Package org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component

Interface Summary
Position This interface indicates that the component has a position like e. g.
UIData Deprecated. since 1.5.0.
UIInput Deprecated. since 1.5.0.
UILinkCommand Deprecated. since 1.5.0.
UIOutput Deprecated. since 1.5.0.

Class Summary
Attributes Name constants of the attributes of the Tobago components.
ComponentTypes Constants for the renderer type
RendererTypes Constants for the renderer type
Tags Name constants of the tags library.
UIBox Renders a panel with border and title.
UIButton Renders a button element.
UICalendar Renders a calendar.
UICell Deprecated.  
UIColumn Renders a UIComponent that represents a single column of data within a parent UISheet component.
UIColumnEvent This component creates an event in a UISheet for each row.
UIColumnSelector Renders a column with checkboxes to mark selected rows.
UICommand Use this tag only as a facet for click, change in selectOneRadio, selectBooleanCheckbox, selectManyCheckbox and selectOneChoice UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class CommandTagDeclaration.
UIDate Renders a date input field.
UIDatePicker Renders a date picker.
UIExtensionPanel UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class ExtensionPanelDeclaration.
UIFileInput Renders a file input field.
UIFlowLayout XXX Warning: Still in progress!
UIForm UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class FormTagDeclaration.
UIGridLayout Renders a GridLayout.
UIHidden Renders a hidden input element.
UIImage Renders an image.
UIIn Renders a text input field.
UILabel Renders a label component.
UILink Renders a link element.
UIMediator Component to put other components from other frameworks into.
UIMenu Container component to hold submenus and items.
UIMenuBar Renders a menu bar.
UIMenuCommand Renders a menu item.
UIMenuItem Deprecated.  
UIMenuSeparator Renders a separator inside of a menu.
UIMessages Renders error/validation messages.
UINamingContainer UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class NamingContainerDeclaration.
UIObject UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class ObjectTagDeclaration.
UIOut Renders a text UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class OutTagDeclaration.
UIPage Renders a page element.
UIPanel Intended for use in situations when only one UIComponent child can be nested, such as in the case of facets.
UIPopup Renders a popup panel.
UIProgress Renders a progress bar.
UIReload Update the parent component UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class ReloadTagDeclaration.
UIScript This tag adds script files to include to the rendered page.
UISelectBooleanCheckbox Renders a checkbox.
UISelectBooleanCommand UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class SelectBooleanCommandTagDeclaration.
UISelectItem Add a child UISelectItem component to the UIComponent associated with the closed parent UIComponent custom action.
UISelectItems Add a child UISelectItems component to the UIComponent associated with the closed parent UIComponent custom action.
UISelectManyCheckbox Render a group of checkboxes.
UISelectManyListbox Render a multi selection option listbox.
UISelectManyShuttle UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class SelectManyShuttleTagDeclaration.
UISelectOneChoice Render a single selection dropdown list.
UISelectOneCommand UIComponent class, generated from template component1.2.stg with class SelectOneCommandTagDeclaration.
UISelectOneListbox Render a single selection option listbox.
UISelectOneRadio Render a set of radio buttons.
UISelectReference Renders a set of option related to and same type as the for component.
UISeparator Renders a separator.
UISheet Render a sheet element.
UISheetLayout Creates a SheetLayout, which is a internal layout manager of a sheet.
UIStyle Add a style tag.
UITab Renders a tab within a tabgroup.
UITabGroup Renders a tab group which contains tab panels.
UITabGroupLayout Creates a TabGroupLayout, which is a internal layout manager of a tabGroup.
UITextarea Renders a multi line text input control.
UITime Renders a time input field.

Renders a toolbar.

UIToolBarCheck Renders a selectable command button within a toolbar.
UIToolBarCommand Renders a command button within a toolbar.
UIToolBarSelectOne Renders a set of radio command button's within a toolbar.
UIToolBarSeparator Renders a separator inside of a tool bar.
UITree A tree with classical look.
UITreeCommand Renders a command inside of a tree.
UITreeData Describes a sub tree of nodes.
UITreeIcon Renders an image beside a tree node.
UITreeIndent Renders an indent beside a tree node.
UITreeLabel Renders a label inside of a tree.
UITreeListbox A tree data structure displayed as a set of list boxes.
UITreeMenu A tree which will be displayed like a flat menu.
UITreeNode Creates a tree node.
UITreeSelect Makes a tree node selectable.
UIWizard Renders a flexible wizard.

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