Tobago Components

Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="tc" uri="" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:tc="" />

Tobago Framework Component Tag Library - (C) Copyright 2005-2008 The Apache Software Foundation

Tag Library Information
Display NameTobago Components
Short Nametc

Tag Summary
validateFileItemRegister an FileItemValidator instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
tabChangeListenerRegister an TabChangedListener instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.

**** @deprecated. Will be removed in a future version ****

validateSubmittedValueLengthRegister an SubmittedValueLengthValidator instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.

**** @deprecated. Will be removed in a future version ****

Replacement for the JSTL <c:foreach> tag.
This tags iterates over the body content without setting up an exported scope variable, but replaces all occurrence's of var in TobagoTag's ValueBinding attributes.
All non TobagoTags are treated as they are, no replacement is done, and so no ability to use the var in el.
loadBundleLoad a resource bundle localized for the Locale of the current view from the tobago resource path, and expose it (as a Map) in the request attributes of the current request.
styleAdd a style tag. Collected bodyContent is rendered as content into a style tag.
popupReferenceRegister an PopupActionListener instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent.
scriptThis tag add client side script to the rendered page.
converterRegister an Converter instance on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent.
attributeAdd an attribute on the UIComponent associated with the closest parent UIComponent custom action.
selectReferenceRenders a set of option related to and same type as the for component.

UIComponentClass: javax.faces.component.UIOutput

RendererType: SelectReference

popupRenders a popup panel.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIPopup

RendererType: Popup

selectItemAdd a child UISelectItem component to the UIComponent associated with the closed parent UIComponent custom action.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectItem



**** @deprecated. Will be removed in a future version ****

Renders a submenu with select one items.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectOneCommand

RendererType: MenuCommand

selectOneChoiceRender a single selection dropdown list.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectOne

RendererType: SelectOneChoice

Supported facets:

This facet can contain a UICommand that is invoked in case of a click event from the component
This facet can contain a UICommand that is invoked in case of a change event from the component
menuContainer component to hold submenus and items.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIMenu


imageRenders a Image.

UIComponentClass: javax.faces.component.UIGraphic

RendererType: Image


UIComponentClass: javax.faces.component.UIOutput

RendererType: Object


**** Preliminary. Maybe subject to changed in a future version: Implement a var attribute for the tree like in the sheet ( ****

Renders a listbox view of a tree.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UITreeListbox

RendererType: TreeListbox

menuItemRenders a menu item.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIMenuCommand

RendererType: MenuCommand

menuSeparatorRenders a separator.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIMenuSeparator


gridLayoutRenders a GridLayout.

Parent Child Okay? Remarks
FIXED any combination of FIXED or PIXEL but no PROPORTIONAL okay -
FIXED any combination with at least one PROPORTIONAL wrong LayoutManager cannot compute the fixed value.
PIXEL any combination of FIXED or PIXEL but no PROPORTIONAL potentially wrong The values depend on each other, the programmer has to keep consistency manually.
PIXEL any combination with at least one PROPORTIONAL okay -
PROPORTIONAL any combination of FIXED or PIXEL but no PROPORTIONAL potentially wrong No automatical matching:
  • too little space: scrollbar
  • too much space: elements will be spreaded.
PROPORTIONAL any combination with at least one PROPORTIONAL okay -

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIGridLayout

RendererType: GridLayout

boxRenders a panel with border and title.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIBox

RendererType: Box

Supported facets:

Contains an instance of UIToolBar
Contains an instance of UILayout
selectItemsAdd a child UISelectItems component to the UIComponent associated with the closed parent UIComponent custom action.

UIComponentClass: javax.faces.component.UISelectItems


separatorRenders a separator.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISeparator

RendererType: Separator

Supported facets:

This facet contains a UILabel
reloadUpdate the parent component

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIReload


columnRenders a UIComponent that represents a single column of data within a parent UIData component.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIColumn


menuRadioRenders a submenu with select one items (like a radio button).

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectOneCommand

RendererType: MenuCommand

selectOneRadioRender a set of radiobuttons.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectOne

RendererType: SelectOneRadio

Supported facets:

This facet can contain a UICommand that is invoked in case of a click event from the component
This facet can contain a UICommand that is invoked in case of a change event from the component
selectManyCheckboxRender a group of checkboxes.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectMany

RendererType: SelectManyCheckbox

inRenders a text input field.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIInput

RendererType: In

panelIntended for use in situations when only one UIComponent child can be nested, such as in the case of facets.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIPanel

RendererType: Panel

Supported facets:

Contains an instance of UIReload
Contains an instance of UILayout
selectOneListboxRender a single selection option listbox.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectOne

RendererType: SelectOneListbox

Supported facets:

This facet can contain a UICommand that is invoked in case of a click event from the component
This facet can contain a UICommand that is invoked in case of a change event from the component
calendarRenders a calendar.

UIComponentClass: javax.faces.component.UIOutput

RendererType: Calendar

dateRenders a date input field.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIDateInput

RendererType: Date

messagesRenders error/validation messages.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIMessages

RendererType: Messages

buttonRenders a button element.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIButtonCommand

RendererType: Button

Supported facets:

Contains a UIOutput instance with the confirmation message.
Contains a UIPopup instance.
menuCheckboxRenders a checkable menuitem.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectBooleanCommand

RendererType: MenuCommand


**** @deprecated. Will be removed in a future version ****

Renders a tree view.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UITreeOld

RendererType: TreeOld

outRenders a text

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIOutput

RendererType: Out

selectManyListboxRender a multi selection option listbox.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectMany

RendererType: SelectManyListbox

fileRenders a file input field. You need to define an org.apache.myfaces.tobago.webapp.TobagoMultipartFormdataFilter in your web.xml or add the tobago-fileupload.jar to your project. The tobago-fileupload.jar contains a FacesContextFactory that wraps the multipart-formdata request inside the facesContext.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIFileInput

RendererType: File

textareaRenders a multiline text input control.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIInput

RendererType: TextArea

menuBarRenders a menu bar.
Add menu bar as facet name="menuBar" to page tag or use it anywhere on page.

UIComponentClass: javax.faces.component.UIPanel

RendererType: MenuBar

toolBarSelectOneRenders a set of radio command button's within a toolbar.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectOneCommand

RendererType: MenuCommand

datePickerRenders a date picker. The component needs a DateFormat Pattern from a converter. The converter should be an instance of DateTimeConverter and return a valid pattern from the method getPattern()

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIDatePicker

RendererType: DatePicker

sheetRender a sheet element.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIData

RendererType: Sheet

Supported facets:

Contains an instance of UIReload
tabRenders a tab within a tabgroup.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UITab

RendererType: Tab

tabGroupRenders a tabpanel.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UITabGroup

RendererType: TabGroup

progressRenders a progressbar.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIProgress

RendererType: Progress

Supported facets:

Contains an instance of UICommand (tc:command). The action is invoked if the full progress has reached
toolBarCommandRenders a command button within a toolbar.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UICommand

RendererType: Button

hiddenRenders a 'hidden' input element.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIHiddenInput

RendererType: Hidden

linkRenders a link element.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UILinkCommand

RendererType: Link

Supported facets:

Contains a UIOutput instance with the confirmation message.
commandUse this tag only as a facet for click, change in selectOneRadio, selectBooleanCheckbox, selectManyCheckbox and selectOneChoice

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UICommand

RendererType: Command


Renders a toolbar.

Allowed subcomponents are subtypes of UICommand i.e. 'button' and 'link' tags. These are rendered by ToolbarRenderer, so the result has no difference.

To add an dropdown menu to a button add a facet 'menupopup' containing a <tc:menu> tag to the button. Label's and Image's on those menu tag's are ignored and replaced by the renderer.

 <tc:button onclick="alert('test 0')" label="Alert 0" > <f:facet name="menupopup"> <tc:menu> <tc:menuItem onclick="alert('test 1')" label="Alert 1"/> <tc:menuItem onclick="alert('test 2')" label="Alert 2"/> <tc:menuItem onclick="alert('test 3')" label="Alert 3"/> </tc:menu> </f:facet> </tc:button> 

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIToolBar

RendererType: ToolBar


UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIForm

RendererType: Form

toolBarCheckRenders a selectable command button within a toolbar.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectBooleanCommand

RendererType: MenuCommand


**** @deprecated. Will be removed in a future version ****

Renders a checkable menuitem.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectBooleanCommand

RendererType: MenuCommand


**** @deprecated. Will be removed in a future version ****

Renders error/validation message.

UIComponentClass: javax.faces.component.UIMessage

RendererType: Message

pageTODO description of page tag

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIPage

RendererType: Page

Supported facets:

Contains an instance of UICommand (tc:command) for an auto-action
Contains an instance of UILayout
selectBooleanCheckboxRenders a checkbox.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UISelectBoolean

RendererType: SelectBooleanCheckbox

Supported facets:

This facet can contain a UICommand that is invoked in case of a click event from the component
This facet can contain a UICommand that is invoked in case of a change event from the component
columnSelectorRenders a column with checkboxes to mark selected rows.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIColumnSelector

RendererType: ColumnSelector

labelRenders a label component.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UILabel

RendererType: Label

cellRenders a layout cell. A panel with ability to span over more than one layout cells.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UICell

RendererType: Panel


UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UIColumnEvent


timeRenders a time input field.

UIComponentClass: org.apache.myfaces.tobago.component.UITimeInput

RendererType: Time



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