JSF UI Facelets Tag Library.

Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="ui" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" />

JSF UI Facelets Tag Library.

Tag Library Information
Display NameJSF UI Facelets Tag Library.
Short Nameui

Tag Summary
removeThe remove tag does not have any attributes and is used to remove chunks of XML content from a Facelet at compilation time. The remove tag is often used in conjunction with the jsfc feature.
repeatNo Description
debugThe debug tag will capture the component tree and variables when it is encoded, storing the data for retrieval later. You may launch the debug window at any time from your browser by pressing 'CTRL' + 'SHIFT' + 'D' (by default). The debug tag doesn't need to be used with the facelet.DEVELOPMENT parameter. The best place to put this tag is in your site's main template where it can be enabled/disabled across your whole application. If your application uses multiple windows, you might want to assign different hot keys to each one.
componentThe component tag and the composition tag behave exactly the same, except the component tag will insert a new UIComponent instance into the tree as the root of all the child components/fragments it has.

The component class used for this tag is org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.ui.ComponentRef and the real java class that contains this description is not used on runtime.

fragmentJust like composition has decorate as a non-trimming version of the same behavior, component has fragment. This allows you to logically insert a UIComponent into the tree and possibly bind this fragment to a JavaBean property or Map for management. The fragment tag was also added to Facelets to get around some of the optimizations used in handling text within your document. If you are using components such as <f:panelGrid/>, which renders its children, you may want more control over the building process that Facelets does and using a fragment tag will help guarantee parent/child relationships for you.

The component class used for this tag is org.apache.myfaces.view.facelets.tag.ui.ComponentRef and the real java class that contains this description is not used on runtime.

compositionTODO: REFACTOR - This class could easily use a common parent with DecoratorHandler
decorateThe decorate tag acts the same as a composition tag, but it will not trim everything outside of it. This is useful in cases where you have a list of items in a document, which you would like to be decorated or framed. The sum of it all is that you can take any element in the document and decorate it with some external logic as provided by the template. TODO: REFACTOR - This class could easily use a common parent with CompositionHandler
defineThe define tag can be used within tags that allow templating. This includes composition and decorate tags.
includeThe include tag can point at any Facelet which might use the composition tag, component tag, or simply be straight XHTML/XML. It should be noted that the src path does allow relative path names, but they will always be resolved against the original Facelet requested. The include tag can be used in conjunction with multiple <ui:param/> tags to pass EL expressions/values to the target page.
insertThe insert tag is used within your templates to declare spots of replicable data.
paramNo Description

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