Interface HasValueChangeListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
DateTagDeclaration, FileTagDeclaration, InputTagDeclaration, InTagDeclaration, SelectBooleanCheckboxTagDeclaration, SelectManyCheckboxTagDeclaration, SelectManyListboxTagDeclaration, SelectManyShuttleTagDeclaration, SelectOneChoiceTagDeclaration, SelectOneListboxTagDeclaration, SelectOneRadioTagDeclaration, SelectOneTagDeclaration, TextareaTagDeclaration, TimeTagDeclaration

public interface HasValueChangeListener

Method Summary
 void setValueChangeListener(String valueChangeListener)
          MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be notified when a new value has been set for this input component.

Method Detail


void setValueChangeListener(String valueChangeListener)
MethodBinding representing a value change listener method that will be notified when a new value has been set for this input component. The expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a ValueChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.

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