
Tag convertDateTime

Converter Information 
Converter IDorg.apache.myfaces.tobago.DateTime
Handler Classorg.apache.myfaces.tobago.facelets.ConvertDateTimeHandler
(must evaluate to org.apache.myfaces.tobago.convert.DateTimeConverter)
A ValueExpression that evaluates to an instance of {@link org.apache.myfaces.tobago.facelets.ConvertDateTimeHandler}.
forfalsejava.lang.StringId of the component, this is related to.
Type: java.lang.String
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object)
Locale whose predefined styles for dates and times are used during formatting or parsing. If not specified, the Locale returned by FacesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale() will be used. Value must be either a VB expression that evaluates to a java.util.Locale instance, or a String that is valid to pass as the first argument to the constructor java.util.Locale(String language, String country). The empty string is passed as the second argument.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Custom formatting pattern which determines how the date/time string should be formatted and parsed. Pattern chars 'G', 'W', 'F', 'K', 'z' and 'X' are not supported.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object)
Time zone in which to interpret any time information in the date String. Value must be either a VB expression that evaluates to a java.util.TimeZone instance, or a String that is a timezone ID as described in the javadocs for java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone().
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Specifies what contents the string value will be formatted to include, or parsed expecting. Valid values are "date", "time", "both", "calendar", "localDate", "localDateTime", "localTime", "offsetTime", "offsetDateTime", and "zonedDateTime". The values starting with "local", "offset" and "zoned" correspond to Java SE 8 Date Time API classes in package java.time with the name derived by upper casing the first letter. For example, java.time.LocalDate for the value "localDate". Default value is "date".

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