage.String
cellspacingHTML: Specifies the amount of space between the cells of the table. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String
columnClassesA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to td elements in each column.String
derivedRowKeyPrefixThis attribute is used to append an unique prefix when rowKey is not used, to prevent a key match a existing component id (note two different components can't have the same unique id).String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
firstDefines the index of the first row to be displayed, starting from 0.String
footerClassThe CSS class to be applied to footer cells.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
frameHTML: Controls what part of the frame that surrounds a table is visible. Values include: void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, and border.String
headerClassThe CSS class to be applied to header cells.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
itemOnClickOnClick handler to be applied to individual items in the listString
itemStyleClassCSS class to be applied to individual items in the listString
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutsimple|unorderedList|orderedList <ul> <li>simple = for each dataRow all children are simply rendered</li> <li>unorderedList = the list is rendered as HTML unordered list (= bullet list)</li> <li>orderedList = the list is rendered as HTML ordered list</li> </ul> Default: simpleString
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
preserveRowComponentStateIndicates whether the state for a component in each row should not be discarded before the datatable is rendered again. This property is similar to tomahawk t:dataTable preserveRowStates This will only work reliable if the datamodel of the datatable did not change either by sorting, removing or adding rows. Default: falseString
preserveRowStatesIndicates whether the state for each row should not be discarded before the datatable is rendered again. Setting this to true might be hepful if an input component inside the datatable has no valuebinding and the value entered in there should be displayed again. This will only work reliable if the datamodel of the datatable did not change either by sorting, removing or adding rows. Default: falseString
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rowClassesA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to td elements in each row.String
rowCountVarA parameter name, under which the rowCount is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
rowIndexVarA parameter name, under which the current rowIndex is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
rowKeyUsed to assign a value expression that identify in a unique way a row. This value will be used later instead of rowIndex as a key to be appended to the container client id using getDerivedSubClientId() method.String
rowStatePreservedIndicates whether the state for a component in each row should not be discarded before the datatable is rendered again. In tomahawk, this property is the same as t:dataTable preserveRowComponentState This will only work reliable if the datamodel of the datatable did not change either by sorting, removing or adding rows. Default: falseString
rowsDefines the maximum number of rows of data to be displayed. <p> Specify zero to display all rows from the "first" row to the end of available data. </p>String
rulesHTML: Controls how rules are rendered between cells. Values include: none, groups, rows, cols, and all.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryHTML: Provides a summary of the contents of the table, for accessibility purposes.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueAn EL expression that specifies the data model that backs this table. <p> The value referenced by the EL expression can be of any type. </p> <ul> <li>A value of type DataModel is used directly.</li> <li>Array-like parameters of type array-of-Object, java.util.List, java.sql.ResultSet or javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result are wrapped in a corresponding DataModel that knows how to iterate over the elements.</li> <li>Other values are wrapped in a DataModel as a single row.</li> </ul> <p> Note in particular that unordered collections, eg Set are not supported. Therefore if the value expression references such an object then the table will be considered to contain just one element - the collection itself. </p>String
varDefines the name of the request-scope variable that will hold the current row during iteration. <p> During rendering of child components of this UIData, the variable with this name can be read to learn what the "rowData" object for the row currently being rendered is. </p> <p> This value must be a static value, ie an EL expression is not permitted. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
widthHTML: Specifies the desired width of the table, as a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String


Scroller for UIData components eg. dataTable Must be nested inside footer facet of dataTable OR for attribute must be given so that corresponding uiData can be found. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. A component which works together with a UIData component to allow a user to view a large list of data one "page" at a time, and navigate between pages.

Can contain:JSP


actionListenerMethodBinding pointing at method acception an ActionEvent with return type void.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
colspanstandard html colspan attribute for table cellString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disableFacetLinksIfFirstPageIf the dataScroller is on the first page (index is at 1), links for first, prev and fastprev are disabled. Default is false.String
disableFacetLinksIfLastPageIf the dataScroller is on the last page (index is at pagecount), links for last, next and fastnext are disabled. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayedRowsCountVarA parameter name, under which the actual displayed rows count is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
fastStepstep (pages) used for fastforward and fastrewindString
fastfStyleClassstyle-class for data-scroller fast-forward-elementString
fastrStyleClassstyle-class for data-scroller fast-rewind-elementString
firstRowIndexVarA parameter name, under which the actual first displayed row index is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
firstStyleClassstyle-class for data-scroller first-elementString
forThe JSF id of a UIData component that this scroller will affect. If this attribute is not present then the datascroller must be a child of a UIData component.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateTrue means that the default ActionListener should be executed immediately (i.e. during Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
lastRowIndexVarA parameter name, under which the actual last displayed row index is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
lastStyleClassstyle-class for data-scroller last-elementString
layoutThe layout this scroller should render with. Default is 'table', 'list' is implemented as well. Additionally you can use 'singleList' - then the data-scroller will render a list, but not the paginator - same with the value 'singleTable'.String
nextStyleClassstyle-class for dataScroller next-elementString
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
pageCountVarA parameter name, under which the actual page count is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
pageIndexVarA parameter name, under which the actual page index is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
paginatorIf set true, then the paginator gets renderedString
paginatorActiveColumnClassstyleClass for paginator's column with pageIndex = currentPageIndexString
paginatorActiveColumnStylestyle for paginator's column with pageIndex = currentPageIndexString
paginatorColumnClassstyleClass for paginator's columnString
paginatorColumnStylestyle for paginator's columnString
paginatorMaxPagesThe maximum amount of pages to be displayed in the paginator.String
paginatorRenderLinkForActive'true' - render a link for the paginator's column with pageIndex = currentPageIndex. Default-value is 'true'.String
paginatorTableClassstyleclass for pagingatorString
paginatorTableStylestyle for pagingatorString
previousStyleClassstyle-class for data-scroller previous-elementString
renderFacetLinksIfFirstPageIf the dataScroller is on the first page (index is at 1), links for first, prev and fastprev are rendered. Default is true.String
renderFacetLinksIfLastPageIf the dataScroller is on the last page (index is at pagecount), links for last, next and fastnext are rendered. Default is true.String
renderFacetsIfSinglePageIf set to false, the facets aren't renderd if all the lines are contained on a single page. Default is true.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rowsCountVarA parameter name, under which the actual rows count is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


The MyFacesDataTable extends the standard JSF DataTable by two important features: <br/> <ul> <li>Possiblity to save the state of the DataModel.</li> <li>Support for clickable sort headers (see SortHeader component).</li> </ul> <br/> Extended data_table that adds some additional features to the standard data_table action: see attribute descriptions for preserveDataModel, sortColumn, sortAscending and preserveSort. <br/> Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


ajaxRowRenderIndicate if "row" can be a target for an ajax render operation. In other words, if it is set to true, a special component is added on a facet with name "row" and with id="row" that can be used to indicate it is necessary to render the row. By default is set to false.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
bgcolorHTML: The background color of this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
bodyStyleCorresponds to the HTML style attribute for the table body tagString
bodyStyleClassCorresponds to the HTML class attribute for the table body tag.String
bodyrowsCSV of several row index to start (and end a previous) tbody elementString
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
captionClassA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to all captions. If there are less classes than the number of rows, apply the same sequence of classes to the remaining captions, so the pattern is repeated. More than one class can be applied to a row by separating the classes with a space.String
captionStyleGets The CSS class to be applied to the Caption.String
cellpaddingHTML: Specifies the amount of empty space between the cell border and its contents. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage.String
cellspacingHTML: Specifies the amount of space between the cells of the table. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String
columnClassesA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to td elements in each column.String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
derivedRowKeyPrefixThis attribute is used to append an unique prefix when rowKey is not used, to prevent a key match a existing component id (note two different components can't have the same unique id).String
detailStampExpandedDefaulttrue|false - true if the detailStamp should be expanded by default. default: falseString
detailStampLocationbefore|after - where to render the detailStamp, before the actual row or after it. default: afterString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
embeddedAvoids rendering the html table tags, thus, giving you a table rendering just rows. You can use this together with the detailStamp faces of the parent datatable to render child-tables using the same layout as the parent. Notice: You have to ensure both tables do have the same number of columns. Using the colspan attribute of the column tag might help alot.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
firstThe index of the first row to be displayed, where 0 is the first row.String
footerClassThe CSS class to be applied to footer cells.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
forceIdIndexFormulaA formula that overrides the default row index in the construction of table's body components. Example : #{myRowVar.key} Warning, the EL should evaluate to a unique value for each row !String
frameHTML: Controls what part of the frame that surrounds a table is visible. Values include: void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, and border.String
headerClassThe CSS class to be applied to header cells.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
newspaperColumnsThe number of columns to wrap the table over. Default: 1 Set the number of columns the table will be divided over.String
newspaperOrientationThe orientation of the newspaper columns in the newspaper table - "horizontal" or "vertical". Default: verticalString
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
preserveDataModelIndicates whether the state of the whole DataModel should be saved and restored. When set to false, the value-binding for the "value" attribute of this table is executed each time the page is rendered. When set to true, that value-binding is only executed when the component is first created, and the DataModel state is thereafter saved/restored automatically by the component. When column sorting is used for a table this property needs to be false so that the DataModel can be updated to reflect any changes in the sort criteria. Default: falseString
preserveRowComponentStateIndicates whether the state for a component in each row should not be discarded before the datatable is rendered again. This property is similar to tomahawk t:dataTable preserveRowStates This will only work reliable if the datamodel of the datatable did not change either by sorting, removing or adding rows. Default: falseString
preserveRowStatesIndicates whether the state for each row should not be discarded before the datatable is rendered again. Setting this to true might be hepful if an input component inside the datatable has no valuebinding and the value entered in there should be displayed again. This will only work reliable if the datamodel of the datatable did not change either by sorting, removing or adding rows. Default: falseString
preserveSortIndicates whether the state of the sortColumn and sortAscending attribute should be saved and restored and written back to the model during the update model phase. Default: trueString
previousRowDataVarA parameter name, under which the previous RowData Object is set in request scope similar to the rowIndexVar and rowCountVar parameters. Mind that the value of this request scope attribute is null in the first row or when isRowAvailable returns false for the previous row.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
renderedIfEmptyIndicates whether this table should be rendered if the underlying DataModel is empty. You could as well use rendered="#{not empty bean.list}", but this one causes the getList method of your model bean beeing called up to five times per request, which is not optimal when the list is backed by a DB table. Using renderedIfEmpty="false" solves this problem, because the MyFaces extended HtmlDataTable automatically caches the DataModel and calles the model getter only once per request. Default: trueString
rowClassesA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to td elements in each row.String
rowCountVarA parameter name, under which the rowCount is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
rowGroupStyleCorresponds to the HTML style attribute for grouped rows.String
rowGroupStyleClassStyleClass for grouped rows.String
rowIdThe id to use forString
rowIndexVarA parameter name, under which the current rowIndex is set in request scope similar to the var parameter.String
rowKeyUsed to assign a value expression that identify in a unique way a row. This value will be used later instead of rowIndex as a key to be appended to the container client id using getDerivedSubClientId() method.String
rowOnClickDefines a JavaScript onclick event handler for each table rowString
rowOnDblClickDefines a JavaScript ondblclick event handler for each table rowString
rowOnKeyDownDefines a JavaScript onkeydown event handler for each table rowString
rowOnKeyPressDefines a JavaScript onkeypress event handler for each table rowString
rowOnKeyUpDefines a JavaScript onkeyup event handler for each table rowString
rowOnMouseDownDefines a JavaScript onmpusedown event handler for each table rowString
rowOnMouseMoveDefines a JavaScript onmousemove event handler for each table rowString
rowOnMouseOutDefines a JavaScript onmouseout event handler for each table rowString
rowOnMouseOverDefines a JavaScript onmouseover event handler for each table rowString
rowOnMouseUpDefines a JavaScript onmouseup event handler for each table rowString
rowStatePreservedIndicates whether the state for a component in each row should not be discarded before the datatable is rendered again. In tomahawk, this property is the same as t:dataTable preserveRowComponentState This will only work reliable if the datamodel of the datatable did not change either by sorting, removing or adding rows. Default: falseString
rowStyleCorresponds to the HTML style attribute for the row tr tag.String
rowStyleClassCorresponds to the HTML class attribute for the row tr tag.String
rowsThe number of rows to be displayed. Specify zero for all remaining rows in the table.String
rulesHTML: Controls how rules are rendered between cells. Values include: none, groups, rows, cols, and all.String
sortAscendingValue reference to a model property that gives the current sort direction. The target Boolean property is set to true when the selected sortColumn should be sorted in ascending order, and false otherwise. The method which is bound to the "value" attribute of this table (ie which provides the DataModel used) is expected to use this property to determine how to sort the DataModel's contents.String
sortColumnValue reference to a model property that gives the current sort column name. The target String property is set to the "columnName" of whichever column has been chosen to sort by, and the method which is bound to the "value" attribute of this table (ie which provides the DataModel used) is expected to use this property to determine how to sort the DataModel's contents.String
sortableDefine if the table is sortable or notString
sortedColumnVarA parameter name, under which the a boolean is set in request scope similar to the var parameter. TRUE for the column that is currently sorted, FALSE otherwise.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryHTML: Provides a summary of the contents of the table, for accessibility purposes.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueAn EL expression that specifies the data model that backs this table. <p> The value referenced by the EL expression can be of any type. </p> <ul> <li>A value of type DataModel is used directly.</li> <li>Array-like parameters of type array-of-Object, java.util.List, java.sql.ResultSet or javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result are wrapped in a corresponding DataModel that knows how to iterate over the elements.</li> <li>Other values are wrapped in a DataModel as a single row.</li> </ul> <p> Note in particular that unordered collections, eg Set are not supported. Therefore if the value expression references such an object then the table will be considered to contain just one element - the collection itself. </p>String
valueTypeIndicate the expected type of the EL expression pointed by value property. It is useful when vb.getType() cannot found the type, like when a map value is resolved on the expression.String
varDefines the name of the request-scope variable that will hold the current row during iteration. <p> During rendering of child components of this UIData, the variable with this name can be read to learn what the "rowData" object for the row currently being rendered is. </p> <p> This value must be a static value, ie an EL expression is not permitted. </p>String
varDetailTogglerThis variable has the boolean property "currentdetailExpanded" which is true if the current detail row is expanded and the action method "toggleDetail" which expand/collapse the current detail row.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
widthHTML: Specifies the desired width of the table, as a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String


Places a div around its children. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Document to enclose the whole document. If not otherwise possible you can use state="start|end" to demarkate the document boundaries

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
statestate="start|end". Used to demarkate the document boundariesString


Document to enclose the document body. If not otherwise possible you can use state="start|end" to demarkate the document boundaries

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onloadHTML: Script to be invoked when the page is loadedString
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onunloadHTML: Script to be invoked when the page is unloadedString
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
statestate="start|end". Used to demarkate the document boundariesString
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String


Document to enclose the document head. If not otherwise possible you can use state="start|end" to demarkate the document boundaries

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
statestate="start|end". Used to demarkate the document boundariesString


Renders an HTML Fieldset

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
legendThe fieldset's legend.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard graphicImage. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
heightHTML: Overrides the natural height of this image, by specifying height in pixels.String
hspaceHTML: The amount of white space to be inserted to the left and right of this element, in undefined units. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
ismapHTML: Specifies server-side image map handling for this image.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
longdescHTML: A link to a long description of the image.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
urlAn alias for the "value" attribute.String
usemapHTML: Specifies an image map to use with this image.String
valueThe URL of the image. <p> If the URL starts with a '/', it is relative to the context path of the web application. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
vspaceHTML: The amount of white space to be inserted above and below this element, in undefined units. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
widthHTML: Overrides the natural width of this image, by specifying width in pixels.String


Link used to collapse or expand a t:collapsiblePanel. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
actionThe action to take when this command is invoked. <p> If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p> <p> If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal. </p>String
actionForComma separated list of subForm-ids for which validation and model update should take place when this command is executed. You need to wrap your input components in org.apache.myfaces.custom.subform.SubForm instances for this to work.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
charsetHTML: Specifies the character encoding of the linked resource.String
coordsHTML: The coordinates of regions within a client side image map.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledWhen set instead of a Hyperlink a span tag is rendered in the corresponding ComponentString
disabledStyleCSS-Style Attribute to render when disabled is trueString
disabledStyleClassCSS-Style Class to use when disabled is trueString
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
hreflangHTML: The language of the linked resource.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
relHTML: The relationship between the current document and the linked resource.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
revHTML: The type(s) describing the reverse link for the linked resource.String
shapeHTML: The shape of a region in a client side image map.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
targetHTML: Names the frame that should display content generated by invoking this action.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeHTML: A hint to the user agent about the content type of the linked resource.String
valueThe text to display to the user for this command component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Creates an arbitrary HTML tag which encloses any child components. The value attribute specifies the name of the generated tag. <br/> If value is an empty string then no tag will be generated, but the child components will be rendered. This differs from setting rendered=false, which prevents child components from being rendered at all. <br/> You can specify some attribute to be added to the component using f:param like this: <br/> <t:htmlTag value="span"> <f:param name="title" value="Hello world!"/> </t:htmlTag> Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Can contain:empty




<p> Provides a calendar. The calendar can be "inline", or a button can be rendered that displays the calendar in a "popup window" when clicked. Javascript is required for the popup window. </p> <p> The two forms of calendar are unfortunately not well integrated; this component is effectively two components that happen to use the same component class. Some attributes on the component are applicable only to the inline form while others are applicable only to the popup form. </p> <p> The appearance of the inline calendar can be controlled via attributes such as currentDayCellClass, dayCellClass, weekRowClass, monthYearRowClass. Attributes "styleLocation", "javascriptLocation", "imageLocation" and all attributes starting with "popup" have no effect on an inline calendar. </p> <ul> <p> The appearance of the popup calendar can be controlled via attributes popupTheme, styleLocation, javascriptLocation and imageLocation: </p> <li>popupTheme: When styleLocation is not overridden then this selects one of the built-in themes ("WH" or "DB"); the default is "DB". This also selects the prefix used for the names of style classes attached to generated dom elements; all style names are of form "jscalendar-{popupTheme}-*". </li> <li>styleLocation: specifies the URL of a directory in which a "theme.css" file exists. A reference to this theme.css file will automatically be output. Specifying "none" as the location prevents the generation of this stylesheet reference; it is assumed that the necessary style rules will be loaded via some other mechanism. Defaults to a reference to a location within the tomahawk jarfile which varies based on popupTheme.</li> <li>javascriptLocation: specifies the URL of a directory in which all the necessary script files can be found. A reference to scripts "prototype.js", "date.js" and "popcalendar.js" will automatically be output. Specifying "none" prevents generation of these references; it is assumed that the necessary javascript functions will be loaded via some other mechanism. Defaults to a reference to a location within the tomahawk jarfile.</li> <li>imageLocation: specifies the URL of a directory in which all the necessary icons are defined. Defaults to a reference to a location within the tomahawk jarfile which varies depending on popupTheme.</li> </ul> Other styling attributes (eg dayCellClass, weekRowClass) are ignored for the popup calendar. <p> Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. </p>

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
addResourcesAutomatically add the input-calendar scripts and css files to the header - set that to false to provide the scripts yourself.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
autocompleteNon HTML standard attribute to disable browser's autocomplete function.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
currentDayCellClassCSS class to be used for the TD element of the currently selected date.String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dateBusinessConverterIndicate an object used as a bridge between the java.util.Date instance used by this component internally and the value object used on the bean, referred as a "business" value. <ul> <li>If the value is literal, look for the mentioned class instance, create a new instance and assign to the component property.</li> <li>If it the value a EL Expression, set the expression to the component property.</li> </ul>String
dayCellClassCSS class to be used for the TD element containing a day days.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledOnClientSideIf true the input is rendered disabled on the client side and a hidden input is used to actualy submit his value back to the server.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
helpTextThe text that will be rendered in the field - helping the user to find the right format to enter into the field.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
imageLocationAn alternate location to find image resources. If no values is specified, images will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
javascriptLocationAn alternate location to find javascript resources. If no values is specified, javascript will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
monthYearRowClassCSS class to be used on the TR element for the header-row showing month and year.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
popupButtonImageUrlUrl to the image for this popupButton.String
popupButtonStringDefines the string displayed on the button which leads to the calendar-popup-window (... by default).String
popupButtonStyleDefines the css style for the button which leads to the calendar-popup-window.String
popupButtonStyleClassDefines the css style class for the button which leads to the calendar-popup-window.String
popupDateFormatDefines the date format used by the java-script popup on client.String
popupGotoStringSet the string for "Go To Current Month"String
popupLeftRender the input-calendar left of the button, not right like normally done.String
popupScrollLeftMessageSet the string for scrolling to the left.String
popupScrollRightMessageSet the string for scrolling to the right.String
popupSelectDateMessageSet the string for "Select [date] as date" (do not replace [date], it will be replaced by the current date).String
popupSelectMode<p> May be "day", "week", "month" or "none": <ul> <li>day (default): allow the user to select a day.</li> <li>week: only allow the user to select a week.</li> <li>month: only allow the user to select a month.</li> <li>none: equivalent to "readonly".</li> </ul> </p>String
popupSelectMonthMessageSet the string for "Click to select a month".String
popupSelectYearMessageSet the string for "Click to select a year".String
popupThemeSet the theme-prefix for this component.String
popupTodayDateFormatDefines the date format used by the java-script popup on client for the today-is string.String
popupTodayStringSet the string for "Today is"String
popupWeekStringSet the string for "Wk"String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderAsPopupRender the input-calendar as a java-script popup on client.String
renderPopupButtonAsImageIf true, renders a calendar icon instead of the button to pop up the calendar.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
styleLocationAn alternate location to find stylesheet resources. If no values is specified, stylesheets will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
weekRowClassCSS class to be used on the TR element for the header-row showing the week-days.String


Custom input control for dates and times. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
ampmIf true, use 12hr times with AM/PM selector; if false, use 24hr time. Default false.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterRetrieve the converter used by this component. <p> If no converter is selected, submitted values are converted to its inner class UserData on decode method. </p> <p> If some converter is used, submitted values are decoded as a String with the following format: </p> <p></p> <p>year=yyyy</p> <p>month=mm</p> <p>day=dd</p> <p>hours=hh</p> <p>minutes=mm</p> <p>seconds=ss</p> <p>ampm=ampm</p> <p></p> <p> Note that submitted values could be wrong and it is necessary to restore values on render response phase. The converter receive a string with this format on getAsObject method and it is expected the converter encode it on getAsString method, so the renderer can restore the submitted values correctly. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dateBusinessConverterIndicate an object used as a bridge between the java.util.Date instance used by this component internally and the value object used on the bean, referred as a "business" value. <ul> <li>If the value is literal, look for the mentioned class instance, create a new instance and assign to the component property.</li> <li>If it the value a EL Expression, set the expression to the component property.</li> </ul>String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
emptyAmpmSelectionLabel to be used when displaying an empty ampm selectionString
emptyMonthSelectionLabel to be used when displaying an empty month selectionString
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeSpecifies the type of value to be accepted. Valid values are: date | time | short_time | both | fullString
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Creates a file-selection widget in the rendered page which allows a user to select a file for uploading to the server. <p> When the page is selected (using a command component such as commandButton), the currently selected file contents are included in the data posted to the server. The contents are cached somewhere, and an object of type UploadedFile will then be assigned to the property pointed to by the "value" expression of this component. </p> <p> You must enable the Tomahawk ExtensionsFilter to make this component work (see web.xml). </p> <p> Also, don't forget to set the form's attribute "enctype" to "multipart/form-data". See "examples/web/fileupload.jsp" for an example! </p> <p> Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. </p>

Can contain:JSP


acceptThis attribute specifies a comma-separated list of content types that a server processing this form will handle correctly. User agents may use this information to filter out non-conforming files when prompting a user to select files to be sent to the server (cf. the INPUT element when type="file")."String
accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
storageThis setting was intended to allow control over how the contents of the file get temporarily stored during processing. <p> It allows three options</p> <ul> <li>"default": The file is handled on memory while the file size is below uploadThresholdSize value, otherwise is handled on disk or file storage when decode occur (set submitted value)</li> <li>"memory": The file is loaded to memory when decode occur (set submitted value). In other words, before set the uploaded file as submitted value it is loaded to memory. Use with caution, because it could cause OutOfMemory exceptions when the uploaded files are too big. </li> <li>"file": The file is handled on disk or file storage.</li> </ul>String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueAn EL expression to which an UploadedFile object will be assigned on postback if the user specified a file to upload to the server.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extended version of {@link javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputHidden} that provides additional MyFaces functionality.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String


HTML Editor using the kupu library. An inline HTML based word processor based on the Kupu library. See Right now, the support is limited to one editor per page (but you can use tabs to have multiple editors, but only one rendered at a time). Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
addKupuLogoShow the Kupu Logo in the buttons bar. Default is true.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
allowEditSourceAllows the user to edit the HTML source code. Default is true.String
allowExternalLinksAllows the user to insert external links. Default is true.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
autocompleteNon HTML standard attribute to disable browser's autocomplete function.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledOnClientSideIf true the input is rendered disabled on the client side and a hidden input is used to actualy submit his value back to the server.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
fallbackUse a text area instead of the javascript HTML editor. Default is false. Use with caution.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
showAllToolBoxesShortcut to avoid setting all the showXXToolBox to true. Default is false.String
showCleanupExpressionsToolBoxShow the Cleanup Expressions tool box next to the text. Default is false.String
showDebugToolBoxShow the Debug tool box next to the text. Default is false.String
showImagesToolBoxShow the Images tool box next to the text. Default is false.String
showLinksToolBoxShow the Links tool box next to the text. Default is false.String
showPropertiesToolBoxShow the Properties tool box next to the text. Default is false.String
showTablesToolBoxShow the Tables tool box next to the text. Default is false.String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeThe type of the value. It can be either fragment for an HTML fragment (default) or document for a full HTML document, with head, title, body, ... tags.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard inputSecret, adding the "redisplay" property. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
autocompleteIf the value of this attribute is "off", render "off" as the value of the attribute. This indicates that the browser should disable its autocomplete feature for this component. This is useful for components that perform autocompletion and do not want the browser interfering. If this attribute is not set or the value is "on", render nothing.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
redisplayIf true, the value will be re-sent (in plaintext) when the form is rerendered (see JSF.7.4.4). Default is false.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard inputText by user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
autocompleteNon HTML standard attribute to disable browser's autocomplete function.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledOnClientSideIf true the input is rendered disabled on the client side and a hidden input is used to actualy submit his value back to the server.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard inputText by helptext support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
autocompleteNon HTML standard attribute to disable browser's autocomplete function.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledOnClientSideIf true the input is rendered disabled on the client side and a hidden input is used to actualy submit his value back to the server.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxlengthHTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizeHTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard inputTextarea by user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
colsHTML: The width of this element, in characters.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
rowsHTML: The height of this element, in characters.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
wrapNone standard HTML attribute. Possible values are: soft, hard, virtual, physical and off.String


Value change listener on client side. <p> This component replicates the 'Value Change Listener' functionality on the client side. It can be used when the user would like a change in the value of one control to trigger off changes in the states of other controls. One or more Javascript Listeners can be nested within the source control (a control belonging to the 'javax.faces.Input' family). When the value of the source control is modified, the listeners are triggered and the states of the target controls modified. </p> <p> Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. </p>

Can contain:JSP


bodyTagEventEvents are triggered by the 'onchange' event of the source control. Here, an additional event can be specified (onload?). If specified this JavaScript event will be inserted in the body tag. JavaScript code will be the same like it is rendered in the parent component.String
expressionValue*the javascript expression to evaluate. The keyword '$srcElem' resolves to the source control and the keyword '$destElem' resolves to the target controlString
forfor - the id of the target controlString
propertyThe result of the evaluated expression is assigned to the specified property of the target controlString


Setting a value from the model in java-script so that it can be used (e.g. by the value change listener) afterwards. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


name*javascript variable to be set.String
value*value to be set in the variable.String


Renders a Javascript Menu. Nested NavigationMenuItem(s) are rendered as Javascript Menu. <p> This component is based based on the excellent <a href="">JSCookMenu</a> by Heng Yuan. </p> Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


actionThe action to take when this command is invoked. <p> If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p> <p> If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal. </p>String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
imageLocationAn alternate location to find image resources. If no values is specified, images will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
javascriptLocationAn alternate location to find javascript resources. If no values is specified, javascript will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleLocationAn alternate location to find stylesheet resources. If no values is specified, stylesheets will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see summaryDetailSeparator attribute. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
detailFormatIf present, instead of rendering the message detail, a MessageFormat with this attribute as pattern is created. The format method of this MessageFormat is called with the message detail as the first argument and the label of the associated component (if any) as the second argument. Example: "The input in field {1} is wrong: {0}"String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
errorClassCSS class to be used for messages with severity "ERROR".String
errorStyleCSS style to be used for messages with severity "ERROR".String
fatalClassCSS class to be used for messages with severity "FATAL".String
fatalStyleCSS style to be used for messages with severity "FATAL".String
for*The ID of the component whose attached FacesMessage object (if present) should be diplayed by this component. <p> This is a required property on the component. </p>String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
forceSpanIf set to true, an empty span element is rendered. Useful if there is an inputAjax field and the corresponding error message is displayed there.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
infoClassCSS class to be used for messages with severity "INFO".String
infoStyleCSS style to be used for messages with severity "INFO".String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
replaceIdWithLabelIf present, all occurrences of the id of the component for which the message is rendered will be replaced by the label. Default: true.String
showDetailSpecifies whether the detailed information from the message should be shown. Default to true.String
showSummarySpecifies whether the summary information from the message should be shown. Defaults to false.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryFormatIf present, instead of rendering the message summary, a MessageFormat with this attribute as pattern is created. The format method of this MessageFormat is called with the message summary as the first argument and the label of the associated component (if any) as the second argument. Example: "{0}:"String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
tooltipIf true, the message summary will be rendered as a tooltip (i.e. HTML title attribute).String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
warnClassCSS class to be used for messages with severity "WARN".String
warnStyleCSS style to be used for messages with severity "WARN".String


MyFaces extension to the standard messages tag: see showInputLabel attribute. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
detailFormatIf present, instead of rendering the message detail, a MessageFormat with this attribute as pattern is created. The format method of this MessageFormat is called with the message detail as the first argument and the label of the associated component (if any) as the second argument. Example: "The input in field {1} is wrong: {0}"String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
errorClassCSS class to be used for messages with severity "ERROR".String
errorStyleCSS style to be used for messages with severity "ERROR".String
fatalClassCSS class to be used for messages with severity "FATAL".String
fatalStyleCSS style to be used for messages with severity "FATAL".String
forThe ID of the component whose attached FacesMessage object (if present) should be diplayed by this component. It takes precedence over globalOnly.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
forceSpanIf set to true, an empty span element is rendered. Useful if there is an inputAjax field and the corresponding error message is displayed there.String
globalOnlySpecifies whether only messages (FacesMessage objects) not associated with a specific component should be displayed, ie whether messages should be ignored if they are attached to a particular component. Defaults to false.String
globalSummaryFormatLike summaryFormat, but applies to global messages (i.e. messages not associated with a component). If no globalSummaryFormat is given, the summaryFormat is used for global messages. Example: "{0}:"String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
infoClassCSS class to be used for messages with severity "INFO".String
infoStyleCSS style to be used for messages with severity "INFO".String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutThe layout: "table" or "list". Default: listString
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
replaceIdWithLabelIf present, all occurrences of the id of the component for which the message is rendered will be replaced by the label. Default: true.String
showDetailSpecifies whether the detailed information from the message should be shown. Default to false.String
showSummarySpecifies whether the summary information from the message should be shown. Defaults to true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryFormatIf present, instead of rendering the message summary, a MessageFormat with this attribute as pattern is created. The format method of this MessageFormat is called with the message summary as the first argument and the label of the associated component (if any) as the second argument. Example: "{0}:"String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
tooltipIf true, the message summary will be rendered as a tooltip (i.e. HTML title attribute).String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
warnClassCSS class to be used for messages with severity "WARN".String
warnStyleCSS style to be used for messages with severity "WARN".String


A menu item. Used by navigationMenu, jscookMenu. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


actionSpecifies the action to take when this command is invoked. If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal.String
actionListenerA method binding EL expression that identifies an action listener method to be invoked if this component is activated by the user. An action listener method accepts a parameter of type javax.faces.event.ActionEvent and returns void. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
disabledWhen set instead of a Hyperlink a span tag is rendered in the corresponding ComponentString
disabledStyleCSS-Style Attribute to render when disabled is trueString
disabledStyleClassCSS-Style Class to use when disabled is trueString
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeThe escape setting for the label of this selection item.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
itemDescriptionFor use in development tools.String
itemDisabledDetermine whether this item can be chosen by the user. When true, this item cannot be chosen by the user. If this method is ever called, then any EL-binding for the disabled property will be ignored.String
itemLabelThe string which will be presented to the user for this option.String
itemValueThe value for this Item.String
noSelectionOptionIndicate this component represent no selection option. Default value is false.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
valueThe initial value of this component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


A tree of menu items as returned by a value-expression. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
itemDescriptionThe description of the current item.String
itemDisabledDetermines if the current item is selectable or not.String
itemLabelThe label of the current item.String
itemLabelEscapedDetermines if the rendered markup for the current item receives normal JSF HTML escaping or not.String
itemValueThe value for the current item.String
valueThe initial value of this component.String
varName of a request-scope attribute under which the current item of the collection, array, etc. of the value attribute will be exposed so that it can be referred to in EL for other attributes of this component.String


Model for a table in multiple balanced columns. The newspaperTable tag allows a long, narrow table to be wrapped so that it becomes a short, wide table. This allows more information to be shown on a single screen. This is commonly used to present checkboxes for a long list of items. A data table for rendering long skinny tables as short wide table by wrapping the table over a specified number of columns. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
bgcolorHTML: The background color of this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
bodyrowsCSV of several row index to start (and end a previous) tbody elementString
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
captionClassA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to all captions. If there are less classes than the number of rows, apply the same sequence of classes to the remaining captions, so the pattern is repeated. More than one class can be applied to a row by separating the classes with a space.String
captionStyleGets The CSS class to be applied to the Caption.String
cellpaddingHTML: Specifies the amount of empty space between the cell border and its contents. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage.String
cellspacingHTML: Specifies the amount of space between the cells of the table. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String
columnClassesA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to td elements in each column.String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
firstDefines the index of the first row to be displayed, starting from 0.String
footerClassThe CSS class to be applied to footer cells.String
frameHTML: Controls what part of the frame that surrounds a table is visible. Values include: void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, and border.String
headerClassThe CSS class to be applied to header cells.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
newspaperColumnsSet the number of columns the table will be divided over. In other words, the number of columns to wrap the table over. Default: 1String
newspaperOrientationThe orientation of the newspaper columns in the newspaper table - "horizontal" or "vertical". Default: verticalString
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rowClassesA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to td elements in each row.String
rowsDefines the maximum number of rows of data to be displayed. <p> Specify zero to display all rows from the "first" row to the end of available data. </p>String
rulesHTML: Controls how rules are rendered between cells. Values include: none, groups, rows, cols, and all.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryHTML: Provides a summary of the contents of the table, for accessibility purposes.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueAn EL expression that specifies the data model that backs this table. <p> The value referenced by the EL expression can be of any type. </p> <ul> <li>A value of type DataModel is used directly.</li> <li>Array-like parameters of type array-of-Object, java.util.List, java.sql.ResultSet or javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result are wrapped in a corresponding DataModel that knows how to iterate over the elements.</li> <li>Other values are wrapped in a DataModel as a single row.</li> </ul> <p> Note in particular that unordered collections, eg Set are not supported. Therefore if the value expression references such an object then the table will be considered to contain just one element - the collection itself. </p>String
varDefines the name of the request-scope variable that will hold the current row during iteration. <p> During rendering of child components of this UIData, the variable with this name can be read to learn what the "rowData" object for the row currently being rendered is. </p> <p> This value must be a static value, ie an EL expression is not permitted. </p>String
widthHTML: Specifies the desired width of the table, as a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String


Extends standard outputLabel with user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forThe client ID of the target input element of this label.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard outputText with user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard panelGrid with user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
bgcolorHTML: The background color of this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
bodyrowsCSV of several row index to start (and end a previous) tbody elementString
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
captionClassA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to all captions. If there are less classes than the number of rows, apply the same sequence of classes to the remaining captions, so the pattern is repeated. More than one class can be applied to a row by separating the classes with a space.String
captionStyleGets The CSS class to be applied to the Caption.String
cellpaddingHTML: Specifies the amount of empty space between the cell border and its contents. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage.String
cellspacingHTML: Specifies the amount of space between the cells of the table. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String
columnClassesA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to td elements in each column.String
columnsSpecifies the number of columns in the grid.String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
footerClassThe CSS class to be applied to footer cells.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
frameHTML: Controls what part of the frame that surrounds a table is visible. Values include: void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, and border.String
headerClassThe CSS class to be applied to header cells.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rowClassesA comma separated list of CSS class names to apply to td elements in each row.String
rulesHTML: Controls how rules are rendered between cells. Values include: none, groups, rows, cols, and all.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryHTML: Provides a summary of the contents of the table, for accessibility purposes.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
widthHTML: Specifies the desired width of the table, as a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String


Extends standard panelGroup with user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
colspanstandard html colspan attribute for table cellString
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutDetermines the type of layout that is used when rendering a panelGroup: when 'block' is specified, an HTML div is rendered instead of the default HTML span.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Determines where its children are positioned within the page relative to each other, similar to a Swing layout component. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
bgcolorHTML: The background color of this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
bodyClassCSS class to be used for the table cell.String
bodyStyleCSS class to be used for the table cell.String
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
cellpaddingHTML: Specifies the amount of empty space between the cell border and its contents. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage.String
cellspacingHTML: Specifies the amount of space between the cells of the table. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
footerClassThe CSS class to be applied to footer cells.String
footerStyleCSS class to be used for the table cell.String
frameHTML: Controls what part of the frame that surrounds a table is visible. Values include: void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, and border.String
headerClassThe CSS class to be applied to header cells.String
headerStyleCSS class to be used for the table cell.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layout<pre> layout | header | navigation | body | footer =================|========|============|=======|======== classic (Default)| top | left | right | bottom navigationRight | top | right | left | bottom upsideDown | bottom | left | right | top </pre>String
navigationClassCSS class to be used for the table cell.String
navigationStyleCSS class to be used for the table cell.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rulesHTML: Controls how rules are rendered between cells. Values include: none, groups, rows, cols, and all.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryHTML: Provides a summary of the contents of the table, for accessibility purposes.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
widthHTML: Specifies the desired width of the table, as a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String


Renders a vertical menu structure with support for nested menu items. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. Panel, that includes navigation items ({@link HtmlCommandNavigation}) and other components (separators).

Can contain:JSP


activeItemClassThe CSS class of the active navigation item.String
activeItemStyleThe CSS Style of the active navigation item.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
bgcolorHTML: The background color of this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
cellpaddingHTML: Specifies the amount of empty space between the cell border and its contents. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage.String
cellspacingHTML: Specifies the amount of space between the cells of the table. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
frameHTML: Controls what part of the frame that surrounds a table is visible. Values include: void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, and border.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
itemClassThe CSS class of closed navigation items.String
itemStyleThe CSS Style of closed navigation items.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutThe type of layout markup to use when rendering this group. If the value is "block" the renderer must produce an HTML "div" element. Otherwise HTML "span" element must be produced.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
openItemClassThe CSS class of open navigation items.String
openItemStyleThe CSS Style of open navigation items.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rulesHTML: Controls how rules are rendered between cells. Values include: none, groups, rows, cols, and all.String
separatorClassThe CSS class for the td element of a separator.String
separatorStyleThe CSS Style for the td element of a separator.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryHTML: Provides a summary of the contents of the table, for accessibility purposes.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
widthHTML: Specifies the desired width of the table, as a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String


Renders a vertical menu structure with support for nested menu items. The menu is rendered as unordered List. The menu-tree can be dynamically build using NavigationMenuItem(s). Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. Many thanks to the guys from Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property and Marc Bouquet for helping to develop this component.

Can contain:JSP


activeItemClassThe CSS class of open navigation items.String
activeItemStyleThe CSS Style of the active navigation item.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
bgcolorHTML: The background color of this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
cellpaddingHTML: Specifies the amount of empty space between the cell border and its contents. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage.String
cellspacingHTML: Specifies the amount of space between the cells of the table. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String
colspanstandard html colspan attribute for table cellString
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledWhen set instead of a Hyperlink a span tag is rendered in the corresponding ComponentString
disabledStyleCSS-Style Attribute to render when disabled is trueString
disabledStyleClassCSS-Style Class to use when disabled is trueString
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
expandAllIf set to true all Items are expanded from the beginning and never closed.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
frameHTML: Controls what part of the frame that surrounds a table is visible. Values include: void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, and border.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
itemClassThe CSS class of closed navigation items.String
itemStyleThe CSS Style of closed navigation items.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layout'table' or 'list' Layout (default is 'table')String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
openItemClassThe CSS class of open navigation items.String
openItemStyleThe CSS Style of open navigation items.String
renderAllIf set to true all Items are rendered and other methods, like CSS should be used to hide them as necessaryString
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rulesHTML: Controls how rules are rendered between cells. Values include: none, groups, rows, cols, and all.String
separatorClassThe CSS class for the td element of a separator.String
separatorStyleThe CSS Style for the td element of a separator.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryHTML: Provides a summary of the contents of the table, for accessibility purposes.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
widthHTML: Specifies the desired width of the table, as a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String


A stack of panels, to switch panels dynamically. Manage a stack of JSF components and allow for one child component to be choosen for rendering. The behaviour is similar to the CardLayout of Java Swing. Property <code>selectedPanel</code> defines the id of the child to be rendered. If no child panel is selected or if the selected panel can not be found the first child is rendered. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String


TODO: Document this component. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
labelLabel of this tab.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutThe type of layout markup to use when rendering this group. If the value is "block" the renderer must produce an HTML "div" element. Otherwise HTML "span" element must be produced.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


TODO: Document this component. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


activePanelTabVarBoolean Variable that is set in request scope when rendering a panelTab. True means that the currently rendered panelTab is active.String
activeSubStyleClassStyle class of the active tab sub cell.String
activeTabStyleClassStyle class of the active tab cell.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
bgcolorHTML: The background color of this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
cellpaddingHTML: Specifies the amount of empty space between the cell border and its contents. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage.String
cellspacingHTML: Specifies the amount of space between the cells of the table. It can be either a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledTabStyleClassStyle class of the disabled tab cells.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
frameHTML: Controls what part of the frame that surrounds a table is visible. Values include: void, above, below, hsides, lhs, rhs, vsides, box, and border.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateTabChangeDefine if the process validation and update model phases should be executed before change between tabs, when serverSideTabSwitch = true (if is false, the switch is done by other way so this property does not have any effect). Note that if this property is set as false, only a tab change is done if all input fields inside the form are valid (including input components outside this panel). By default is true, so both phases are not executed.String
inactiveSubStyleClassStyle class of the inactive tab sub cells.String
inactiveTabStyleClassStyle class of the inactive tab cells.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutThe type of layout markup to use when rendering this group. If the value is "block" the renderer must produce an HTML "div" element. Otherwise HTML "span" element must be produced.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
rulesHTML: Controls how rules are rendered between cells. Values include: none, groups, rows, cols, and all.String
selectedIndexIndex of tab that is selected by default.String
serverSideTabSwitchToggle client-side/server-side tab switches.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
summaryHTML: Provides a summary of the contents of the table, for accessibility purposes.String
tabContentStyleClassStyle class of the active tab content cell.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
widthHTML: Specifies the desired width of the table, as a pixel length or a percentage of available space.String


Renders a popup which displays on a mouse event. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
closePopupOnExitingElementClose the popup when the triggering element is left.String
closePopupOnExitingPopupClose the popup when the popup itself is left.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
displayAtDistanceXPop the panel up in horizontal distance of x pixels from event.String
displayAtDistanceYPop the panel up in vertical distance of y pixels from event.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutThe type of layout markup to use when rendering this group. If the value is "block" the renderer must produce an HTML "div" element. If the value is "none", no tag is rendered on the output and instead, onmouseover and onmouseout properties are modified for children components. Otherwise HTML "span" element must be produced.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


This tag is used in conjunction with the extended selectOneRadio tag when the "spread" layout is selected. It specifies the position within the document that the radio button corresponding to a specific SelectItem should be rendered. All HTML pass-through attributes for this input are taken from the associated selectOneRadio. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
for*The id of the referenced extended selectOneRadio component. This value is resolved to the particular component using the standard UIComponent.findComponent() searching algorithm.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
index*The index of the corresponding SelectItem, where 0 represents the first SelectItem.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
renderLogicalIdIf this property is set to true, the id generated for the input html markup will be the logical id composed from the clientId of the associated selectOneRadio and the index of this component (for example 'myComp:2'). <p> NOTE: This is provided only for backward compatibility with tomahawk 1.2. Activate this behavior will make client behaviors added to t:selectOneRadio like f:ajax or others fail, because the logical id has no counterpart in the component tree. </p>String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Provides the ability to store a model value inside the view's component tree. <p> JSF provides three scopes for managed beans and therefore all the model objects that the managed beans reference: request, session, application. However a common requirement is a way for a model object to have a scope that is tied to the duration of the current view; that is longer than the request scope but shorter than session scope. </p> <p> This component simply holds a reference to an arbitrary object (specified by the value property). Because this object is an ordinary component whose scope is the current view, the reference to the model automatically has that same scope. </p> <p> When the value is an EL expression, then after the view is restored the recreated target object is stored at the specified location. </p> <p> The object being saved must either: </p> <ul> <li>implement, or</li> <li>implement javax.faces.component.StateHolder and have a default constructor.</li> </ul> <p> Note that the saved object can be "chained" from view to view in order to extend its lifetime from a single view to a sequence of views if desired. A UISaveState component with an EL expression such as "#{someBean}" will save the object state after render, and restore it on postback. If navigation occurs to some other view and that view has a UISaveState component with the same EL expression then the object will simply be saved into the new view, thus extending its lifetime. </p>

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
valueThe value of this component.String


A schedule component similar to the ones found in Outlook or Evolution <p> Renders a schedule component, showing appointments and events in a day, workweek, week or month view, similar to the schedule part of MS Outlook or Evolution. </p><p> The component is backed by an implementation of the ScheduleModel interface. Creating a custom model can be easily achieved by implementing this interface, or by overriding the AbstractScheduleModel class. </p><p> AbstractHtmlSchedule class holds all properties specific to the HTML version of the Schedule component. </p>

Can contain:JSP


actionGets Specifies the action to take when this command is invoked. If the value is an expression, it is expected to be a method binding EL expression that identifies an action method. An action method accepts no parameters and has a String return value, called the action outcome, that identifies the next view displayed. The phase that this event is fired in can be controlled via the immediate attribute. If the value is a string literal, it is treated as a navigation outcome for the current view. This is functionally equivalent to a reference to an action method that returns the string literal.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
hourNotation<p> Show dates in 24 hour notation or 12 hour notation. </p>String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
submitOnClickShould the parent form of this schedule be submitted when the user clicks on a day? Note that this will only work when the readonly property is set to false.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String
weekClassthe css class of the table representing a week in the compact mode (default: week)String


Extends standard selectBooleanCheckbox with user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


An extended version of the standard UISelectItems. Populates the SelectItem collection from the given value automatically using the itemLabel and itemValue attributes. By using the component there is no need to manually create a SelectItem collection because component automatically populates SelectItem objects from types like Collection, Map and etc..

Can contain:empty


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
itemDescriptionname of the selectitemString
itemDisableddisabled state of the selectitemString
itemLabelname of the selectitemString
itemLabelEscapedindicate if the label should be escaped of the selectitemString
itemValuevalue of the selectitemString
useEntryAsItemOnly applies when value points to a map. Use the Entry instance instead the value for resolve EL ExpressionsString
valueThe initial value of this component.String
varname of the iteratorString


Extends standard selectManyCheckbox with user role support and a valueType attribute. Additionally this extended selectManyCheckbox accepts a layout attribute of value "spread" (see custom checkbox tag). Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutControls the layout direction of the child elements. Values include: lineDirection (vertical) and pageDirection (horzontal).String
layoutWidthA integer representing the number of checkbox rows if the layout is lineDirection and checkbox columns if the layout is pageDirection.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
selectedClassCSS class to be applied to selected itemsString
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
unselectedClassCSS class to be applied to unselected itemsString
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
valueTypeSpecifies the value type of the selectable items. This attribute is similar to the collectionType attribute introduced in JSF 2.0. It can be used to declare the type of the selectable items when using a Collection to store the values in the managed bean, because it is not possible in Java to get the value type of a type-safe Collection (in contrast to arrays where this is possible).String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard selectManyListbox with user role support and a valueType attribute. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizesee JSF Spec.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
valueTypeSpecifies the value type of the selectable items. This attribute is similar to the collectionType attribute introduced in JSF 2.0. It can be used to declare the type of the selectable items when using a Collection to store the values in the managed bean, because it is not possible in Java to get the value type of a type-safe Collection (in contrast to arrays where this is possible).String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard selectManyMenu with user role support and a valueType attribute. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
valueTypeSpecifies the value type of the selectable items. This attribute is similar to the collectionType attribute introduced in JSF 2.0. It can be used to declare the type of the selectable items when using a Collection to store the values in the managed bean, because it is not possible in Java to get the value type of a type-safe Collection (in contrast to arrays where this is possible).String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


A picklist component that allows to select items from one list to another <p> In other words, is a selection component where a set of items can be selected from a list that contains all the available items to a list that contains the selected items. </p> <p> The component is based on the t:selectManyListbox component, so it contains the same attributes. Soon, more specific attributes will be added. </p>

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
addAllButtonStyleCSS style to be applied to the add all buttonString
addAllButtonStyleClassCSS styleClass to be applied to the add all buttonString
addAllButtonTextDefine the text that goes inside the add all buttonString
addButtonStyleCSS style to be applied to the add buttonString
addButtonStyleClassCSS styleClass to be applied to the add buttonString
addButtonTextDefine the text that goes inside the add buttonString
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
removeAllButtonStyleCSS style to be applied to the remove all buttonString
removeAllButtonStyleClassCSS styleClass to be applied to the remove all buttonString
removeAllButtonTextDefine the text that goes inside the remove all buttonString
removeButtonStyleCSS style to be applied to the remove buttonString
removeButtonStyleClassCSS styleClass to be applied to the remove buttonString
removeButtonTextDefine the text that goes inside the remove buttonString
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizesee JSF Spec.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
valueTypeSpecifies the value type of the selectable items. This attribute is similar to the collectionType attribute introduced in JSF 2.0. It can be used to declare the type of the selectable items when using a Collection to store the values in the managed bean, because it is not possible in Java to get the value type of a type-safe Collection (in contrast to arrays where this is possible).String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


A localized list of countries choose box. The value binds to the country ISO 3166 code. This is the same code as for java.util.Locale.getCountry(). The official codes list is available here : Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
emptySelectionInteger equals to the maximum number of characters in the country name.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxLengthInteger equals to the maximum number of characters in the country name.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


A localized list of languages choose box. The value binds to the language ISO 639 code (lowercase). This is the same code as for java.util.Locale.getLanguage(). The official codes list is available here : Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
emptySelectionLabel and value to be used when displaying an empty selectionString
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
maxLengthInteger equals to the maximum number of characters in the language name.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard selectOneListbox with user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
sizesee JSF Spec.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Extends standard selectOneMenu with user role support. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Implements the standard html selectOneRadio tag, with additional features. Supports user roles. Supports the "spread" layout value, which gives developer control over radio button positioning. See the "layout" attribute and the "radio" tag for further information. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
borderWidth in pixels of the border to be drawn around the table containing the options list.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
datafldReserved for future use.String
dataformatasReserved for future use.String
datasrcReserved for future use.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
disabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
displayValueOnlyIf true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.String
displayValueOnlyStyleStyle used when displayValueOnly is true.String
displayValueOnlyStyleClassStyle class used when displayValueOnly is true.String
enabledClassThe CSS class assigned to the label element for enabled choices.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
escapeIndicates whether rendered markup should be escaped. Default: trueString
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
labelA display name for this component.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutOrientation of the options list. Valid values are "pageDirection" for a vertical layout, or "lineDirection" for horizontal. The default value is "lineDirection".String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Enhancement for a data-table to select one Row with a radio button. The row-index is stored in the vealu-binding

Can contain:JSP


alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
converterMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails. <p> </p>String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
groupNameThe Name of the radio-button-group to use. If EL expressions are used, note that every time this is evaluated should lead to the same value in the scope used, that means the UIData instance used, otherwise it could lead to unwanted side effects.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
immediateA boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire. <p> During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase. </p>String
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onchangeHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
onselectHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.String
readonlyHTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
requiredA boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required. <p> If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails. </p> <p> Default value: false. </p>String
requiredMessageText to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).String
validatorA method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component. <p> The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component. </p> <p> The method is expected to have the prototype </p> <code>public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)</code>String
validatorMessageText which will be shown if validation fails.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
valueChangeListenerA method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns. <p> The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute. </p>String


Renders the path to a common CSS-file

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
filteredCause EL expressions in the stylesheet to be evaluated. <p> When true, any EL expression in the stylesheet will be evaluated and replaced by its string representation on the first access. The stylesheet will be processed only once. Every subsequent request will get a cached view. </p>String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
inlineInline the stylesheet file content as in contrast to referencing it as a link. <p> The file referenced by the path attribute is loaded, and its content is written to the page wrapped in an &lt;script&gt; tag. </p> <p> When this option is enabled, the path property must contain an absolute path within the current webapp. External urls ("http://*") and paths relative to the current page are not supported. </p>String
mediaDefine the target media of the styles: <dl> <dt>screen</dt> <dd>Intended for non-paged computer screens.</dd> <dt>tty</dt> <dd>Intended for media using a fixed-pitch character grid, such as teletypes, terminals, or portable devices with limited display capabilities.</dd> <dt>tv</dt> <dd>Intended for television-type devices (low resolution, color, limited scrollability).</dd> <dt>projection</dt> <dd>Intended for projectors.</dd> <dt>handheld</dt> <dd>Intended for handheld devices (small screen, monochrome, bitmapped graphics, limited bandwidth).</dd> <dt>print</dt> <dd>Intended for paged, opaque material and for documents viewed on screen in print preview mode.</dd> <dt>braille</dt> <dd>Intended for braille tactile feedback devices.</dd> <dt>aural</dt> <dd>Intended for speech synthesizers.</dd> <dt>all</dt> <dd>Suitable for all devices.</dd> </dl> Could be a comma separated list. See also
path*URL for CSS-file. <p> If this path starts with a slash, then the webapp context path will be prepended to it. This makes it simple to reference stylesheets at an absolute path within the webapp. A value like "/styles/style.css" becomes "/webappname/styles/style.css". </p> <p> If this path does not start with a slash, then it is output unaltered. This supports absolute urls ("http://host/path/style.css"). It also supports having css files relative to the current page ("style.css" or "styles/style.css") but this needs to be used with care as the standard JSF postback/internal-forward navigation style can cause browsers to use an inappropriate base url when resolving relative references. </p>String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


A SubForm which will allow for partial validation and model update. <p> A subform to an existing form. Inputs in this form will only be validated and updated, if a t:commandButton or t:commandLink has been clicked with an actionFor attribute which references the client-id of this subform. Optionally, the validation will trigger if a commandButton or commandLink embedded in this subform has been clicked, except if this command is a t:commandButton or t:commandLink with an actionFor attribute which doesn't reference the client-id of this subform. </p> <p> Components will be validated and updated only if either a child-component of this form caused the submit of the form, or an extended commandLink or commandButton with the actionFor attribute set to the client-id of this component was used. </p> <p> You can have several comma-separated entries in the actionFor-attribute - with this it's possible to validate and update more than one subForm at once. </p>

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
preserveSubmittedValuestrue|false - set to false if you submit other subforms and would like to have your subform reflecting any model update. Default: trueString
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String


Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


activeImageUrlactiveImage will be rendered if: swapImage is a direct child of commandNavigation and the commandNavigation.isActiveString
alignHTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
altHTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
borderHTML: Specifies the width of the border of this element, in pixels. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
heightHTML: Overrides the natural height of this image, by specifying height in pixels.String
hspaceHTML: The amount of white space to be inserted to the left and right of this element, in undefined units. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
ismapHTML: Specifies server-side image map handling for this image.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
longdescHTML: A link to a long description of the image.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
swapImageUrl*the url of the image displayed onmouseoverString
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
urlAn alias for the "value" attribute.String
usemapHTML: Specifies an image map to use with this image.String
valueThe URL of the image. <p> If the URL starts with a '/', it is relative to the context path of the web application. </p>String
vspaceHTML: The amount of white space to be inserted above and below this element, in undefined units. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.String
widthHTML: Overrides the natural width of this image, by specifying width in pixels.String


Tag to add a tab change listeners to a {@link org.apache.myfaces.custom.tabbedpane.HtmlPanelTabbedPane}

Can contain:empty




Container class allows user to toggle between view/edit mode. Extends PanelGroup. Allows user to have several toggleLink in a group. When the togglePanel is toggled, the toggleGroup will be hidden.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutThe type of layout markup to use when rendering this group. If the value is "block" the renderer must produce an HTML "div" element. Otherwise HTML "span" element must be produced.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
toggledHTML: Flag to define the toggle status.String


Extends standard outputLink but links to a dynamically rendered resource (image, file, ...). Should be nested within an HtmlToggleGroup component. Controls nested within this component will be displayed in 'view' mode, controls outside this component (within the parent HtmlToggleGroup) will be displayed in 'edit' mode.

Can contain:JSP


accesskeyHTML: Sets the access key for this element.String
bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
charsetHTML: Specifies the character encoding of the linked resource.String
converterAn expression that specifies the Converter for this component. <p> The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface. </p>String
coordsHTML: The coordinates of regions within a client side image map.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
disabledHTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.String
enabledOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.String
for*The class which implements org.apache.myfaces.custom.dynamicResources.ResourceRenderer. The resource renderer is responsible for resource the image. The class must have a default constructor. Any request scoped attribute or managed bean is not available when this resource renderer is instantiated and used. The resource renderer must render the binary data for the resource by using the parameters passed by nested f:param elements and/or using session or application scoped beans.String
forceIdIf true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.String
forceIdIndexIf false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)String
hreflangHTML: The language of the linked resource.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
onClickFocusIdId of the component that will be focused when toggleLink is clickedString
onblurHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onfocusHTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
relHTML: The relationship between the current document and the linked resource.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
revHTML: The type(s) describing the reverse link for the linked resource.String
shapeHTML: The shape of a region in a client side image map.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
tabindexHTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.String
targetHTML: Names the frame that should display content generated by invoking this action.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
typeHTML: A hint to the user agent about the content type of the linked resource.String
valueGets The initial value of this component.String
visibleOnUserRoleIf user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.String


Container class allows user to toggle between view/edit mode. Extends PanelGroup. Allows user to toggle between 'view' mode and 'edit' mode. In the togglePanel, include a toggleLink. When the toggleLink is clicked, the rest of the group is shown, and the link is hidden.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
dirHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
langHTML: The base language of this document.String
layoutThe type of layout markup to use when rendering this group. If the value is "block" the renderer must produce an HTML "div" element. Otherwise HTML "span" element must be produced.String
onclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.String
ondblclickHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.String
onkeydownHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.String
onkeypressHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.String
onkeyupHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.String
onmousedownHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.String
onmousemoveHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.String
onmouseoutHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.String
onmouseoverHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.String
onmouseupHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleHTML: CSS styling instructions.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String
titleHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.String
toggledYou can set toggled to true to force the toggleGroup to always be in toggle mode. Default is false.String


A tree data component. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. <p> Tree implementation based on javax.swing.JTree. </p> <p> The tree model is assigned by using a value binding named <code>model</code> and is not stored in view state. </p> <p> A hierarchy of {@link HtmlTreeNode}objects is used to represent the current expanded state of the tree. The root node is held as a faces named * <code>rootNode</code>. </p>

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
expireListenersTime interval the tree will remain registered as a TreeModelListener without being accessedString
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
layoutThe type of layout markup to use when rendering this group. If the value is "block" the renderer must produce an HTML "div" element. Otherwise HTML "span" element must be produced.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleClassThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.String


Represents "tree data" in an HTML format. Also provides a mechanism for maintaining expand/collapse state of the nodes in the tree. A component that provides an HTML-based tree from data supplied by a backing bean. The tree is highly customizable and allows for fine-grained control over the appearance of each of the nodes depending on their type. Almost any type of JSF component (text, image, checkbox, etc.) can be rendered inside the nodes and there is an option for client-side or server-side toggling of the expand/collapse state. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
clientSideTogglePerform client-side toggling of expand/collapse state via javascript (default is true.)String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
imageLocationAn alternate location to find image resources. If no values is specified, images will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
javascriptLocationAn alternate location to find javascript resources. If no values is specified, javascript will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
preserveTogglePreserve changes in client-side toggle information between requests (default is true.)String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
showLinesShow the connecting lines (default is true.)String
showNavShow the "plus" and "minus" navigation icons (default is true.) Value is ignored if clientSideToggle is true.String
showRootNodeInclude the root node when rendering the tree (default is true.)String
styleLocationAn alternate location to find stylesheet resources. If no values is specified, stylesheets will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.String
value*Gets the value of the TreeData.String
varReturn the request-scope attribute under which the data object for the current node will be exposed when iterating. This property is not enabled for value binding expressions.String


Renders a HTML input of type "treeCheckbox". The associated comes from the treeCheckbox itemLabel and itemValue. The selected items come from an extended selectManyCheckbox component with layout "spread". The selectManyCheckbox is referenced by the "for" attribute. All HTML pass-through attributes for this input are taken from the associated selectManyCheckbox. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:empty


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
escapeThe escape setting for the label of this selection item.String
forid of the referenced extended selectManyCheckbox componentString
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
itemDescriptionFor use in development tools.String
itemDisabledDetermine whether this item can be chosen by the user. When true, this item cannot be chosen by the user. If this method is ever called, then any EL-binding for the disabled property will be ignored.String
itemLabelThe string which will be presented to the user for this option.String
itemValueThe value for this Item.String
noSelectionOptionIndicate this component represent no selection option. Default value is false.String
valueThe initial value of this component.String


Renders a HTML input of type "treeColumn". <p> This tag outlines the column where the tree structure will be render as part of the tree table. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. </p> <p> Tree column model. This column is used to provide the place holder for the tree. This is used in conjunction with the table format display. </p>

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String


Tag to add a tree selection listeners to a {@link HtmlTree}

Can contain:empty




Registers an org.apache.myfaces.custom.updateactionlistener.UpdateActionListener at the parent component (which must be an ActionSource). When the parent's action fires the specified value is evaluated, then written into the specified property. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions. JSF 1.2 introduces a "setPropertyActionListener" with the same functionality like this.

Can contain:JSP


converterThe name of a registered Converter object which will be invoked to convert the value into an appropriate datatype for assigning to the specified property. If not specified then an appropriate converter will be selected automatically.String
property*A value-binding that specifies a property to be updated when the parent's action occurs.String
value*A literal value or value-binding that specifies what will be assigned to the destination specified by the property attribute.String


A custom validator for creditCards, based upon Jakarta Commons. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions

Can contain:empty


amexamerican express cardsString
discovervalidation for discoverString
mastercardvalidation for mastercardString
nonenone of the given cardtypes is allowed.String
visavalidation for visaString


A custom validator for email address format, based upons Jakarta Commons. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:empty




A custom validator for validations against foreign component values. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:empty


forthe id of the foreign component, which is needed for the validation In JSF 2.0 facelets mode is used to identify the components this validator should be applied to when using composite components. Please use forId in that case instead.String
forIdthe id of the foreign component, which is needed for the validationString


A custom validator for reg. expr., based upons Jakarta Commons. Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Can contain:empty


patternthe pattern, which is the base of the validationString


Transforms XML using and XSL stylesheet. Used to transform XML (from either a String or URL) using either XSLT or Velocity.

Can contain:JSP


bindingIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.String
contentString containing the XML content to be transformed.String
contentLocationString containing the location of the XML content to be transformed.String
contentStreamValue binding expression referencing an InputStream from which the XML content is to be read.String
idGet a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.String
renderedA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.String
styleStreamValue binding expression referencing an InputStream from which the XSL stylesheet is to be read.String
stylesheetString containing the XSL information to use in the transformation.String
stylesheetLocationString containing the location of the XSL stylesheet to use in the transformation.String