Interface SheetTagDeclaration

All Superinterfaces:
HasBinding, HasId, HasIdBindingAndRendered, IsRendered, JspTag, Tag, TobagoTagDeclaration
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SheetTagDeclaration
extends TobagoTagDeclaration, HasIdBindingAndRendered

Render a sheet element.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
Method Summary
 void setColumns(String columns)
          LayoutConstraints for column layout.
 void setDirectLinkCount(String directLinkCount)
          The count of rendered direct paging links in the sheet's footer.
 void setFirst(String pagingStart)
          Zero-relative row number of the first row to be displayed.
 void setForceVerticalScrollbar(String forceVerticalScrollbar)
          Flag indicating whether or not this sheet should reserve space for vertical toolbar when calculating column width's.
 void setPagingLength(String pagingLength)
 void setPagingStart(String pagingStart)
 void setRows(String pagingLength)
          The number of rows to display, starting with the one identified by the "pagingStart/first" property.
 void setSelectable(String selectable)
          Flag indicating whether or not the sheet should be selectable.
 void setShowDirectLinks(String showDirectLinks)
          Flag indicating whether or not a range of direct paging links should be rendered in the sheet's footer.
 void setShowHeader(String showHeader)
          Flag indicating the header should be rendered.
 void setShowPageRange(String showPageRange)
          Flag indicating whether and where the range pages should rendered in the sheet's footer.
 void setShowRowRange(String showRowRange)
          Flag indicating whether or not the range of displayed rows should rendered in the sheet's footer.
 void setSortActionListener(String sortActionListener)
          Method binding representing an actionListener method that will be invoked when sorting was requested by the user.
 void setState(String state)
          Sheet state saving object.
 void setStateChangeListener(String stateChangeListener)
          Method binding representing a stateChangeListener method that will be notified when the state was changed by the user.
 void setValue(String value)
          The sheet's data.
 void setVar(String var)
          Name of a request-scope attribute under which the model data for the row selected by the current value of the "rowIndex" property (i.e. also the current value of the "rowData" property) will be exposed.
Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
doEndTag, doStartTag, getParent, release, setPageContext, setParent
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.myfaces.tobago.taglib.decl.HasId
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.myfaces.tobago.taglib.decl.HasBinding
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.myfaces.tobago.taglib.decl.IsRendered

Method Detail


void setColumns(String columns)
LayoutConstraints for column layout. Semicolon separated list of layout tokens ('<x>*', '<x>px' or '<x>%').


void setShowHeader(String showHeader)
Flag indicating the header should be rendered.


void setPagingLength(String pagingLength)

Please use "rows" instead. The number of rows to display, starting with the one identified by the "pagingStart" property.


void setRows(String pagingLength)
The number of rows to display, starting with the one identified by the "pagingStart/first" property.


void setPagingStart(String pagingStart)

Please use "first" instead. Zero-relative row number of the first row to be displayed.


void setFirst(String pagingStart)
Zero-relative row number of the first row to be displayed.


void setValue(String value)
The sheet's data.


void setVar(String var)
Name of a request-scope attribute under which the model data for the row selected by the current value of the "rowIndex" property (i.e. also the current value of the "rowData" property) will be exposed.


void setDirectLinkCount(String directLinkCount)
The count of rendered direct paging links in the sheet's footer.


void setForceVerticalScrollbar(String forceVerticalScrollbar)
Flag indicating whether or not this sheet should reserve space for vertical toolbar when calculating column width's.
Possible values are:
      'auto'  : sheet try to estimate the need of scrollbar
      'true'  : space for scroolbar is reserved.
      'false' : no space is reserved.


void setShowDirectLinks(String showDirectLinks)
Flag indicating whether or not a range of direct paging links should be rendered in the sheet's footer.
Valid values are left, center, right and none.


void setShowPageRange(String showPageRange)
Flag indicating whether and where the range pages should rendered in the sheet's footer. Rendering this range also offers the capability to enter the index displayed page directly.
Valid values are left, center, right and none.


void setShowRowRange(String showRowRange)
Flag indicating whether or not the range of displayed rows should rendered in the sheet's footer. Rendering this range also offers the capability to enter the index of the start row directly.
Valid values are left, center, right and none.


void setSelectable(String selectable)
Flag indicating whether or not the sheet should be selectable.


void setState(String state)
Sheet state saving object.


void setStateChangeListener(String stateChangeListener)
Method binding representing a stateChangeListener method that will be notified when the state was changed by the user. The expression must evaluate to a public method that takes a SheetStateChangeEvent parameter, with a return type of void.


void setSortActionListener(String sortActionListener)
Method binding representing an actionListener method that will be invoked when sorting was requested by the user. Use this if your application needs special handling for sorting columns. If this is not set and the sortable attribute column is set to true the sheet implementation will use a default sort method. The expression must evaluate to a public method which takes an ActionEvent as parameter and with a return type of void. The method will receive a SortActionEvent. The method should sort according to the sortColumnId and direction getting from the sheet's SheetState object.

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