Tomahawk tag library.
Tag column

A tag that extend h:column to provide HTML passthrough attributes. Tag t:column can be used instead of h:column in a t:datatable. It provides HTML passthrough attributes for header (th), footer (td) and row cells (td). Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Tag Information
Tag Classorg.apache.myfaces.custom.column.HtmlColumnTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

groupByfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute tells the datatable to group by data in this column
groupByValuefalsefalsejava.lang.StringOptional - Allows you configure where to get the value to check for the group change condition. Default: all children of the column cell will be checked
defaultSortedfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute tells the datatable to make this column the default sorted, when sortable=true
sortablefalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute makes this column automaticaly sortable by a row object's property
sortPropertyNamefalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute tells row object's property by which sorting will be performed on this column
footerdirfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footerlangfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronclickfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footerondblclickfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronkeydownfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronkeypressfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronkeyupfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronmousedownfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronmousemovefalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronmouseoutfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronmouseoverfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footeronmouseupfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footerstylefalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footerstyleClassfalsefalsejava.lang.StringCorresponds to the HTML class attribute.
footertitlefalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headerdirfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headerlangfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronclickfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headerondblclickfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronkeydownfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronkeypressfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronkeyupfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronmousedownfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronmousemovefalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronmouseoutfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronmouseoverfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headeronmouseupfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headerstylefalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
headerstyleClassfalsefalsejava.lang.StringCorresponds to the HTML class attribute.
headertitlefalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
dirfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).
langfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: The base language of this document.
onclickfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.
ondblclickfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.
onkeydownfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.
onkeypressfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.
onkeyupfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.
onmousedownfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.
onmousemovefalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.
onmouseoutfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.
onmouseoverfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.
onmouseupfalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.
stylefalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: CSS styling instructions.
styleClassfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.
titlefalsefalsejava.lang.StringHTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.
widthfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute can be used to set the width of the elements.
colspanfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThis attribute specifies the colspan attribute for the cell
headercolspanfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
footercolspanfalsefalsejava.lang.StringNo Description
columnIdfalsefalsejava.lang.StringThe columnId which will be used as id for the column header. Notice: As the rowId on t:datatable this will not add any namespace to the id. The id will be rendered exactly as you provide it.
idfalsefalsejava.lang.StringAn identifier for this particular component instance within a component view.

The id must be unique within the scope of the tag's enclosing NamingContainer (eg h:form or f:subview). The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view

This value must be a static value, ie not change over the lifetime of a component. It cannot be defined via an EL expression; only a string is permitted.

renderedfalsefalsejava.lang.StringA boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.
bindingfalsefalsejava.lang.StringIdentifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.

No Variables Defined.

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